No squid or tyler

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(Truth-who is in charge?

Dare-prank the person in charge)

Bodil666-I'm in charge so I'm going to go take a nap

Insane seto-I wouldn't do that if I were you


Dark shadow-*hits insane seto*

Insane seto-just cause

Bodil666-okay *goes to squids new room* woah it's so big *lays on queen size bed* it's soft and her room is bigger than ours

Slender-hey squid I have so *sees bodil* hey! your not squid

Bodil666- no I'm her step brother and what do u want

Slender-arnt u suppose to keep this mansion in shape


Slender- everyone is crazy

Bodil666- crap! *runs down stairs* stop!! now!!

Woofless- screw you!!

Bodil666-why would she put me in charge if no one listens to me that's it she got the one that no one listens to the most me

Bloody baki- let's party!

(Few ours later)

Everyone except bodil- *passes out*

Bodil666- squid is going to kill me

(Next day)

Bodil666-okay stay calm everyone

Everyone but bodil- *starts to yell and party*

Bloody squid and munching liver- *comes in*

Bloody squid- *sighs* SHUT UP!!

Everyone- *gets quiet*

Woofless- h-hey s-squid

Bloody squid-I leave for one day and its a mess *smirks* that proves bodil can't handle u guys *goes to room* BODIL!!

Bodil666-oh shit

Bloody squid- LANGUAGE! *flys to bodil*who was on our bed

Bodil666-what? wait "our"?

Bloody squid-yea mine and Tyler's

Insane seto-dammit!!

Bloody squid-what?

Insane seto-my time machine doesn't work the only thing that does is this machine that matches that says who you would be a perfect couple with

Bloody baki- let's see *gets match* it's me and squid

Bloody squid- let me see *gets match* bloody hell!! Tyler try this

Munching liver- okay *gets match* it's me and you squid

Dark shadow- let's see mine *gets match* I'm with the perfect person

Woofless- *gets match* it's me and who's this

Bloody squid- let me see *sees paper* weird you would be good with my sister murderrat

Lava creeper-*gets match* I got bloody rere

Enderlox-okay! let's get done with this part so that's it so by

Bloody squid-HEY look enderlox is good with suiciden!!

Enderlox- *blushes* w-well b-bye

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