My Tweek

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Hey! New chaptah!

Disclaimer- I do not have anything connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.


Tweet Tweak trudged through the hallways of South Park High, tiny hands clasped around his coffee. Blonde hair her again pulled back in a black headband, showing off his hazel eyes.

Side stepping Cartman and his people, Tweek walked down to the main entrance of the school, and out the doors.

"Hey Tweek!" Clyde called from afar, Tweek screeched in fear, making him spill his coffee all over himself. WHY WOULD SOMEBODY SCREAM AT SOMEBODY LIKE THAT?!

"Jesus Tweek are you okay?!" Clyde asked running up and picking up his cup "I didn't mean to scare you little man."

"I-I'm o-okay!" Tweek cried, the coffee hot on his skin. WHAT IF IT BURNED THROUGH HIS SKIN AND LEFT A MARK AND CRAIG DIDNT LOVE HIM ANYMORE!?!?

"Let's get you inside and clean you up." Clyde chucked, and grabbed Tweek's things, taking him inside to the males bathroom.

Tweek followed like an obedient puppy, following the muscular brunette.

"Here little man" Clyde grumped, and lifted Tweek off the counter "Take your shirt off."

"B-But that would m-make me a whore! ONLY CRAIG CAN SEE MY TUMMY!" Tweek cried, covering up his chest with his hands.

"Craig will be fine." Clyde grabbed Tweek by the hips, and pulled him close enough so that he could easily peel off the green shirt.

Peeling the soiled shirt off the tiny boy, Clyde took a second to admire Tweek. He was beyond skinny, but in a cute way. His beautiful hazel eyes were exposed, the blonde's hair pulled back in a head band.

"C-Clyde?! GAH!" Squeaking, Tweek whimpered as he was pushed into the bathroom stall.

"Listen here Tweek." Clyde grunted, lifting Tweek up so he was against the door "I can give you so much more love and attention then Craig ever can, I'm more sensible and senstive." Clyde leaned forward and kissed his upper lip.

"GAH NO! I-I LOVE CRAIG, NOT YOU!" Tweek cried attempting to thrash, but failing, only successfully grinding into the football played.

"But you could love me." Clyde stated, kissing Tweek forcefully.

NO NO NO, NOT GOOD! Tweek whimpered and tried to pull away, only succeeding in somehow letting Clyde's tongue slip into his warm mouth.

Mewling, Tweek tried to pull away again, but fell into the kiss. Wrapping his skinny arms around Clyde's neck.

Clyde smirked into the kiss, pulling off slightly.

"Giving in?"

"NEVER!" Crying out Twek head butted Clyde so he fell back into the toilet, and Tweek bolted.

Hauling ass out of the school, Tweek yelped. I HAVE NO SHIRT ON! Squealing, he bolted home, tears streaming down his face.

Reaching his house, Tweek opened the door and slammed it closed. As usual, home alone. Why did Craig have to skip school?!

Running upstairs, Tweek opened his bedroom door and bolted in. Slamming it closed , the blonde fell against the door and began crying. WHY DID CLYDE DO THAT?!

The tears really started coming, Tweek stood, shaking from the tears.

"Ayo' Tweek you home?!" An ever so familiar voice boomed from downstairs. Tweek's body went rigid. WHAT IF CRAIG LEAVES HIM CAUSE OF THIS?!

"Tweeks?" Craig's voice said again, it getting closer "I know your home so come on out man."

Tweek cringed and covered his eyes with his wrists. This is it, his beloved boyfriend will leave him. . .

"Why are you crying?" Looking up Tweek saw the Raven standing in his doorway.

"C-C-C-Craig! I'm so sorry! CLYDE DID IT! HE SCARED ME AND I SPILT MY COFFEE A-AND THEN HE TOOK ME TO THE BATHROOM AND TOOK MY SHIRT OFF A-AND THEN SAID I SHOULD BE WITH HIM" Tweek fell to his knees "And then...and t-then...he pulled me into a stall and k-k-kissed me!" Tweek started crying all over again.

Craig watched Tweek, anger obvious in his eyes. Kneeling down in front of the sobbing blonde, Craig hugged him.

"I love you." The Raven states loudly "I love you, and he tried to hurt you! I don't care what his reasonings were!"

Tweek looked at him and felt the Raven's lips connect with his own.

"These are mine, and mine alone! Tweek you are mine to the end of time!" Craig's blue eyes grew large "Understand?!"

"I-I understand!" Tweek cried, Craig scaring him terribly "I l-love you too Craig. . .".

"Are you alright?" Craig asked Tweek softly, pulling the blonde closer.

"Y-Yes. . ."

"Good. I'm gonna kill him." Craig hissed, cuddling Tweek.






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