Puppy Love

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"I have to work late tonight." Craig Tucker mumbled, his face buried deep in his lover's blonde hair. 

"A-Again?" Tweek shook, trailing little patterns into his lovers chest.

"Yeah, it sucks." Craig grumbled, slithering out of the warmth of the bed. "I'm pulling in a shit ton of money though." Pulling his clothing out of the dresser.

"Y-Yeah. . .I guess t-that's good" Tweek stuttered, staying in bed. Having a day off.

"It's going to be very late tonight, so don't wait for me." Craig grunted to the blonde, leaning over and kissing him softly.

Tweek mewled, and pulled Craig down into the bed. "D-Do you have to g-go?"

"Yep." Craig replied, kissing the blonde a couple more times "I'm gonna get you a big'ole guard dog." Caig smiled, and kissed Tweek's head "I love you so much and I hope I can get some time off to spend with you."

"I love y-you so much to. . .a-and we can hope." Tweek murmured, kissing Craig again "You gotta g-get going. . ."

"Yeah." Craig stood, and gave Tweek one final kiss and a goodbye.

Tweek lied there, watching his boyfriend go. His hazel eyes swelled with tears when he heard Craig's bike pull out of the driveway. W-What if he's c-cheating?! It would explain him coming home really late at night and not wanting to make love or cuddle. Tweek wiped his eyes and looked at the clock 12:37 PM it read. Tweek climbed out of the bed and stumbled down the stairs and locked the door.

"This is t-to much p-pressure! FUCK!" Tweek was overthinking the idea of his Craig sleeping with another man, or even worse a women! I m-mean, Craig h-has always been s-so loyal to m-me. . .There is no way he's c-cheating. . .THIS HURTS MY HEAD!

Running into the kitchen, Tweek made himself a large cup of coffee and chugged it down. Then made himself another to slowly sip. Entering the living room, he sat on the couch and sipped his hazelnut coffee. His mind instantly going back to his original thought about his lover, what if he was cheating? Who would it b-be with?! Clyde, Token. . .OR WHAT IF ERIC! OH JESUS THIS IS WAY TO MUCH FUCKING PRESSURE! 

Tweek cried out, and ripped at his hair with his hands. His hazel eyes tearing up, and the tears dripping down his face in thick rivers. B-But. . . He has been pulling in extra money. . . Tweek shook his head and downed the rest of his coffee. laying down, the blonde curled into the couch shaking, now crying eyes out he hugged himself. I-I can't live without you Craig! I-I love you more then anything!  Snapping his eyes closed, the blonde shuddered and cried before slipping into a not very peaceful slumber.


Tweek scrubbed a dirty pot thoroughly, his mind plagued with the thought of Craig cheating on him. He stayed up late, even though Craig. Lifting is head as the door opened, he looked at the clock 1:36 AM. 

"Welcome home Craig." Tweek shouted, stutter-less.

"Tweek why are you still awake?" Craig asked, surprised that Tweek is still awake, he walked into the kitchen and went to wrap his thick tan arms around Tweek's waist. Only to get them shaken off.

"Where were you Tucker?" Tweek asked, scrubbing the dishes harder. The scratchy pad making cute in Tweeks skin.

"Work. Why?"  Craig asked, crossing his arms suspiciously.

"Just curious." Tweek turned around, and looked at Craig his eyes dark with tiredness and slight anger. His breathing ragged.

"Baby are you okay. . .?" Craig asked the pale blonde, eyes filling with worry at the sight of his smaller lover.

Tweek just stared at Craig, his left hand still behind his back. "I'm perfectly fine! Are you okay Craig?! ARE YOU HAPPY?!"

"Jesus Tweek calm down, I'm fine. . .just really tired baby. . ." Craig took a step back, his hand going up in a defensive way.

"Then WHY have you been cheating on me?!" Tweek yelled, pulling his left hand out from behind his back. It holding a red, very sharp fillet knife.

"T-Tweek, baby, put the knife down. . .I'm not cheating on you" Craig stammered, watching Tweek "I love you more then words can count. . .I have just been working very lat-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Tweek snapped at the raven, clenching the knife tighter, taking a step towards Craig "Is it because I have a couple issues?! Am i not up to you standards anymore Craig?! WHY?!"

"T-Tweek. . . stop baby I am not cheating on you. . .I never would do that I love you. . ." Craig gulped, taking a step towards Tweek "I promise baby. . ."

Tweek stared at him, blinking. "Why are you lying?!" Tweek yelled, and charged at Craig with the knife.

"TWEEK!" Craig cried out, as he felt something splinter in his stomach. Looking down, he saw the red knife buried in his midsection.

Tweek looked at Craig's face, before screaming and catching Craig as he fell forward.

"T-Tweelk. . ." Craig stammered, spitting up blood onto Tweek's back "I never. . .I never cheated. . .I love you. . ." Tweek cried out.

"Craig?!" Tweek cried, and layed the raven down onto the kitchen floor "I-I'm so so sorry. . .I d-didn't mean t-to. . ." Tweek whimpered, and watched Craig stare up at the ceiling his body motionless.

"C-Craig?"  Tweek nudged the body of his lover, only for it to fall back into place. Tweek whimpered, and stated shaking him "CRAIG?! WAKE UP!" Tweek cuddled the lifeless body and cried out.


"Craig?!" Tweek shook the motionless body.

"Tweek wake up!"

"C-Craig. . ." Tweek opened his eyes, only to see his 6'3 raven lover standing over him with something in his right arm and his left on Tweeks shoulder.

"Yeah baby it's me, just me. . ." Craig bent down, and pulled the blonde's face into his chest. 

"Oh Craig. . ." Tweek started crying and latched onto the Raven "I love you so much!"

"I love you to Tweek!" Craig chuckled and held him with his left "I brought you home a present." Laying the object in his right arm on Tweek's lap, Craig got on both his knees in front of Tweek and smiled.

"W-What is it. . ." Tweek looked at it, and poked it and lifted it up. Only to get his nose licked, and on closer inspection he discovered a little very fluffy German Shepard puppy.

"O-Oh my god your adorable!" Tweek squealed and hugged the puppy.

"His name is Bunny." Craig stated.

"B-Bunny?" Tweek giggled and cuddled the puppy, before sitting on Craig's lap.

"I got the boss to stop making me work so late." Craig smiled, cuddling his family.

"Good because I feel like Bunny is gonna be a handful!" Tweek smiled, and kisses Craig's chin gently "I love you. . ."

"I love you more."





Disclaimer- I do not own or have any connection with South Park or the characters portrayed in this story.

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