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"Quiet down so I can read your chosen topics and who you will be working with," Mr. Wright calls out from his desk.

I try not to anxiously pick at my nails.

This could go so so wrong.

I stay quiet and sit straight in my seat as he begins calling out names.

He lists off people until I'm one of the last ones left.

"Alexander," he glances up. "Ben, and Oliver." I let go of the breath I was holding.

Thank god.

Mr. Wright looks up to me and sighs. "Carmen, Lucas, and Chris."

I remain unmoving. Inside though, I'm jumping with joy. Not because of who I'm working with, but because of who I'm not working with.

I turn my head and look to Lucas and Chris who are sitting next to each other diagonally behind me. I offer a small wave.

Lucas offers a very brisk glance. Chris looks me up and down, his eyes staying glued to my legs.

My hand falls slowly, and I look back forward.

I try not to sigh.

Once we're all standing with our groups, we wait for Mr. Wright to come tell us our topics.

I stand next to their desks with my hands folded in front of me awkwardly since they refuse to cooperate with me.

We all wait in silence while Mr. Wright goes around the class with his clipboard.

I glance down to the two boys. They both sit like they don't want to be here.

Once Mr. Wright gets to us, he looks down the printed list on his clipboard. "Is there a specific topic you guys are interested in?"

I perk up. "Something relating to healthcare would be interesting. Comparing the United States healthcare with other countries and how if it should be free or not, and then of course there's the health insurance issue-"

"Legalization of drugs," Lucas interrupts me. Chris looks to me and snickers. My eyebrows pinch in subtle confusion.

Mr. Wright looks down the clipboard. "Okay great. You will be arguing against the legalization of drugs." He crosses it off on the list. "Good luck boys," he adds. He pauses before walking away and looks to me. "You too," he says plainly.

I think my eye is twitching.

It must be twitching.

I can feel myself wanting to cry and scream at the same time.

Shaking off the feeling of frustration, I look to them, not putting on my trying-to-be-nice-face. I cross my arms and straighten my posture. "So when would you guys be able to meet?l

They look to each other and look like they're holding back their laugh.

They don't respond, just shake their head and go on their phones.

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