Twenty eight

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"Where are we going?" she asks from the drivers seat as she turns the street corner.

I sit up in the passenger seat and don't answer her question. "Turn right here and park in front of that trash can."

She parks in front of the trash can and I unbuckle my seatbelt, starting to head out the car.

"Wait where are you going?" She stops me, searching my face for an answer.

"Just wait here," I tell and get out the car. "Lock your doors and if someone comes up to the car just drive away and I'll meet you somewhere else. Just gimme 5."

Her mouth goes ajar and I slam the door shut, shoving my hands in my pockets as I head up to the door and listen to the bell ring as I push it open.

I'm quick and a bit antsy when I go up to the counter and order in portuguese a few of the snacks in the glass case.

The Brazilian girl behind the counter nods and I wait at the counter as they heat the food up, not taking my eyes off of Carmen's car outside.

She shouldn't be at a standstill in a car like that in this neighborhood.

When the food is ready, I pay for it while standing to the side, so I can still see the car through my peripheral vision.

I can't remember if I mutter a thank you and goodbye as I walk out and back to her parked car, all my mind being able to think about it getting back to her as quickly as possible.

The second I open the door and swing back inside, her eyes widen and so does her smile.

Her once tear streaked face now grinning ear to ear, even with smeared mascara under her eyes.

"What did you get?" She reaches out to look into the bag. but I grab onto her wrist and gently pull her hand away.

I smirk to myself. "Not so fast." She purses her lips and lifts an eyebrow. "You're gonna go home first."

"Why? I'm really hungry."

"Because you're in a BMW and look around," I say without further explanation.

Her lips purse and she turns her head and looks out the window at the neighborhood we're in.

"How do I get from here to my house?" she asks, tilting her head.

I slyly smile and look back forward while leaning against the seat. "Turn around where we came in and make a left."


I follow her up the stairs to her house, keeping my eyes on her short heels, trying my best not to look at her round ass.

Don't think about her ass.

The minute she unlocks the door she's greeted with a barking Teddy whose wagging his tail and panting, looking like a maniac.

"Hi baby!" she coos as she bends down and hugs him when he props his arms on her shoulders.

I smile as I look down at him and close the tall door behind me.

Teddy then quickly jumps off her and starts circling around my legs and jumping up to put his paws on my stomach.

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