Thirty three

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"You're gonna do fuckin' great, I know you will."

She sighs and I feel her breath hit my neck as her cheek rests on my collar bone.

The laptop plays Caso Cerrado on the other side of the bed.

"I'm going to be the only girl there," she whispers.

My hand caresses her head as I stare up at the ceiling. "Are you allowed to carry pocket knives?" I ask seriously.

She sits up and looks down at me. "Romero, of course I can't."

The corner of my lip lifts and my hands go to her waist. "Of course you long you don't get caught." She playfully shakes her head no and I pull my bottom lip into my mouth as I chuckle before gently pulling her back down to me.

I've gotten used to this whole cuddling thing.

Holding her like this feels like a drug.

Every day I look forward to any snippets of free time where I can just lay down and tangle myself with her.

And that's all we do. We kiss and hug and talk.

So simple but so addictive.

We haven't taken off one piece of clothing.

And in a way, I'm glad. The idea of her seeing what's underneath the fabric makes my stomach churn.

What if she looks at your thighs and thinks you're a freak?

My heart falls in my chest slightly and I hug her closer to me. Please don't do that.

No, I know Carmen well enough to know she would never do that.

My eyes close for a brief moment and I mentally try to soak up the feeling of her body laying half on mine.

Can we stay like this forever?

"Seriously though, if anyone tries anything with you, call someone please," I say quietly as I run my hand over her soft hair.

She moves her hand to the side of my neck. "I know, I just feel uncomfortable going, you know?"

I swallow and stare at the ceiling as I try to think of things to help her feel better about going.

I don't blame her for feeling that way though.

I don't feel comfortable with her going. Her, Carmen, in a hotel with a bunch of guys who I've heard say the most vile things about her? Yeah, fuck no.

I remember the second interaction I ever had with her she had asked me why I dragged her along with me through that house. I had said because she was in my way and I didn't want to waste time. Except the truth is, I did that 'cause I was scared and didn't trust to leave her there by herself.

Alexander and the rest of those stupid fucks had been joking about having sex with her and saying they wanted to fuck the "bitchy prude" and just saying shit about her body and her ass and tits-

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