Introduction - Rewind to Reminisce

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The sentence I hate the most coming out of my parent's mouth is "you're still a child what could possibly stress you out?" Once this sentence pierce my ears I'd find myself rolling my eyes until I could feel my eyeballs hurt. 

The worse feeling us as a human being can feel, in my opinion, is the feeling of unheard, unseen, and lonely. Often times our parents, or any adult in charge of our lives in this matter, can be so dismissive about our problems. 

Sure a teenager generally would not need to worry about paying taxes, paying bills or trying to make ends meet. But, our world and our experiences are just as valid as theirs. 

Life and how we view the world and the experiences in it always shifts. As a baby one might think the world is all about trying to get some milk, and getting your doopy filled diapers changed. At the moment, that is what our body and mind is ready for, crying for attention to get the comfort back. At that moment our wants are our needs and life continues to progress until at a certain age we can discern what we want and what we need. 

At some point in life, some aspects are massively enhanced becoming a NEED and grabs our attention, and becomes what we seek 24/7. This cycle exist until the day we die. 

As a baby the aspects of comfort are greatly enhanced as our need. As a child it is the aspects of friendship and acceptance. As Teenagers it is the aspects of a love life and being loved by another person. As young adults it is the aspects of self identity and self actualization. As adults it is the aspects of stability, work life balance and family. As elderly it is the aspects of health and wisdom. 

See? There are always a few aspects we focus on through out our lives and it could be so annoying when someone dismisses what we deem as valuable at the moment. The paragraph above just mentions a thing or two but I will elaborate and breakdown many more problems we face through life through out the following chapters.

So this "book" is trying to highlight what life feels like at a certain age. At least through my lens and I do hope someone can relate to my experiences. If none do, then I do hope I could read this once again when I find myself dismissing my children's problems and truly try to understand how the world works in their shoes. 

You are free to comment on your own experiences though out these phases in life. You can always come back here to better understand how your world works during a certain age, just to reminisce or as a reminder, your choice. 

As I am still 22 this year, I'll continue writing when I get older.. but now please do enjoy what life feels like. 

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