Ch. 35 New Sensei! Naruto's Torture!

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Hiruzen Sarutobi tried not to groan in annoyance at the council members sitting before him. First there were the heads of the Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Akimichi, Nara and Yamanaka clans. Next were the three elders, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura. Lastly there were a few members of the civilian council, only in the room for formality. Their constant bickering was getting on his nerves.

"I don't understand why we're making such a fuzz about a kid's eye," the head of the Hyuuga clan, Hiashi Hyuuga, responded in a bitter tone, "It's not as if the sharingan is needed in the village."

"The sharingan is needed not only because of its power but its reputation," Danzo responded simply, "With the other villages knowing that we have an Uchiha in the front lines they will certainly be intimidated."

"But he attacked a fellow ninja," the head of the Nara clan, Shikaku, stated calmly, "Such an attack's punishment is usually prison or death."

"But he's the last of his clan," Danzo countered, "We can't have a clan die out just because of a brat not controlling his emotions."

"What about the other brat's punishment," one of the civilian council members argued, "He attacked the last of the Uchiha and took his eye. The brat should be put to death."

"Don't even try to pin this on the kid," Inoichi responded with his eyes narrowed, "He attacked the Uchiha for the well-being of his entire team, he should be praised for taking him down. Besides, you have no business here. The only reason you're sitting here is because none of us want to do the paperwork and you, being the lowest rank, have to."

"That's enough," the Third scolded, suppressing the urge to chuckle at Inoichi's previous comment. The Hokage cleared his throat before continuing, "I have already assessed the situation and have come up with a proper punishment."

"And what would that be Lord Hokage?" the Inuzuka clan head, Tsume, asked.

The Hokage let out a breath before gazing at the council, "Sasuke will be put back in the Academy."

"That is nonsense," Koharu, the Third's old teammate, declared with a frown on her face, "We need him to develop his sharingan. How can he do that if he's not allowed to go on missions?"

"That is what I have decided," the Third declared, "Also, he will not be able to leave his compound for any other reason than going to the Academy."

Danzo kept a calm expression on his face as he set his eyes on the Hokage, "Lord Hokage, this is most unreasonable. We cannot hinder the progress of the young Uchiha."

The Third stood from his seat, "It has been decided and not up for discussion. By placing him back in the Academy I'm not endangering the future of his clan in any way. There's nothing else to discuss."

Danzo watched the old man leave, thinking of how to turn the events to his favors. By keeping Sasuke secluded from the outside world he finally had a chance to approach him without the risk of any spies. This way he could train the boy and forge him into a ninja of his approval.

Yes, he would not only control the Kyuubi but one of the last Uchiha as well.

Ino smiled as she and Naruto sat on her home's table. They had gotten home a few minutes ago. Her mom, Miki, had been ecstatic to see Naruto again and offered to make them dinner. The young kunoichi had been glad to see that her boyfriend was a lot more comfortable around her mom, though he still kept a small distance from her.

Miki emerged from the kitchen with a smile on her face, carrying a large bowl of rice, "Here we are."

Ino's mom set the rice on the table before turning to walk away. "Mom do you need help with setting up the table?" Ino asked with a small grin before turning to her boyfriend, "Naruto would love to help out. Right?"

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