Ch. 9 When Jinchuuriki Collide!

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A million thoughts raced through Naruto's head as Shukaku's giant claws descended upon him, with the most prominent one being, 'fuck!' The blond replaced himself with a log, before putting some distance between himself and the giant demon. He had no idea what to do. He was almost out of chakra so wind jutsu would only be a waste of since it wouldn't hurt something that big. Summoning was very tempting but he wasn't able to summon Gamabunta without the fox's chakra.

"Where are you?" Naruto heard Shukaku yell.

The blond sat against a tree, hidden from the demon's view, and began to brainstorm ways of beating it without the aid of the Kyuubi. Shadow clones might be able to slow down the one-tailed demon but they required a lot of chakra, something he couldn't waste at the moment. His improved 'Uzumaki Barrage' was out of the question since, again, he didn't have enough chakra. Summoning the chief toad seemed to be the only option he had left.

With much hesitation, Naruto closed his eyes and focused his attention on finding the Kyuubi's chakra. It took a few seconds but he found the vile chakra and began to draw from it. The blond hated every minute of it. He hated needing the help of a demon, he hated the burning of his skin whenever he used the fox's chakra, and most of all, he couldn't stand the amount of hatred that came with the vile chakra. Even though he was still conscious of the things he did, under the influence of the fox's chakra, he would feel a large amount of hate towards anyone that looked his way. He would grow more aggressive and lust for blood.

The blond's appearance begin to change. His fangs grew in size until they stuck out of his mouth, his cheek marks darkened, and his hair became spikier. Naruto felt his hatred towards everything and everyone grow. Repressed emotions from his childhood flared and a growl escaped his mouth. Those damned fools had treated him like dirt, they should pay. He would kill them. The blond jinchuuriki opened his eyes to reveal piercing red eyes with black slits.

With the little amount of reason Naruto had, he tried to calm himself. He had forgiven the villagers since they were only scared and had lost a lot of things to the fox. He had grown to love the village, it was his home. All of his friends lived there and he would protect them at all costs. The people who took away some of the pain and saved him from that dark and lonely place. Naruto felt some of the hate leave and focused his attention on defeating the large demon.

Naruto bit his thumb and ran through hand signs before slamming his hands on the branch he had been standing on. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A giant cloud of smoke appeared in the middle of the forest, gaining Shukaku's attention. There was a loud sound of crashing trees before the smoke begin to disappear. Standing on the forest, facing Shukaku, was the chief toad Gamabunta with his summoner, Naruto, on its head.

"Why have you summoned me kid?" Gamabunta asked in annoyance, he had been in the middle of a meal.

Naruto pointed at Shukaku. "Are you blind?" Naruto spat out, "That's the reason I summoned you. I want that demon down!"

Gamabunta frowned, there was something off about the kid. The blond reeked of demonic chakra and the chief toad instantly knew that he was using the fox's chakra at the moment. "I'll help you fight him. But the minute you stop using that chakra, I will kick your ass."

"I'll kill you all!" Shukaku yelled as he opened his mouth, "Wind Style: Air Bullets!"

Giant balls of wind came out of Shukaku's mouth, making Naruto's look like a drop in the ocean.

"Water Style: Liquid Bullets!" Gamabunta yelled as he shot out giant balls of water that countered Shukaku's, "Hang on kid!"

"To what?" Naruto yelled as the toad jumped up. Using chakra to stick to the toads head, Naruto watched as the two giants clashed.

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