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Mingyu happily came back to the 96liners appartment, but he still has something in mind.
It wasn't like he is upset with Wonwoo, he have already forgot about the incident but right now there is something else on his mind.

He wish that he hadn't saw that one post of WenJeon's gossips.

Today too, Hoshi was avoiding Woozi as he doesn't want to face the younger.

"Hoshi hyung". Hoshi saw Jiwoo running towards him and then suddenly hugged him.

"Owww Jiwoo, what's the matter?" He asked with a little chuckle.

"Hyung, I got the opportunity to appear on a famous veriety show and I'm also going to perform there, you must help me prepare".

"Off course I will". Hoshi giggled ruffling the younger's hairs.

They parted and Jiwoo gave Hoshi his favourite smile again.
Woozi was passing by when he saw Jiwoo and Hoshi parting from the hug. He has a pout, and he wonder why, but now it's not time to be pouty so he went to them.

"Hoshiyaa, I wanted to discuss some music with you". Woozi made an excuse to be with the older.
Hoshi's energetic face turned into a sad one as soon he saw Woozi but he quickly had a smile.

"I'm really sorry Woozi, but I need to help Jiwoo". Hoshi replied holding Jiwoo's hand, Hoshi did it so that he'll not get nervous, but for Jiwoo it was a chance that the dancer likes him as he chose him instead of Woozi. Jiwoo has a small smile looking at their intervined hands. Woozi frown as why Soonyoung kept on making excuses every time he asked him anything. He just nodded and saw Hoshi walking away with Jiwoo.

"Hannie...... Jeonghan..... Jeonghan". Scoups lastly have to shook him as Jeonghan was really lost that he wasn't responding even though Scoups was just beside him.
"Huh? What happened Scoups?" Jeonghan asked getting out of his thoughts.
"Is everything alright, you seems so lost these days". The older asked, Jeonghan shook his head and chuckled a little.
"It's nothing Cheollie".
"But hyung, you have be acting strange from past few days, is something bothering you?" Seungkwan asked as he was worried to.
"It's really nothing Kwanie, I was just thinking about our families". Jeonghan replied.
"Ohh you are worried that how will your parents act when they'll find out about us?" Seungcheol asked.
"Well you know my parents Seungcheol, they know I'm dating someone but they still don't want to believe it". Jeonghan Sigh.
"At least they are not like mine, my Eomma and Aappa really still doesn't like that I'm a gay". Seungkwan looked down,but Vernon pulled him into a hug.
"It's okay Kwanie, you know right how much my parents like you. They are like your parents too, so don't worry". He said. Seungkwan hugged Vernon back as he smiled wide.
"I love you Noonie".
"I love you too Kwanie".
"And what about us". Jeonghan and Seungcheol asked with pouty face.
"Obviously we love you Eomma Aappa". And it quickly became a group hug.

"I really like our cute family, I really want to have kids with you Jeonghan". Seungcheol said looking at Seungkwan and Vernon.
"Nahhh, these kids are enough". Jeonghan joked, then they heard the doorbell.
"Who must have came at this hours?" Vernon said and went to open the door. He smiled at the people who were at their door.
"Joshua hyung and the others have come". He told the others who were inside.

They all sat comfortably.
"Wohhh, The8 have came after so many days, did you get a girlfriend or what?" Jeonghan teased.
"Obviously not hyung, I was just home sick you know". Hao joked.
"It's been long since we all have gathered and talked". Dino commented.
"It's because you were busy with your boyfriend Channie". Joshua teased.
"Well it's not my fault though, I really like spending time with my Dino". Hobi added while drinking his coffee.
"Ohh my god Vernon, look at that tiny smirk on Dino's face". Seungkwan made everyone laugh.
"Shut up Seungkwanaaa". Dino pouted.
"Mingyuyaa, where are the others". Seungcheol asked about the 96liners.

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