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Seungcheol came to Jeonghan's restaurant, but he didn't saw Jeonghan inside the kitchen nor in the working area.

"Where is Jeonghan?" He asked one of the workers.
"Ohh, Mr Yoon is having lunch with his family over there". The worker pointed at the side table, where Jeonghan was sitting facing his parents and beside him was sited a pretty girl that Scoups don't remember seeing even once.

"Guys, you know what I just heard? That girl is Mr. Yoon's fiance". One worker who came back with an empty tray said without noticing Seungcheol.

"What? Fiance?" He asked widening his eyes, in total disbelief.

"Ohh Mr. Choi, I'm sorry I didn't notice". The worker apologise but right now all Seungcheol want to know is what he was talking about.
"Cut it off, tell me what you just said". Seungcheol asked him again.

"Sir, I was just passing their order when I overheard that Mrs. Yoon talking about the girl being Mr. Jeonghan's fiance and about their engagement". Seungcheol was so stunned to even response. He was sad, hurt and feeling betrayed. How can Jeonghan get engaged with someone when he promised Seungcheol to spend his life with him.
How can Jeonghan hide something this big from him and meeting his family like he isn't bothered at all. How can Jeonghan didn't even try to tell his parents about his relationship with him. Seungcheol can't take it and the best way to avoid it is turning back and going home.
He also don't know how he'll act when Jeonghan come back home.

He left the restaurant with some tears in his eyes. Jeonghan looked up from his food just to see a hurt Seungcheol leaving from there with his teary eyes. Jeonghan can't even just run and stop him.

It's all started a month ago when Jeonghan started to get phone calls from his mother. It really pissed him off that how she is being forceful to make Jeonghan marry a girl.

What is it mom
Why did you call

Do it see it now?
I've been calling you since days.
Are you ignoring my calls?

Mom, if it's again for that marriage thing. I've already told you I'll never gonna do that.

Stop with that Jeonghan
Do not piss me off.
I've already told you if you marry Mr. Min's daughter we will hit a bit jackpot.

Mom everything is not always resolved around money.
And it's not like you don't know that I'm dating a guy.

Shut it you idiot
I don't want to hear about it
I don't care, just break up.

How could you say that.
I love him mom.
And if you want me to get married
Let me marry him.
He has a stable job, he is rap trainer at Pledis.

You know that me and your father is not interested in any bullshit rather than business.
And don't think I forgot that what family he has came from.
Do you think about our standards or not?

Enough mom.
You can't just force me.

See Jeonghan, listen to me when I'm being nice.
I can't garantee if your father got angry and do anything wrong to your beloved boyfriend.
He can ruine his career for your information.

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