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"did you prepare everything for the meeting?" Wonwoo asked as they started to walk towards his cabin.
"Yes sir, everything is done". His assistant replied.
"Mr. Jeon, someone is waiting for you in your cabin". Another employee came and told him.
"Oww, Mingyu?" He asked with a little hoping.
"It's not Mr. Mingyu". He told Wonwoo and it was a little let down, but Wonwoo shrugged it off and went to his cabin.

"Oh my, uncle Bin". Wonwoo happily uttered but got a glare from the other.
"Don't call me uncle, I'm just few years older than you idiot". His uncle said dramatically.
"Okay okay, so hyung, how come you are here?" He asked smiling as he took a sit.
"Stop acting, you needed me you idiot". His uncle replied nonchalantly.
"Well I just said I need a helping hand since Jun is in China". Wonwoo defence himself.
"By the way uncle, your height is still on the ground floor". Wonwoo joked to which he received a hit on his shoulder from his uncle.

"Don't call me short,Whatever, but first tell me about your life, how's it going?" He asked.
"It's going fine I guess, but nowadays it's so much stressing and also my friends had breakups, which made me really sad". Wonwoo sigh looking down as he was feeling bad for them.
"What about your relationship?" His uncle question.
"It's going fine, me and Mingyu are still trying to figure out many things. I am sad that I have to leave today, I even cancel our movie plan". Wonwoo told his uncle with a sad face.
"Oh my Wonu, don't be sad. I am here to help you out. Don't worry, I'll attend today's meeting on behalf of you. How about you go and surprise Mingyu?" His uncle suggested and Wonwoo's eyes light up with happiness.
"Really hyung, you really can?" He asked excited and got more happy when his uncle nodded.

"Owww, wait". Wonwoo got up from his chair and opened a drawer, he pulled out a bag, in which he has a gift for his uncle. He bought it when he was on a US trip but didn't get any chance to give it to him so now it's perfect chance to give a thanking gift.

"This is for you". Wonwoo handed the bag to his uncle.
"Oww really, omg I love it". His uncle said looking inside the bag, it was a branded watch. The one he really likes to wear.
"Off course for you, I really missed you, you know". Wonwoo said as they hugged each other.
"Owww my baby, I love you so much".
"I love you too". They uttered into the hug and stayed like that for a minute before parting and smiling like idiot.

Wonwoo was super happy that he can go and spend time with Mingyu. He asked his assistant if he has any other schedules and when he received a positive response he quickly went back to his house. He was super excited and wanted to surprise Mingyu, so he entered the house without making any noise. He slowly walked inside the house and checked his room, but Mingyu wasn't there , the door of Hoshi's room was slightly opened so he thought, Mingyu must be there. He slowly went to the door and peeked inside, but what he saw inside, made him broke. He saw Mingyu and Hoshi hugging. Well hugging was not new in their friendship but the situation here was seriously different. Hoshi was wearing nothing but a towel, and Mingyu was tightly hugging him. Wonwoo can only see Mingyu's back and Hoshi's face, Hoshi's eyes were closed as the two were just immerge in their hug to even noticed anyone else presence. Wonwoo not even in his dreams thought that his own best friend would do something like this. He can't help but be angry as how dare his boyfriend and bestfriend cheated on him. He now get it why Mingyu and Hoshi always being so close and caring for each other. Tears were slowly and unknowingly falling from Wonwoo's eyes. He can't take this big betrayal, he don't even want to face the two now. He needs to calm himself and ask them to explain. He went to his room without making them realise that he was here.

Wonwoo was sat in his bathtub, hugging his knees as he was trying not to make noise while sobbing. Now he get it. It was all act of Mingyu that being upset because Wonwoo was going but inside he must be happy that he can now spend time with his Hoshi hyung. That's why Hoshi didn't date anyone as he was secretly dating Mingyu, they why he is saying that he likes Woozi? He must be playing with him. All the thoughts were going through Wonwoo's mind. He is more than broken, he is now afraid to trust, he is afraid of the truth in front of him. He don't want to except this truth and one part of him is regretting coming back to surprise Mingyu. If only if he has gone for that meeting, he might have never knew that his boyfriend and bestfriend are dating and cheating on him. He might be put in the dark, he might be being betrayed but still he will not have known. But now, everything is in front of him and he can't run away from the reality. He has to face it.
Wonwoo get out of the bathtub and put on some dry clothes. He has that urge to hurt himself and that's why he decided to again go out and peek inside Hoshi's room. He got out of his room and saw that the door of Hoshi's room was already closed and the lights were also turned off. Which means Mingyu and Hoshi must be sleeping together. Wonwoo don't want to believe it but it's the reality. Wonwoo went back to his own room and cried till he sleeps.

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