2 - Party

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Kamari's POV

We all arrived at the club. It was mesmerising. The lights looks like crystals reflecting on the floor. Everyone having the night of their lives whilst others were making out in the corner of the room.

As I was looking around someone caught my eye.

My ex. Daniel.

He looked drunk as always. Didn't change at all since we broke up. He still seems the jerk he is. We broke up 3 months ago. He was kind and generous at first, loved me so much and did so much for me, until this sudden change in him made him act the opposite. He started to be abusive and used to bring other girls into our apartment and used to either make up in our bed or in the living room on the couch. I tried leaving him multiple times but he would always promise he would change for the sake of still having me. Did he change? Nope. Did he remain a jerk? Yes. Boys like him never change. They would use you until you're physically and mentally hurt.

I saw him walking towards me, I turned to walk over to Lexi but I felt my wrist being grabbed around the room and went into this random little room. I tried releasing his grip from me but I couldn't. He was too strong for me and I was too weak.

"Well, well, well who do we have here?" He smirked at me and all I could smell is his alcoholic breath.

"Let go off me right now. Wtf do you even want from me, we broke up 3 months ago and you told me you will leave me alone forever. You said you moved on with that fucking plastic whore." I couldn't even look him in the eyes more than 1 minute. I was too furious to even look at him.

He grabbed my chin harshly making me look him in the eyes. I winced in pain, not knowing how to react or how to escape.

"Well I did but seeing you turned up here with this outfit on I couldn't resist but touch you. Making sure you know who you belong to." He said looking me up and down.

I feel disgusted by this man. He's a fucking player and a jerk. All he ever does is manipulate you and use you for his satisfaction.

"I am not yours and you have no permission whatsoever to touch me ever again or talk to me. I broke up with you because all you ever did was hurt me, used me and played me. I am not your toy or anyone else's. I am my own person. Because of you I am scared to love again. You did so much damage to me." I looked him deadly in the eye. I can feel my eyes burning. I can feel myself drowning in my own tears.

He grabbed my throat harshly. I can feel him squeezing it and running out of breath. Feeling like I'm going to pass out. Memories flash over my head. I could see the day he cut my thigh and squeezed my throat and lifted me up. Then he threw me on the floor and I bumped my head on the edge of a metal bar. I started feeling dizzy and before I knew it I passed out. The last thing I heard before I closed my eyes was "Kamari open your eyes for me please."

The next day

I woke up hearing my alarm. Strange I don't remember being home last night. All I know is that I was at the club and I was with Lexi and my brothers. Then I remembered what happened. Daniel took me and hurt me again. I got up sitting at the edge of the bed and I saw my heels thrown on the floor randomly and my dress was still on me.

I went near my desk and grabbed my phone to check the time. 10:23am. I placed my phone under my pillow and went straight in the bathroom to take a shower. As I let the cold water touch me, all sorts of things came through my mind. What if he comes back again and tries harming me. I don't want to go through the same thing I went through with him. He hurt me enough and I can't endure that pain anymore. It's takes a lot of time to heal.

After spending half an hour in the shower letting all my thoughts come to me I got out and went and got dressed in a simple outfit.

I went with some grey sweatpants and a dark grey/blue long sleeve shirt

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I went with some grey sweatpants and a dark grey/blue long sleeve shirt. With a cute basic necklace around my neck. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my glasses and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Godam my head does hurt like a bitch today.

I was heading downstairs I see my mum rushing to me.

"Mi hija como te sientes?" My mum looked at me worried. She hugged me and I hugged her back. (How are you my daughter?)

"Mama, I am ok. I just have a headache that's all." I looked at her smiling softly.

My dad came also and looked at me disappointed. I guess it's because I went to the club, got hurt knowing well enough that I promised him that I will be careful and I won't go out of my brothers sight. I walked towards him and he looked at me.

"Dad, lo siento" I say looking at him "I didn't know that would happen and I know I promised something and I did the opposite. But I swear I was Lexi and Milo and then I saw my ex making his way to me and I tried walking away from his sight but he was too quick for me and he grabbed me and did what he did with me. Please dad forgive me." I say starting to tear up, not knowing what else to say or do, I feel my dad's embrace. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. (Sorry)

"Está bien, pero la próxima vez ten cuidado, no sé qué haría sin ti. Eres mi única hija." He said still hugging me as I was sulking in his arms. (It's ok but next time please be careful, I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my only daughter).

I looked up at him and smiled softly. "I love you dad. Next time I'll promise to always be careful." He smiled at me and let's go of me as he makes his way to the front door. "I have a meeting I may be late today. Stay safe Mi hija. Your brothers are out for something important but you can bring Lexi in here if you want. No being silly." He said looking at me and smiling whilst he kissed my mum.

"And I have to go to school for some meetings Kamari please be careful at home, there's guards everywhere to secure the house and if you need anything, call either me or your father. We love you." My mum added on to what my dad has said.

"Yes Father and Mother. I will be careful. Take care and good luck with the meetings to both of you." I quickly walked up to them and hugged them as they planted each a kiss on my forehead.

I love my family even though we don't spend much time together they are all I have in this world. They're the reason I am still here and without them I don't know what I'd do. They're so precious to me.

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