Chapter 15 - I Am Here!

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I was running out of the mountain area and towards the entrance to find my own father had arrived.

Yes! We have a chance now!

I then looked over at the lake area, seeing Izuku with Asui and Mineta.

A villain with disembodied hands all over him along with a strange creature with it's brain exposed were with them.

I tried to use my quirk to teleport over there, but it was still cooling down from how much I've used it.

Dammit! I gotta help them!

I then started to run, hoping I could get there quick enough.


I watched the villains look at All Might in fear as I held Shota close to me.

Finally! He's here!

Suddenly, he had taken down the villains surrounding us quicker than a flash as he approached us.

He then took off and grabbed the students from the lake to carry them over to me.

"Everyone, get back to the entrance!" he instructed the students, "And UniHorse..."

Huh? Me?

"Get Aizawa out of here," he said to me, "He doesn't have much time!"

I was still worried, but I stayed determined.


I held Shota's beat up form in my arms and told the students to follow me.

C'mon, Shota! I know you've had a rough life, but you can't leave us now!


I had finally arrived when Asui and Mineta had left with Yuri, with Izuku staying behind with my dad.

"All Might! Izuku!" I called out to them, out of breath from running, "Are you guys okay?"

But before they could answer, the villain began to speak.

"No, no, no!" he whined out angerly, "It wasn't supposed to go this way!"

He continued as he picked up the hand he dropped and placed it back on his face.

I looked over at Izuku as he was deep in thought.

"All Might, you can't!" he finally said to him, "That brain villain took One For-"

He paused to rethink his words.

"I-I smashed him and it didn't break my arm this time, but he wasn't fazed at all! He's too strong-"

"Young Midoriya!"

My father interrupted him as he held his hand out and gave us a peace sign.

"I've got this!"

Izuku looked very conflicted as he looked at me.

"He'll be okay, Izuku," I told him, "Trust me!"

Soon, he nodded in affirmation as we went to catch up with the others.

But if I was being honest, I was worried about him as well.

Dammit, Dad! You'd better get out of this alive!


We had finally caught up to the others as the battle went on.

"Are you guys seeing this?" said Mineta, "That suplex looked like a huge explosion! All Might's on a whole 'nother level!"

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