Chapter 2 - Average Classroom Environment

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My first day of real school had finally come, and it was... eventful, to say the least...

The teacher was supposed to be talking to the students about their futures, but when he brought up the hero course, everyone suddenly went wild!

Then suddenly, it happened...

"Hey, teach!"

We all turned to look at a boy with blond hair who had his feet propped up on his desk.

"Don't lump me up with this bunch of losers," he continued, "I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-Lister..."

He let out a "heh" once he finished his sentence.

The other students began to rage at the boy, who they called "Katsuki".

"Let's go, I'll take you all on!" Katsuki yelled out at the students.

Just who the hell does this guy think he is?

"Huh," the teacher began, "You've got impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA High."

That dick is going to try and go to UA? I thought to myself as he continued to praise himself, He doesn't even sound like a hero!

That's when the teacher spoke up again.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya," he spoke out as he looked at his paper, "don't you want to go to UA, too?"

The students all turned to look at a boy with green hair and freckles, who was most likely Midoriya.

Silence filled the classroom as they stared at him, which was soon broken by laughter from the entire class.

"Midoriya? You're kidding, right?" said one student, "There's no way he's getting into the hero course without a quirk!"

Wait, he's quirkless?

"Well, actually th-they got rid of that rule!" said Midoriya as he got up from his seat, "I-I could be the first one!"

Suddenly, Katsuki had slammed his hand on the desk and it exploded.

Huh, that's some quirk he has there...

"Listen up, Deku!" said Katsuki, "You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you in when they can have me?"

Okay, this guy is getting on my last nerve...

As he went on, my blood began to boil.

Why wasn't anyone doing anything about this?

I tried my best to restrain myself from punching that guy in the face for the rest of the class.

Once class is over, I'll give him a piece of my mind!


After what felt like forever, class had finally ended.

I looked see that Midoriya was still there. He was about to pull out a notebook he had in his bag.

Come to think of it, Midoriya did look familiar...

Right before I could even think about where I saw him, Katsuki had taken away his notebook.

"I dunno what you think you're doin', Deku," Katsuki began, "but we're not done..."

Soon, two boys walked up from behind him and decided to join him.

Then, Katsuki had blown up the journal with his quirk and tossed it out the window.

If you think that was bad, get ready for what he said next...

"Y'know, if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way..."

He paused.

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"

That was it.

I finally stood up from my desk, approached that bastard, and activated my quirk.

His body began to glitch as he let out a distorted yelp in agonizing pain.

I glitched him for about 5 seconds before I let him go.

"How about you learn how to get some common sense, you pomeranian-lookin' brat!"

Katsuki looked at me in anger, but I can see a bit of disbelief and fear as well.

"W-What the hell did you just do to me?!"

I looked at him in annoyance.

"I used my quirk on you, stupid!" I retaliated at him. "All I did was mess with your molecules a bit and reassembled them! Don't be a baby!"

I then looked at his goons as they cowered in fear.

"Who's next?"

They toppled over each other trying to get out of the classroom as they yelped out.

I then turned to Katsuki and placed my foot on his back.

"How about this," I began, "You don't mess with that boy again, and I won't do that to you, got it?"

He then got up, causing me to fall on my back.

"Grrrr! You'll pay for this!"

He ran out of the classroom, most likely to get away from me.

I guess he really is just all talk...

I then remembered the green haired boy behind me and turned to him.

Sure, he was shocked at what happened, but he also looked amazed.

"Hey," I spoke to him, "you okay?"

He instantly snapped out of his trance when he heard me.

"U-Um yeah! I'm fine! I'm okay!" he squeaked out in a nervous tone.

I somewhat chuckled at this.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I won't hurt you..."

"B-But what about Kacchan?" said the boy with a worried look.

I guess I did almost obliterate him with my quirk...

"Oh, him? Yeah, he's fine! It was only about five seconds, anyway..."

I looked at the boy to see that he was still a bit on edge.

"Hey, that journal of yours might still be out there," I told him, "How about we go and retrieve it?"

"Um... okay..." he replied.

We both walked out of the classroom and went down the hallway.

I remembered that I had to use my alias given to me by my dad before I told him my name.

"Hey, the name's Avanna Fumei, by the way," I told him as we walked, "What's yours?"

He hesitated for a moment, but then he told me his name.

"Izuku Midoriya!"

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