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    At the end of October, the sky was suddenly cool, and the cold wind wrapped in moisture and blew into the living room from the window. The man sitting on the sofa was in his thirties, with a crew cut, his face was full of anxiety, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. He was staring at the The man sitting on another sofa spoke in a very humble tone: "Assistant Pei, there are two more days, you give me two more days, and I promise to deliver the goods to you." Pei Tian was dressed in a

suit Leather shoes, a dark blue tie tied around the neck, and the golden buttons reflected the bright light, which added a chill to the eyes of the man opposite him. He swallowed, and heard Pei Tian say, "Mr. Wang, it's not that I don't give you time, it's just According to the agreed delivery today, but you can't deliver, who will bear the loss?" "

Two days is quite a long time."

Wang Yongshun laughed dryly: "I know, this is my fault, I will bear the loss."

Pei Tian smiled lightly: "You will bear it?"

"According to the contract, one tenth of the loss will be paid for one day overdue, Mr. Wang, as far as we know, your other batch of goods is being held at the customs. Ten days and half a month, can't you get out?"

That is not only full compensation, but also reverse payment.

Thinking of this, Wang Yongshun gritted his teeth secretly. He shouldn't have listened to his friend at the beginning, saying that shipping one batch of goods was also shipping, and two batches were also shipped, which made the goods over there unable to pass through, and also caused the original good batch of goods to suffer. .

He really regretted it!

But it's useless to regret it now, he can only bite the bullet and say: "Assistant Pei, I know that this matter is my fault, you can see if you can accommodate me, my company has only been established for a few years, and that's all...

" It's not enough to pay!

He hesitated to speak and looked at Pei Tian, ​​his eyes full of prayers.

Pei Tian didn't look at him, but turned his head and said respectfully to another person: "Miss San, what do you think?"

The third young lady whom he called was sitting on the sofa with her hands crossed around her chest. She was wearing a gorgeous red dress close to her body. Her curly black hair was scattered behind her back, and two strands hung on her chest, shaking slightly in the wind. The person in front of him had a pretty face and a slim figure, a well-known cold beauty in Jiangcheng, but Wang Yongshun didn't dare to show any appreciation. On the contrary, his cold sweat flowed more freely, and his back was almost soaked.

Wei Hui raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, Wang Yongshun only felt a gust of cold wind blowing past him, and he shivered from the cold.

"President Wang." Wei Hui said, "How do you want to pay?"

Wang Yongshun raised his head under her sharp gaze, met those sharp eyes, and swallowed, "Miss San, give me another two days."

Wei Hui pursed his lips, but there was no smile in his voice: "Yes."

She said, "What about two days later?"

The sweat stains on Wang Yongshun's back wet his clothes and stuck to his back, sticky and tight, he moved his body , the cold wind blows in, and the coolness spreads from head to toe, penetrating the heart.

He didn't like dealing with Wei Hui, and he signed the contract with Pei Tian at the beginning, because he was greedy for the high price they offered, and he boasted how big his heart was and how much he could eat.

Now it's really shooting yourself in the foot.

Not only did the delivery fail, but it also alarmed the Bodhisattva.

What kind of trouble has he encountered!

Wang Yongshun gritted his teeth and swallowed: "I'll pay you according to the amount in two days!"

Wei Hui's cold expression remained calm, and he said in a calm voice, "It's better than this." "Mr. Wang

, I'll give you seven days to turn around."

Wang Yongshun listened Qi Tian immediately raised his head, looking at Wei Hui with a bit of astonishment, Qi Tian?

Seeing his expression, Wei Hui continued: "After seven days, if the goods don't arrive, Mr. Wang doesn't have to pay. I heard that you bought an unfinished building in the western suburbs." "Let's use this

building to pay for it."

Wang Yongshun's face, which had just recovered two points of blood, suddenly turned pale!

Wei Hui inserted a knife: "How?"

Wang Yongshun nodded with an expression as if his life had been cut off, and said in a deep voice, "Listen to Miss San."

Pei Tian twitched his lips, and it was time to draw up the contract when he returned.

Wei Hui didn't wait long, and when she got the results, she got up, and Pei Tian followed immediately. Wang Yongshun, who was behind him, wanted to send him off but was stopped by Pei Tian: "Mr. Wang, you should first think about how to turn over the goods." Wang

Yongshun Staring at Wei Hui who had already left, he gritted his teeth.

The door of the living room is the garden, which is quite big, and there are three or four stone paths to walk, Wei Hui went straight to the car at the door, and heard a sound in his ear.

"Do you still dare? Tell me, do you still dare!"

"See if I won't beat you to death today!"

"You bitch! Thief! I'll let you take whatever you want!" A

slightly sharp insult From not far from the garden, Wei Hui turned his head and looked away, and heard a timid voice next to his ear: "I didn't, it wasn't me..."

With a bit of crying, it sounded distressing.

However, Wei Hui has never been a kind person, she didn't even give any extra glances and continued walking, and then she was bumped into by someone.

Wei Hui took two steps back, Pei Tian quickly supported her, and said in a low voice, "Miss San, are you okay?

" Whimpering softly, like a wounded beast. Several women followed closely behind the girl. They held whips and sticks in their hands, as well as branches that had just been broken from the tree. The branches were reddish brown and smelled of blood.

Seeing red, this is a bad premonition.

Wei Hui raised his eyebrows slightly, with a displeased expression on his face. Everyone felt that the air pressure around them dropped a little in an instant. They looked at each other, and no one dared to say anything.

"Miss San." A soft laugh broke the anxious atmosphere, and Shen Suqing came over wearing a waistcoat. The Shen family was quite prestigious in Jiangcheng, so Shen Suqing had met Wei Hui twice before, so she knew him naturally, but Wei Hui didn't say hello to her, just He nodded slightly and was ready to go.

The hem of the skirt was grabbed.

It was a little bloody hand.

Wei Hui lowered his head, and saw the hand holding her red dress, it was small, with bright red blood stains on the back of the hand, but the skin was very fair, with slender fingers, it was originally a red dress, but it was stained with blood, coupled with her fair skin, it was An indescribable feeling.

There was a moment of cold silence in the air.

Until Wei Hui said: "Raise your head."

The girl who had kept her face lowered trembled when she heard the voice, as if she was frightened, but Wei Hui was impatient, and she repeated: "Raise your head." The

girl slowly raised her head.

His long hair was messy on his head, dry and yellow, his face was dirty, his forehead was cut open, and blood was bubbling, spreading to both sides of his cheeks, dirty, messy and bloody, like The beggar who just walked out of the garbage dump makes people reluctant to take a second look.

But Wei Hui took a second look.

Because she found these eyes very beautiful.

After a few seconds she corrects and is very pretty.

Shen Suqing took a second look at Wei Hui and said immediately: "Miss San, do you like it?" It's

not uncommon to give someone away in Jiangcheng, even if this cheap brat was brought back by her husband, she would not know what she wanted to do ? So since she brought it back, she has been tossing a lot. Today, she caught a trick and was about to kick him out. Who knew that she would run into Wei Huang.

If this man is interested in taking him back to do what she wants to do, she is very clear about it, but Wei Huang, what can he do if he is a woman after all? So she just said casually: "If Miss San likes it, she can take it back."

Everyone was waiting for Wei Hui to refuse. After all, who didn't know that the third young lady of the Wei family was indifferent, and didn't like to meddle in other people's business, let alone make trouble.

As a result, Wei Hui was uncharacteristically, she paused, and said in the same voice, "Thank you then."

Hearing what he said, Pei Tian couldn't help frowning, did he hear correctly just now? Miss San just said thank you?

Not no, but thanks?

Before he could think about it, Wei Hui had already lifted his foot and left, the girl was still lying on the ground, Shen Suqing kicked her: "What are you dawdling about, why don't you hurry over!" A

bitch who only seduces men!

The girl was shaken by her kick, and immediately ran towards Wei Hui, but she didn't dare to go too close, she only dared to walk beside Pei Tian. When getting into the car, Pei Tian opened the rear seat, and Wei Hui After sitting on it, the girl stood at the door biting her lip with a cautious posture.

It was Pei Tian who said to get in the car, and she slowly moved into the car, leaning against the door, as if she was afraid of getting the car dirty, she only dared to sit on a small space on her buttocks, she huddled together, and the blood on her head was still there. It didn't dry up, and occasionally a few drops fell. She covered the wound with her sleeve and kept silent.

"Miss San, do you want to go to the company?"

Wei Hui, who was sitting next to her and closed her eyes, said in a calm voice, "Go back."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at the people around her: "Call Ziyan to come."

Listen Hearing her voice, the girl looked sideways at Wei Hui, and saw that she was looking at her calmly, her phoenix eyes were cold, she immediately lowered her head and shrunk her shoulders, Wei Hui didn't pay attention to her small movements, and continued to lean against the car after giving the order Close your eyes and rest your mind.

The girl occasionally glanced at her from the corner of her eye. The simple red dress was close to her body. It was sleeveless and her arms were white. At this moment, Wei Hui had his arms around his chest, his head was tilted to one side, and the profile of his face was exquisitely lined. Elegant and extravagant, but also somewhat indifferent and unreasonable, the girl bit her lip quietly thinking of her bold move just now.

He bowed his head, apologetic in his eyes.

After arriving at Wei's house, Pei Tian contacted Su Ziyan. After Wei Hui got out of the car, the girl followed her, keeping a close distance. After she entered the living room, the busy maids all stopped and looked surprised. Look at the girl behind her.

Still holding the dishcloth in her hand, Zhang Ma walked up to Wei Hui and said, "Miss San, this is..."

Wei Hui parted her thin lips, "Take her to wash up first."

Without introducing anyone, Zhang Ma did not dare Asked, and immediately said to the girl: "Miss, please come this way."

The corner of the girl's lip was bitten, blood oozing out, her throat was full of fishy smell, and she choked when she tried to speak, coughed several times in a row, a dirty Xixi's face was flushed red, Zhang's mother knew that Wei Hui didn't want to see dirty things around her, so she immediately took the girl's hand and walked in: "Come with me." Pei Tian returned to the living room after calling, and saw that

Wei Hui was not there. The servant next to

him said, "Where's Miss San?" The servant replied, "I just went upstairs."

Pei Tian smiled, how could he have forgotten that Wei Hui has a serious obsession with cleanliness, her clothes were stained with the girl's blood just now, she must be Went upstairs to change clothes, as expected, a few minutes later, Wei Hui changed into white casual clothes and went downstairs, with loose long hair loosely tied behind his head, Pei Tian got up from the sofa: "Miss San, Mr. Su is coming soon!" Here you go."

Wei Hui Qingqian responded, walked to him and poured a cup of tea.

Pei Tian was still puzzled and said: "Miss San, why did you bring that girl..."

Before he finished asking, Wei Hui raised his eyes to look at him, his phoenix eyes were cold and cold, Pei Tian shut up wisely.

Ten minutes later, a person came into the living room, walking in a hurry, with a first aid kit in his hand, he asked, "What's wrong with

Miss San?" "The patient is over there."

Su Ziyan was relieved to see that she was fine, and turned to look in the direction of her finger. A girl was sitting on the sofa with her head lowered. She was very thin and only wearing a white pajamas. Cover your face with slightly damp hair.

He walked over and just put down the first aid kit. The girl with her head down slowly raised her head. Her pretty face seemed to have been carefully modified, with regular and delicate features, big eyes and black pupils, clear pupils, long eyelashes like cicada wings, and a small nose. Pretty, thin lips, skin as fair as jade, the only fly in the ointment is that there is a scar on the forehead, which seems to be injured just now, it really ruins the beauty!

Su Ziyan turned his head while heartbroken, and said to Wei Hui: "Yes, you have learned how to hide the beauty in the golden house!"

Pei Tian who was on the side was shocked when he heard this.

He was really afraid that Su Ziyan would be kicked out in the next second.

The author has something to say: Ms. Wei San: I will definitely not hide in a golden house!

Later: really fragrant.

This article is also known as "Miss San Slaps in the Face". You can start to record how many times Miss San has slapped her in the face.

Open a new article! ! ! The third lady belongs to the kind of person who has very weak feelings, so she is slow in the early stage. If you like it, you can save it and leave a comment. Let the third lady and the little milk bag grow up quickly! There is no list in the early stage, so everyone needs to leave a lot of comments. Turtle will send small red envelopes from time to time, thank you everyone.

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