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   Wei Hui had a car accident and didn't wait until eleven to go back.

Before Shi Shi came out of Qimao, she received a call from Pei Tian. Her phone fell to the ground, and with a bang, it hit her heart hard. Under the scorching sun, her whole body felt chills, piercing her bones, and she couldn't bear the cold. Shivering, trembling, he picked up the phone from the ground and put it to his ear: "What did you say?"

Pei Tian on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Miss San had a car accident on the way to discuss business. , she is currently being rescued in Dr. Su's hospital."

A heartache like a knife hit, and dense pain emerged from the apex of Eleven's heart, and rushed directly into her mind, the hand holding the mobile phone trembled, and she could hardly hold a light one. Mobile phone, she stood under the scorching sun, gritted her teeth and asked, "When did it happen?"

Pei Tian bowed his head: "Half an hour ago."

Half an hour ago?

Half an hour ago!

She smiled Yanyan half an hour ago and said to herself, okay, I'll wait for you to come back.

Is this the way to wait for her?

She knew that it was impossible for her to touch her, she knew that she couldn't bear to touch her, she didn't even dare to use force to hold her, let alone hurt her leg, she knew, she knew everything.

So she chose to use it this way?

Eleven was standing at the gate of Qimao Company, his straight back suddenly bent, and he fell to the ground slumped, hugging his knees and crying bitterly!

When Du Yuehan walked out of the company, he saw Eleven looking down and down. He took two steps forward, bent down and shouted, "Eleven?"

Eleven looked up at him, his hazy eyes were blurred with tears, the corners of his eyes were scarlet, excruciating pain In the past, she slowly got up from the ground, and nodded lightly to Du Yuehan who was standing beside her: "Mr. Du." Du Yuehan didn't understand, so he asked

, "What happened?"

Pressing against the hard shell of the phone, the piercing pain hit again, and she forced a smile: "It's nothing."

"I'll go first."

She said as she left Kai Mao without looking back, behind Du Yuehan frowned, staring at her back.

It was already an hour after Eleven arrived at the hospital. She lingered outside the hospital gate for a long time, and she didn't dare to go in. She was afraid of hearing Su Ziyan tell her, I'm sorry, I tried my best.

She had imagined 10,000 possibilities of losing Wei Hui, but when it was really possible, she still avoided it inevitably, she was afraid.

She doesn't want to face it.

Eleven stared at the gate of the hospital when the phone rang suddenly. She slowly picked up the phone with her trembling right hand and saw the name displayed on the phone screen.


She ran into the hospital!

Wei Hui was a little surprised that she didn't see Eleven when she woke up. She turned her head and asked, "Have you contacted Eleven?" She

knew that Eleven couldn't hurt her. The reason why she said that was to give her a vaccination in advance. It's just that she didn't expect that the injection was so effective that Eleven couldn't bear it and almost collapsed.

Pei Tian glanced at his watch: "An hour ago, I already contacted Eleven."

Wei Hui frowned just now and asked Pei Tian to bring his own phone. As soon as he dialed it, he heard hurried running outside the ward door With a sound, the door was opened, and Eleven stood there panting, just as she was about to raise her hand to let Pei Tian leave, Eleven rushed in and hugged her regardless.

"Hui Hong." Eleven's voice was crying: "How could you do this?"

"How dare you do this?"

"Do you know how dangerous it is!"

"Do you know that I almost lost you It's gone!"

A series of reprimands came out of Eleven's mouth, and Pei Tian looked at Eleven who lost his temper in surprise. This was the first time he saw someone get angry at Miss San. Angry, but said in a weak tone: "I'm sorry."

He stood where he was, and saw Wei Hui lift his hand on the hospital bed, he nodded, and exited the ward, vaguely hearing Eleven's voice of continued accusation.

Eleven is angry and furious, but also scared, and there is nothing wrong with it.

In the fight against time, she had never had a chance of winning. It was a gift from God that she could stay with Wei Huang for a second longer. She would never get angry for no reason, but this time, it really scared her.

Wei Hui also knew that what she did this time was too aggressive and risky, but there was no other way, so she let Eleven vent her fear, she patted Eleven on the back, felt the cold sweat on her hand, Wei Hui Hui curled up her fingers, and whispered in Eleven's ear, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, Eleven, I'm sorry."

Eleven tightly grasped Wei Hui's shoulders, his body was still trembling, and the hands holding Wei Hui trembled. Her eyes were red, her eyes were watery, she bit the corner of her lips and said, "I don't want to hear that you're sorry."

Wei Hui opened his mouth and lost his voice, only the sobbing sound of Eleven crying came from the ward, and after a while, Su Ziyan knocked on the door for inspection, seeing the two of them like this, he didn't know what to say, and before leaving, he shouted: "Eleven, come out with me." Eleven let go of Wei

Hui, and reluctantly followed Su Ziyan out out of the ward. "I know you are very sad, but in the later stage, she will face sudden

cardiac arrest at any time. I have told you this before your relationship."

After the Chinese New Year, she had an operation..."

Eleven tightened her body and looked at Su Ziyan in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Su Ziyan looked at the child who had only reached his shoulder before, but now he was at the same level as him , without hesitation, he continued: "Don't worry, she has survived, and the most important factor for her to survive now is you." Speaking of this, he laughed: "I really didn't expect that one day

she would take you Seeing is more important than Wei Tian."

Eleven bit the corner of his lips, his body was stiff, and he asked bravely, "Is her condition getting worse?"

Su Ziyan nodded, "Yes, I don't want to hide it from you, and I won't hide it from you. If it goes on like this , The heart transplant operation needs to be done in advance, you can't fall down at this time, you are her backing, and Hui Hong sent you to go abroad for further study, not because she wants you to guard Wei's family and defend the sky, she just hopes that she can protect Wei after she leaves. , you hold up a sky for yourself."

"Eleventh, I want you to hold up not only your own sky, but also Hong Hui's sky."

Eleven gritted his teeth: "I see."

Su Ziyan patted her Shoulder: "Be strong."

Eleven's nose was sour, her throat was choked, her eyes were hazy, she was only in her early twenties, she had only enjoyed two years of happy life with Wei Hui, and she finally found a way to lighten her. The lamp in her life, now God says, no, this lamp of hers has no wick, and she has to take it away at any time, like a huge joke.

But she knew this joke from beginning to end.

Eleven solemnly said: "Doctor Su, don't worry, I know what to do."

Seeing her calmness, Su Ziyan couldn't help but nodded: "Thank you."

Eleven smiled wryly: "I don't suffer as much as her."

Su Ziyan saw her tears flow smoothly Sliding his cheeks but gritting his teeth without making a sound of sobbing, he felt uncomfortable, and said sideways: "Go in and accompany her. She is very weak now and needs to rest. Don't let her talk too much."

" Okay." In response, Eleven was like a robot, only repeating, okay, I get it, I understand, Su Ziyan couldn't bear to see her like this, and when he turned his head, there was a faint splash in the corner of his eyes, he took a breath: " Go in."

Eleven wiped the water from the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, and when she opened the door and walked in, there was a slight smile on her lips, and she called, "Hui Hui."

Wei Hui raised his eyelids, took a panoramic view of her expression, and spoke Said: "Zi Yan told you?"

Eleven was not as loud as before, she didn't shout hoarsely, she just nodded lightly, she asked: "Are you hungry? Shall I ask Aunt Liu to bring some rice porridge? Or should I drink some water?" She

said He walked to the water dispenser, poured half a cup of warm water, walked to Wei Hui, inserted the straw, Wei Hui took a sip and said, "I told him not to tell you." "I know it all.

" She has matured a lot, the person who yelled just now disappeared, and now she is very calm standing in front of Wei Huang, putting the cup on the bedside table on Eleventh, bowing her head and saying: "I know your health is getting worse and worse, I know you are young After surgery, I know you were afraid that I would be worried, so you didn't tell me." "

But Huihong, I want you to know that you are the only person in this world that I am close to and care about. I don't want to miss everything about you. Whether it's good or bad, even if it's an operation, I want to sit outside the door and wait for you to come back."

Wei Hui turned to look at Eleven, the sun was dazzling, she squinted her eyes, and Eleven met her clear eyes Said: "So next time I have anything, I hope you don't hide it from me."


Wei Hui squeezed the corner of the quilt with both hands, the corners of his lips moved, and before he could speak, there was a knock on the door. Then the voice came: "Miss San."

"Come in."

The door of the ward opened, and Pei Tian walked in, looking first at Eleven and then at Wei Hui, bowing his head and saying, "Miss San, Luo Zhouping knows the land in Huaicheng He also wants to participate in the auction."

Wei Hui's complexion changed: "What?"

"How could he know?"

Pei Tian replied without hesitation, "The news that Choate helped him."

Wei Hui's expression was cold After coming down, the phoenix eyes became more serious: "Does Mr. Du know about this?"

Pei Tian nodded: "Yes, he has already asked Qiao Te for help, but Luo Zhouping..."

Luo Zhouping's branch company has developed rapidly in the past two years. If he is informed of the news again, he will definitely buy this land at all costs. Even if it changes hands, the profit will be very considerable. Besides, no one knows the news now. , so the bidding price will not be raised, Wei Hui thought about it, and heard Eleven say: "I will take office now."

Wei Hui raised his eyes: "What?"

Eleven forced a smile to her, and said softly: " You are inconvenient now, and the company's affairs can't be left alone. I'm taking office now. Although it's not justifiable, but Luo Zhouping is busy with the land in Huaicheng, so he won't care too much about it. Everything will be discussed after I sit as the vice president "

Wei Huixiu frowned: "But you are not familiar enough with the company."

Eleven smiled at her: "Isn't there still you?"

"I don't understand, no, you teach me."

Wei Hui Hearing that the tightly wrinkled brows relaxed a little, she nodded: "That's fine."

She turned to Pei Tian and said, "Pei Tian, ​​a board meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. You can arrange it."

Pei Tian nodded: "Understood."

He said After that, he was about to leave, but Eleven suddenly called out: "Assistant Pei." Pei

Tian paused, and immediately turned his head: "Miss Eleven, is there anything else?"

Eleven nodded, looked at Wei Hui, thought for a few seconds, and said, "Help." I need to contact someone."

Pei Tian was puzzled: "Please tell me."

Eleven said with firm eyes, "Help me contact Shen Hao."

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