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    Wei Hui fell ill shortly after leaving on November 1 and was sent to Su Ziyan's hospital by Pei Tian. He was sent in time and nothing major happened. When Su Ziyan examined her, he shook his head and said, "Looking at you like this, I regret letting you talk about it." I 'm in love."

Wei Hui smiled: "I don't regret it."

Su Ziyan glanced sideways and saw a slight smile on her cold face, her eyes were soft, Wei Hui, who used to only feel sharp and sharp, said calmly now, I don't regret.

He sighed: "Okay, no one is here, so what else is there to show?"

Wei Hui coughed twice without answering him, Su Ziyan asked: "Aren't you going to tell her?"

"It's nothing, so don't tell me." As soon as she left, she fell ill. Eleven knew that she would come back desperately, and followed her every step of the way. In some things, Eleven was as stubborn as her and would not listen to persuasion. I promise to keep her safe for two years, and she will not leave in peace.

She tried her best not to send news of her illness to Eleven, but only asked her how she was doing there. She didn't reply to the message until the next day, saying it was fine.

Wei Hui frowned upon receiving this news. Although Eleven talked less and less, he never did this to her. Or is there something else going on?

She was thinking wildly and about to make a phone call when she received an eloquent essay, which was full of exhortations to her and the reluctance of eleven. She felt relieved when she saw the familiar nagging, and answered her questions one by one. reply.

There was a time difference between the two of them, and it was late at night on Eleven. She hadn't put down her phone when there was a knock on the door, and then Du Yueming came in with porridge. Seeing Eleven holding her phone, she said angrily, "You still look at your phone when you have a fever. I'm really not afraid of going blind!"

Eleven smiled, she had a high fever this afternoon, and she was sent to the hospital for an examination to find out the physical reaction caused by acclimatization, Du Yueming muttered that she had never seen someone who was not acclimatized so quickly, but it was a fact that people were sick, she Mei Zhe was so busy, now that she knew she woke up on November 11 in the middle of the night, she went out to buy porridge herself, and it took two streets to buy it. She put the porridge down and said, "You should thank me for my kindness, I treat my parents very well. I haven't been taken care of like that."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and curled her lips: "Speaking of which, why do I feel that I am so unfilial?" Eleven eyebrows raised

: "Yueming, thank you."

People are soft but not hard, and she can still tease a few words if she doesn't speak on the eleventh, but now she can't hold back when she speaks like this.

"Thank you. Get well soon. I'm here to go to school, not to be a nurse." "

Also, would you like me to help you contact your third lady?"

Eleven raised her head immediately: "No."

She said slowly "I'm fine. The fever is gone now. I can go to school tomorrow. Don't tell her."

Du Yueming clicked his tongue: "The best girlfriend of the year."

Eleven ignored her teasing and said, "Go back first." It's getting late."

"Which way to go." Du Yueming leaned on another hospital bed: "The schools are closed, let's go back together tomorrow, and we'll just make do here tonight." Looking at her

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