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    Do you like Miss San?

Eleven was stunned for a long time because of Su Ziyan's question. Obviously, this question was difficult for her to answer. The waiter next to him made a slight noise, and Eleven regained his composure and whispered: "Doctor Su, Miss San and I, aren't we?" That kind of relationship."

She couldn't explain it to Du Yueming, because the situation didn't allow it at the time, but she didn't want Su Ziyan to misunderstand, which would damage Miss San's reputation.

Su Ziyan, who didn't know what she was thinking, frowned lightly: "Don't you like Miss San?"

Eleven opened his mouth: "No, I, we are not the kind of relationship you think."

She was clumsy, not very good at explaining, With a pretty face flushed and bright eyes, Su Ziyan said in a gentle voice, "If one day, you develop into that kind of relationship, will you hate her?"

Eleven was completely stunned.

Seeing her lowering her head and smiling, Su Ziyan said, "I'm just joking."

"Let's eat."

Eleven saw seriousness from his expression, and when he picked up the chopsticks, his heart was extremely flustered. Su Ziyan said this, did Miss San tell him what?

It must be, Miss San must have told him something before he would ask this question.

Would she hate her if it developed into that relationship?

So Miss San, is she the same as the masters who brought her back?

Eleven lost her appetite for food because of this guess. She lowered her head and drank the soup and sat quietly until Su Ziyan put down her chopsticks before whispering: "Doctor Su, I'm full." Su Ziyan: "I'll go pay the bill.


Eleven Looking up: "I, I'll come."

Su Ziyan chuckled: "Are you rich?"

Eleven felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by him, but firmly said: "Yes." Although not a lot.

Her money is wrapped in a veil like her mother-in-law. When she was a servant, she couldn't get a monthly salary like everyone else, because she was underage, and the hostesses hated her, so she was paid casually. Give her a little bit to deal with. She hasn't stepped outside on Eleventh, so she doesn't need any money, so she just saved up bit by bit.

Su Ziyan saw the child in front of him take out the washed white handkerchief from his trousers pocket. After opening it, the banknotes inside were neatly stacked one by one. Feeling sad, he said: "Let me come."

Eleven looked up at him in surprise, Su Ziyan smiled: "I agreed to treat you to delicious food, how can I ask you to pay for it?"

After he finished speaking, he summoned the waiter and took out his wallet When he paused for a few seconds, he put the wallet back into his pocket, took out a few red skins, and handed them to the waiter.

After paying the bill, Su Ziyan took Eleven back to the hospital. The two of them didn't speak on the way. After arriving at the office, Su Ziyan told Eleven to rest, and they could leave when Wei Hui finished. He opened the drawer after he finished speaking: "I want to eat Take any candy by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Don't be greedy."

Eleven twisted his hands together: "Thank you, Dr. Su."

Su Ziyan patted her on the head and left the office.

The office is not big, but it is well-equipped. There is a small sofa by the window. The sun shines on it, and it looks very warm. Eleven is curled up on the sofa, with his arms around his legs, and his head resting on his knees. He tilted his head and looked out the window.

Su Ziyan's words rang in her ears again.

Would you hate her if you developed that relationship later on?

Eleven didn't know, she only knew that this sentence subverted Wei Hui's image in her heart, she thought Wei Hui was different from those men.

So is it no different?

Then why did she send herself to the hospital for examination and treatment?

Are you afraid of being dirty?

Thinking of this possibility on Eleven, it was as if her heart had been stabbed by a sharp weapon. She turned pale from the pain, her hands hugged her legs tightly, and she curled up even more.

Fragments of sunlight shone on her through the window, but she couldn't feel any warmth.

One room is quiet, another room is noisy.

Wei Hui opened her eyes and saw Su Ziyan sitting beside the hospital bed, writing and drawing with a medical record in her hands, she asked, "What's wrong?" Her

voice was very hoarse, not as clear as usual.

After Su Ziyan finished writing, he looked up at her: "The medicine needs to be increased."

Wei Hui was not surprised: "Okay."

"I contacted Dr. Bai from abroad a few years ago, and he replied to me two days ago, saying that he would come and take a look. He After 30 years of research in this area, if he is willing to take over, we still have hope."

Hope, Wei Hui can't remember how many times he heard this word, every time hope is accompanied by disappointment, she is used to it.

Su Ziyan bowed his head: "What you have to do now is to take care of your body." "

I think you can put aside your work."

Perhaps it was because of the infusion, Wei Hui's face faded slightly, and her complexion was fair. She slept peacefully, and now she is in good spirits. After hearing Su Ziyan's words, her expression didn't fluctuate, she just said lightly: "I know."

Su Ziyan sighed: "If you really know, I don't have to worry about it.

" Muttering, Wei Hui pressed his head: "Go out, I'll sleep again."

As soon as Su Ziyan got up, he heard movement at the door, and Pei Tian's voice came: "Miss San.

" He opened his lips with displeased eyes: "Come in."

After Pei Tian opened the door, Su Ziyan rolled his eyes. He frowned, and saw him go out before asking. The door closed, and Wei Hui crawled out of the hospital bed. Standing up, Pei Tian said, "Are you feeling better?"

"No problem." Wei Hui frowned: "What did Wang Yongshun say?"

Pei Tian handed her the contract:

"President Wang agreed." The hysterical look in the box, knowing that he had been put together, was so angry that he wanted to kill, but now he would agree.

Pei Tian replied to her: "It should be the Shen family who put pressure on it."

But he couldn't figure out how Shen Hao persuaded Wang Yongshun. If Shen Hao really had the ability, he would have taken the unfinished building as his own, why wait until then? Now?

But no matter what, the unfinished building now belongs to the Weitian Group.

Wei Hui was holding the contract when the cell phone rang suddenly, and it came from the bag. She looked at Pei Tian, ​​who took it and handed it to her, and Shen Hao's name was displayed on the screen.

"Miss San, are you still satisfied?"

Wei Hui didn't know what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd, and smiled: "What does Mr. Shen mean?" "

It's just a little sincerity." Shen Hao glanced at his watch: "Tonight Eight o'clock, I wonder if the third lady is free?"

Wei Hui said coldly: "No."

Shen Hao: "Then..."

Wei Hui's voice was very cold: "Not after that."

Shen Hao heard her cool There was no trace of annoyance in his voice, if Wei Hui was so easy to pursue, then the man would probably have to circle around Jiangcheng a few times, and he was in no hurry.

After the last time we met, seeing Wei Hui who was getting more and more gorgeous, he made up his mind that he wanted this woman!

Wei Hui didn't want to deal with him too much, so he said to himself: "If Mr. Shen is fine, I'll hang up first." "

Wait." Shen Hao said: "The matter of cooperation—"

"Interview with the company."

After Wei Hui finished speaking, he hung up the phone and handed the phone to Pei Tian. His head was still aching. Seeing that her expression was not right, Pei Tian asked concerned, "Do you want to rest?" "Okay, you go out first." Pei Tian heard


words Exiting the ward, he went out to find that Su Ziyan hadn't left, apparently waiting for him.

"Is something wrong, Doctor Su?" Pei Tian looked at him, and Su Ziyan closed the case: "Are you still pretending to be stupid with me


He is used to cherishing his life, and has been following his doctor's orders since he knew he was ill. He would not believe that Wei Hui would suddenly work so hard, and other accidents would happen in it.

Pei Tian glanced at Wei Hui's ward and said in a low voice, "Doctor Su, please take a step."

Su Ziyan walked into the tea room next to him and said to Pei Tian, ​​"Come in." Pei Tian

said as he entered, "Luo Zhouping has returned to China." "

Luo Zhouping has a close relationship with the Wei family, so Su Ziyan naturally knows about it.

Weitian Group was created by Mr. Wei's hard work. It took more than 20 years of ups and downs to gain a firm foothold. But at that time, the economy was in a downturn, and a company that followed the rules could not bring much benefit at all. Wei Hui's father, Wei Changyuan, After working in the company, I met Luo Zhouping.

Luo Zhouping was just a gangster at first, but he has a high IQ, can make money, and has a good eye. In the downturn era at that time, he helped the Weitian Group to break through several difficulties. Wei Changyuan and Luo Zhouping.

Without the restraint of the old man, Luo Zhouping had evil thoughts and encouraged Wei Changyuan to go astray, but of course he was rejected. At that time, he was already the second largest shareholder of the company, and he united with many other small shareholders to squeeze Wei Changyuan out. , but the old man left a way out, so Luo Zhouping was arranged to go abroad. He only came back for a while after Wei Changyuan died of illness in so many years. At that time, he didn't like Wei Hui, what a young girl with just grown up could do, so he waited for the people from the company to beg him to come back with an attitude of watching the show, but he didn't expect that it was Wei Hui who was waiting to come. Good news.

He went abroad again angrily, to the branch office.

Luo Zhouping was Wei Changyuan's biggest worry, and it was also his lifelong regret. At the beginning, he was blind and took Luo Zhouping back to the company to work hard together. He never thought that he would be bitten back. This was something he still cared about before he died. This incident also became a heavy burden for Wei Hui.

After Wei Hui took office, she and Luo Zhouping fought for countless rounds, but after all, she had just taken office, and most of her thoughts were on the company, so that's why the old fox had an opportunity to win over people on the board of directors.

When he came back this time, Pei Tiandao: "Luo Zhouping, you may know that Miss San is sick."

Su Ziyan's expression changed slightly: "How could he know?"

All Wei Hui's medical information is with him, which is highly confidential and locked in a safe , how could Luo Zhouping know?

Pei Tian shook his head: "He's just skeptical."

"This unfinished building is the problem he gave Miss San."

Besides, although Luo Zhouping has been abroad for so many years, his contact with shareholders has never been broken. It was by using the resolution of the board of directors that he returned to the country and the company so smoothly, even the third lady could only endure it for the time being.

Su Ziyan understood, and he said: "Then pay more attention to her body, and notify me immediately if she feels unwell."

"I know."

After Pei Tian finished speaking, he raised his head and met a pair of bright eyes. Eleven was holding a glass. Seeing him suddenly so at a loss, he subconsciously stepped back and said, "I, I just pour a glass of water. I don't care about anything else." I didn't hear that."

The author has something to say: Welfare, twenty small red envelopes at random, okay.

Thank you for the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angels who voted for [Land Mine]: Yu Xiaoxi 14; 囧嘿嘉娜 2; Murong Lanchen, Baigui, Fuji, Lalala , Wu Yu Mao, Hung Chien Yu Mu, cc3333, Flower Trade Wind, Lee Da Da Da Da Da, Clear Sky ♀ Wanli 1; thanks to the

little angel who irrigated [Nutrition Solution]:

Don't say 20 bottles; did you exercise today 13 bottles ;Scrambled eggs with pork, 10 bottles of Ziheng, Hongjian Yumu, Jing; 7 bottles of Feibao; 6 bottles of Qianranyixiao; Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxuan, _____ Xia, Mu Jin 3 bottles; Ana, Yin, Live Performance, 33058739 2 bottles; 38156298, Cola-loving Luo Bai, Qingkong♀Wanli 1 bottle; Thank you very much for your support

, I will continue to work hard!

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