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    Wei Huang is not a kind-hearted person. This is the consensus of everyone. She is not only a bad-hearted person, but also cruel in her actions. She was in awe and didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts. Even if there were a few short-sighted ones, they couldn't resist her frost, and gave up after a few contacts.

She doesn't need others to treat her well, because she can't respond. Relationships are not about business, they need long-term management, and she doesn't have the energy and doesn't want to do business.

It was an accident to meet eleven.

Before Wei Changyuan passed away, he repeatedly expressed his wish to see her get married and have children, hoped that there would be successors to the Wei family, and even helped her make several kisses, but he didn't know until his death that she didn't like men, she liked women.

When she was young, she also had fantasies about being in love, but they were all of the same sex. She couldn't feel any affection for men, and she was afraid that it would aggravate Wei Changyuan's condition, so she never revealed it, and only Su Ziyan knew about it.

After Wei Changyuan passed away, she was busy with the company and had no time to be distracted. Coupled with her physical problems, she was even more unwilling to touch her feelings. Su Ziyan thought it was right for her to do so. If she touched her feelings and aggravated her illness, he would rather see her be pure-hearted The ascetic "monk" also doesn't want to see her die faster because of her feelings, but the Wei family's death has always been a thorn in her heart, especially in the dead of night. She recalled the look in Wei Changyuan's eyes before he died, and felt that the thorn was getting more piercing. The deeper it was, the pain made her sleepless at night.

In the past two months, she knew that her condition was difficult to control, and after talking to Su Ziyan a lot, she also mentioned this thorn. At that time, Su Ziyan replied to her without thinking: "Want to have a child? Then find a woman you like to give birth to you."

He But she said casually, who knew that Wei Hui took it seriously, and sent several people abroad to investigate, and after receiving a positive reply, she began to find a suitable partner.

The celebrity circle is definitely not good, and she doesn't like the entertainment industry either. After searching for nearly a month, she still hasn't found a suitable target.

Just when he was about to give up this idea, Eleven appeared.

Wei Hui didn't want to admit that she was attracted by those eyes at first, and even thought how beautiful her child would be if she had such eyes. She is so superficial and vulgar, judging people by their appearance, and even brought them home.

This kind of thing that she would not do at all on weekdays, she was in a daze that day, feeling a little rushed to the doctor, but now she is thinking - this feeling is not bad.

At least this child, she is satisfied.

It was precisely because she was so satisfied that she was allowed to break her bottom line again and again, and she was given three months to think about it, and she was allowed to come and go freely in Wei's house, and even now, acquiescing to her leaning against him, Wei Hui turned his head to see Eleven's expression Nervous, clasped both hands, the back of the hand is white, with faintly visible blood vessels.

Eleven stared at the screen for a moment, obviously afraid of such a plot, but couldn't help but want to continue watching, the whole room was silent, only the distant and terrifying music came from the screen, and suddenly called: "Eleven. "

She was so frightened that her scalp became numb, and her mental tension for a long time made her subconsciously hide in the arms of the people around her. Her face was rubbed into a soft ball, and the tip of her nose was filled with a delicate fragrance. Only then did she realize what she had done. She His body froze and his mind went blank.

"Eleven?" The cry continued, and Su Ziyan's voice came: "Help me get..."

He turned his head and saw the two people who were already hugging each other, puzzled: "What are you doing?

" Embarrassed, she got up from Wei Hui's arms and was thinking of a reasonable explanation when Wei Hui said calmly in her ear, "What's the matter?" She didn't explain what happened just

now, and her face still showed an unnatural expression on Eleven Su Ziyan looked at her and then at Wei Hui and said, "It's okay, I'll take it myself."

After Su Ziyan sat down again, Eleven was so embarrassed that he whispered: "Miss San."

"Just now, I'm sorry.

" Her eyes fluttered and she said, "It's okay."

Eleven looked up at her, the light from the screen shone on Wei Hui's face, making her surprisingly beautiful, her facial features were deep and majestic, there was no trace of anger on her face, and her expression was not as cold as when she grabbed the hem of her clothes for the first time, Eleven was quietly relieved, but she didn't dare to watch movies anymore, she was afraid that she would do something unruly when she saw a scary place.

Half an hour later, the movie was over. Eleven Duan was sitting on the sofa, his small body was straight, his butt hurt a little. On the other hand, Wei Hui, who was beside him, was leaning on the sofa with a relaxed posture, and his posture was unprecedentedly casual. Eleven thought , It turned out that Wei Hui looked like this when he was watching a movie.

In peacetime, very different.

There was a knock on the door, and her thoughts were disrupted. Aunt Liu's voice came from the door: "Miss San, dinner is ready."

Eleven followed Wei Hui and Su Ziyan out of the movie room.

I don't know if Aunt Liu knows that today is Miss San's birthday, and the dinner is very sumptuous, Su Ziyan sat down and said with a smile: "It's a wise decision to come here for lunch." Wei Hui glanced at him, and said to Eleven: "Dinner

. "

Eleven went to the chair next to her and sat down. At the dinner table, Su Ziyan and Wei Hui chatted a few words about the company. ears come out.

She couldn't understand the left and right, so she concentrated on eating. Before Su Ziyan and Wei Hui put down their chopsticks, they were full, and Su Ziyan asked in her ear: "Then what are you going to do?

" Talk."

Su Ziyan nodded: "I have met Du Yuehan several times, do you want me to accompany you?"

Wei Hui: "No, I will take Eleven."

Su Ziyan's eyes fell on Eleven, Eleven was puzzled Accepting the gaze of the two, she lowered her head and her pretty face turned red. Su Ziyan withdrew his gaze and said, "I'm full, let's cut the cake."

Wei Huang's acceptance of sweets is average, neither likes nor dislikes them, but Eleven likes them very much, perhaps because she rarely ate them before, so she has a special liking for sweets, the moment the cake box was opened, she smelled sweets. There was a strong fragrance, and he looked at the cake and bit his lip.

There was no one in the living room, and Aunt Liu brought her servants to clean up the dishes in the dining room. Seeing Wei Hui moving the knife, Su Ziyan was about to cut the cake and immediately shouted, "Wait." "I haven't made a wish yet .


The child said to Wei Hui, "Quick, I'll light a candle for you and make a wish." "

Eleven, find a fire."

Eleven was taken aback when she was assigned a task: "Fire?"

Then she realized Stepping on her slippers and running into the kitchen, Wei Hui watched the two of them busily sitting on the sofa. On Eleven, she went to get the lighter and found it was not working, so she went to change it for a new one. Her small figure was running around the living room Running away, Wei Hui felt for the first time that his birthday could still be so lively.

She seldom celebrates birthdays, and she hasn't loved them since she got sick. Su Ziyan is right, she doesn't like the feeling that every year is less than one year.

But she couldn't resist Su Ziyan, and it wasn't too much. If she was really stubborn, Su Ziyan would have nothing to do with her, but after so many years, someone remembered her birthday and would celebrate her birthday, and maybe she would remember her death day in the future.

That's enough.

And now, there are more people.

Wei Hui looked at Eleven's cheeks that were rosy because of being busy, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she had crushed the starlight and put them in. When looking at people, she was bright and clear. At this moment, she was looking at herself, and said: "Miss San, Make a wish."

Wei Hui came back to his senses and saw a candle on the cake with the number twenty-seven written on it.

She nodded: "Okay."

Even Su Ziyan found it unbelievable to cooperate so far. In the past, she would impatiently say what she wanted, but the result was the same anyway, which was completely different from her current attitude.

He should get used to it, this person is so different from Shi Shi, otherwise it would be impossible to bring him back.

Wei Hui clasped his hands together, closed his eyes lightly, opened his eyes in two minutes, and blew out the candles. Su Ziyan smiled and handed over the knife and asked, "What wish did you make?

" Make a wish to live a long life."

The most common and ordinary wish made Su Ziyan's smile froze on his face, and Eleven raised his eyes to look at Wei Hui several times, until Wei Hui cut the cake and shared it with her and Su Ziyan, lips Jiao Yang smiled: "You can believe nonsense."

Su Ziyan took the cake, and said silently: "I hope, you are not talking nonsense."

One sentence made the atmosphere between the three slightly different. What did she say? She looked down at the cake, obviously holding the long-awaited food in her hand, but she didn't have any appetite. Su Ziyan picked up the fruit on it with a fork, and chewed slowly.

After a while, Wei Hui got up to answer the phone, Su Ziyan also put down the cake in his hand and said to Eleven: "Eat slowly."

Eleven nodded: "Yeah."

She watched Su Ziyan walk towards Wei Hui. After hanging up the phone, he said a few words to Su Ziyan behind him, and the two went out. Eleven sat on the sofa, looked at the people who had left, and lowered his eyes silently.

A gust of cold wind hit, and Wei Hui who went out coughed a few times, Su Ziyan stood in front of her to block the wind and said, "Go in and chat." Wei Hui shook his head, "Let's

talk here."

"You really plan to talk to Eleven Have a baby?" Su Ziyan looked at her, it was pitch black outside, the light from the street lamp shone on her body, half of her face was hidden in the darkness, so she couldn't see clearly.

Wei Hui: "If the child agrees."

Su Ziyan somewhat disagreed: "You will hurt your body like this, and you will be in danger at any time."

Wei Hui's voice was calm: "I have consulted, and it is within the controllable range."

If Eleven agrees, she will take her for surgery after the next year, so that she can see her child by the end of next year. Su Ziyan estimates that her current body can last up to six years. When the time comes to replace her with an artificial heart, she can last longer. In a few years, it is no problem to be able to train at least one child to be independent, let alone the Cheng family, Su Ziyan, and Pei Tian.

"What about Eleven?" Su Ziyan asked, "What should she do?"

Wei Hui looked up at Su Ziyan, put his hands behind his back and said, "I will give her enough money to ensure her life without any worries." "

But this is hers. " Child, do you think she will be careless?"

Wei Hui was a little impatient: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Su Ziyan stood beside her, looking at her with burning eyes: "I think you can reconsider your relationship with her. , maybe..."

"Aren't you the last thing you want to see me talk about feelings?" Wei Hui interrupted him, his expression much calmer, Su Ziyan was silent: "That was before." His thoughts now are different from

before After all these years, maybe she should try to accept others and start a different life. Even if she wants to have a child, it can be the crystallization of love.

The most important thing is - "You don't hate her, do you?"

Wei Hui sneered: "Ziyan, I admit that I don't hate this child, but I'm not that cruel.

" It really ruined this child's life. Although she is not a good person, she will not be so despicable!

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