Chapter 1

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Arthur walks through the archway of the big stone building and follows the sign that says 'Front Desk'. Well this is it! He was finally going to university! Oh my god! Arthur had been dreaming of this moment his whole teenage life. He walks through a pair of big wooden doors and approaches the front desk. He opens his mouth to speak but the man sat at the desk holds his hand up to signal to Arthur he was busy. After about a minute, He looks up at him "Apologies, sir. How can I help you today?" he said with a warm smile. Arthur smiled back relaxing a little at the man's laid back tone. "Hi, My name is Arthur Pendragon and This is my first day... they told me to be here at 9AM on the dot and, well, here I am!" he proclaims with perhaps a little to much enthusiasm. But the man keeps smiling so maybe it was all in his head. 

"Well hello there Arthur! Ok, let's make this quick so you can have as much time to get comfortable, as you need.  First off, we need to get you a mentor. Every new student gets one!" Arthur's face lights up with joy. "I know just the person! She has been coming here for a year already because she's a year older than me." the man's face relaxes. That ticked another job off his extraordinarily long list of tasks. "Perfect! What is her name?" a smile still plastered on his face "Morgana Pendragon. She's my sister you see." he says matter of factly. "Amazing! Let me beep her letting her know you're here! Oh god, I need to provide you with a campus messenger as well don't I.." He says turning and starting to rummage around in a draw behind him. "There you go! When you get a message it will make a beeping sound. You'll want to press this button to respond to a message and then you can type out a message to anyone on campus with this button." he smiles "Thanks!" Arthur says with a wide grin still prominent on his face.

Within five minutes Morgana comes striding through the door with an amount of confidence that makes Arthur jealous. But as soon as she turns and sees him that jealousy evaporates and it is replaced with a warm fuzzy feeling and a smile. "Arthur!" She squeals running over to him, her stunning black strappy heels loudly click clacking the whole way. She envelopes him in a tight hug and he is swamped with her sickly sweet honeysuckle perfume. 

"It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" she says drawing back with a huge smile on her face. "Me too!" He says "We have so much to catch up on! But first, Let's get to showing you round! We'll start off at your room so you can drop your stuff and meet your roomate, and then we'll start the tour." she says the smile still engraved on her face. She goes to the front desk and asks the man there a question that's out of Arthur's earshot. She nods and she smiles and then she walks back over to Arthur. She hooks her arm in his and guides him down the corridor and up a staircase. She then walks down another corridor and stops them at room 634. "Here we are! This is your room!" she knocks loudly. They wait there for a second and then the door swings open to reveal a breathtaking man about arthur's age. 

Arthur' jaw drops. He has dark (messy) hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes. He is wearing a tight Orange knit jumper, that fits to his figure perfectly, and tight black skinny jeans. Arthur stands there dumbstruck, Morgana stifling a giggle. You see, He had known he was gay for some time but he had only properly came out a year or so ago and that was only to Morgana, his father and his best friend Gwen, so it was all still quite new to her, seeing her brother smitten over a cute guy instead of a cute girl. "Uh-" The man smiles "Hey, How can I help you?" he says in a warm deep voice. "I'm-" Arthur clears his throat "I'm Arthur, your new roommate." he says with an awkward smile "Oh! Yeah! Right! I'm sorry if the room's a little messy I forgot that you were arriving today. Sorry.." He says gushing "I'm Merlin, by the way. Merlin Emrys." he says returning the smile warmly and holding his hand out for Arthur to shake. Merlin. What a lovely name. He takes the outstretched hand in his. Suddenly he feels sparks flying through him and heat rising in his cheeks. He had just met this man! He can't possibly have a crush on him already?! 


Letting go of Arthur's hand, Merlin opens the door a little more. "Come on in!" Arthur sheepishly steps inside. "Thanks!" he says shyly. "The bed over there is yours and there's a shelf waiting for you in the bathroom cupboard." Merlin says "Who's this?" He says peering round him and looking at Morgana inquisitively. "Oh, sorry! How rude of me! This is my sister Morgana. She's my mentor because she's been at the school for a year already." he says his voice wavering with nerves. "Lovely to make your acquaintance, Morgana!" Merlin says sweetly as he holds out his hand for her to shake and she takes it, with a smile on her face. "Likewise, Merlin!" she says. 

Merlin turns back to Arthur. "Well, make yourself at home! Once you feel comfortable, I'm sure Morgana already has a tour planned for you so I won't interrupt that. We can go over rules later?" he asks Arthur smiling. All he could do was nod. "Great! Do you need any help unpacking?" He shakes his head and said "Morgana can help me but thank you!" with a smile on his face. Merlin nods and throws himself onto his bed, book in hand. Arthur turns to the box he had placed on his bed and starts to unpack his things Morgana shooting a knowing glance at him. Once they are done unpacking they say their "goodbyes" and "see you laters" and make their way out of the building.

They walk round Morgana's tour route. She shows Arthur all the places of Interest on campus and outside of Campus, like the small village of Little Warlington which was situated walking distance from the university, and the local bus stops just in case. When they are done they pop into a small on campus coffee shop. They order their coffees and find a suitable spot to sit and wait for them to be delivered.  They catch up on everything they have missed in each others lives and then when their coffee's come they drink them in comfortable silence until Morgana speaks up. "So, already smitten with the roomie then?" Arthur looks at her, ripping his gaze from the window and stares at her in shock. "How did you figure that out?!" He says in a harsh whisper

"Arthur, honey. It's so obvious!" she says a sympathetic smile on her face. His eyes go wide. "Obvious enough for him to notice?!" he says in a small scared voice. "Depends how intelligent he is. I saw a physics textbook on the desk so I'm guessing he's doing a Physics degree.. but that doesn't mean he is emotionally intelligent!" Arthur's eyes dart round the café panic rising in his chest. He finishes the rest of his coffee, grabs his coat off the back of his chair and walks out. "Great." Morgana sighs. She pays for the coffee and gives the cashier a tip and then goes to follow her younger brother out the door. 

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