Chapter 7

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Merlin and Arthur came out to Morgana and Gwen a few days later, the two of them not surprised at all. They stay together for the rest of their time at university, spending whatever time they had together. A few years later after they graduate, Arthur asks Merlin to move into a small apartment in London with him. 

One morning a approximately a year later, Merlin is sat at the kitchen Island when Arthur walks in. He turns round on his chair "Morning!" he says in a chipper voice. Arthur plants a swift but powerful kiss on his lips and moves to the coffee machine to make himself a cup. "What do you want to do today?" Merlin asks, Arthur turning his attention away from the coffee machine towards him. "Hm. I'm not sure.. maybe we could try out that new bowling alley that just opened up near Marty's" he says when his phone buzzes with a message from Morgana 

Can't wait to see you guys tonight!! We'll try and be there for 6pm! xx  

He couldn't believe it! He had completely forgotten about Gwen and Morgana's visit! They were also living together on the other side of town in a small apartment together. They had found that over the time that they spent together in their university years they had grown to love each other, similar to Arthur and Merlin.

"Oh my god!" he says mildly panicking. "What is it?" Merlin says "Baby?" he says wrapping his arms around Arthur's waist and resting his chin on his chest so he was looking up at him. "It's Morgana and Gwen! They're coming over today!" Arthur says with a shocked look on his face. "I meant to tell you but I completely forgot!" Merlin's eyes light up "Omg!! I'm so excited! We haven't seen them in so long!!" his face drops. "Oh no. The apartment's a mess!" he says panicking. He lets go of Arthur and frantically picks up dirty dishes and puts them in the sink so he can wash them. He starts to walk over towards the sofa to straighten the cushions when he feels a hand grab his wrist. "Hey, hey calm down.  We've got a hours! They're only arriving at 6pm, ok?" Arthur says pulling Merlin in and kissing him, in hopes of calming him down. It works and Merlin snuggles into Arthurs chest again wrapping his arms around Arthur's waist. 

It was interesting how things had changed since university because Arthur found himself comforting Merlin a lot more often than he found Merlin comforting him. Not that there was anything wrong with that,  It was just the opposite to how things had been in their university years. He remembers himself being the soft, attention grabbing, hopeless romantic and Merlin being the calm, collected and controlled one. But it also wasn't a surprise change in behavior. Merlin had struggled with his mother's death that very same year and it had taken an obvious  but huge toll on his mental health. He didn't have any contact with his father, and he hadn't come to the funeral either, so Merlin was left parentless. 

Arthur guides Merlin to the sofa and sits him down on his lap holding him close. Merlin starts to cry and Arthur just sits there and holds him. He wishes he could take all of Merlin's pain away, wanting to protect him from all the horrors of the world. He cradles Merlin for what seems like an age until Merlin looks up at him and says "Thank you, Arthur." He smiles. "Anytime. Tell me if there is anything else bothering you ok?" Merlin nods and stands up, grabbing Arthur's hand to heave him off the sofa. "Now I suggest you go to bed for a bit. You can read if you want instead of sleeping but please take a chance to relax. I'll come in and check on you a couple hours before the others arrive, so you can have a shower and freshen up, you stinky boy!" he says with a grin. Merlin giggles "Okay, I'll see you later!" He says kissing him and then leaving for their bedroom. 

Arthur stands there for a moment watching him go into the room and then begins the hefty task of preparing the apartment for guests. He picks up the discarded coffee he made and then forgot about this morning and tries it. Stone cold. Well, Iced coffee it it then! He takes some ice cubes out of the freezer and pours the coffee into a travel mug dropping the ice cubes in after it. He starts the dishes, washing up his mug first. After a while he gets into a routine and starts to do them methodically, one by one. Once he is done with the dishes, he dries them and puts them in their respective places. He then moves to the sofa, straightening and fluffing out each cushion and pillow. 

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