Chapter 4

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*Time skip 2 months into the academic year*

Arthur couldn't believe how time had flown. He was already 2 months in to the school year. That was a crazy thought to him. He felt like the first lecture was only yesterday. He and Merlin had become good friends over the past couple of months and they spent a lot of time together. Neither of them realised that they were secretly pining over each other petrified that saying something would ruin the new yet close friendship they had. 

They stuck together like glue. In between lectures they would go to the library just the two of them. Sometimes, they would sit there studying helping each other out with things they didn't understand, Merlin taking a course in Physics, Arthur one in astrophysics. Other times, they would sit there, in comfortable silence, for hours on end paging through worlds of Magic, Elves and Dragons or Murder, mystery and romance.  

They went on like this for quite a while and their friendship strength grew and grew along with time. One day Merlin and Arthur were walking down the street when Arthur spotted his sister walking along with a blond woman with stunning eyeliner. "Morgana!" he yells drawing her  attention. Her face lit up and she checked the street for cars and then ran across it the blond woman following her in confusion. She runs up to Arthur and gives him a hug and then turns to Merlin with open arms and a smile. "Merlinnn!" Merlin's face lit up "Morganaaa!" he said and they both laughed before she enveloped him in her arms.

Over the last two months she and Merlin had become close friends because of their similar interests. They both really liked history and politics and would often discuss the current political situation in England and compare it to other time periods over a nice cup of tea. "How have you guys been?!" she says drawing back from Merlin with a smile "Good!" He says. Arthur nods to show that he too was good and Morgana looked at him sympathetic because she knew he wasn't. Spending so much time with Merlin was making him fall for him even harder and It was taking a toll on his mental health. On top of that, he couldn't actually tell Merlin what was the matter when he asked.. he had to make up some stupid excuse for why he was upset and then change the subject. 

Morgana looks up at Merlin "I needed to talk to Arthur if you don't mind.. I want to catch up with him over coffee." she smiles "Sure thing!"  Merlin looks at her with what she thought was a saddened glance and smiles. She was sure she had seen these symptoms before... Then it all clicked. That was the same look Morgause had when her girlfriend (back then they were just friends) was whisked away by her then boyfriend when they were in their first year at uni. He loved Arthur too! But he didn't know about Arthur's secret crush on him! Oh my god! This is amazing news! She says her goodbyes to Merlin and starts to drag Arthur down the street back towards the university. 


They arrive at the shop and because they visit so often Morgana just had to wave at the cashier for him to start making their usual. "Arthur, I don't want to give you too much hope but.." She looks at him with a smile..  "I think he likes you too." she says as she sits on the booth in the corner and he looks at her in surprise and slides in across from her "What?" he double takes "What?!"

"Well, I see the way he looks at you and the way he always wants to be with you.. It's just a theory, you mustn't run to him and confess your love or any of that bullshit, you need to wait. I'll set a perfect scene up. When Gwen comes, I'll throw a small party, more like a get together. You, me, Gwen, Merlin, Morgause and her Girlfriend. It'll be fun! And then I'll start to play a slow dance song and I'll dance with Gwen, Morgause will obviously dance with her girlfriend and then it's just you and Merlin left! Sounds like a plan to me!" she shoots arthur a cheeky glance "That." he says "is absolutely fucking brilliant!" he says with a huge grin on his face. Morgana slaps his wrist "No swearing young man!" she says with an even wider grin on her face.

"Oh my gosh, Morgana! This has made me even more excited for Gwen's visit! But also petrified.." he says almost screeching in the poor woman's ear. "Yep, I know. Calm down" she says a grimace on her face from the loud screech that had come out of her brother's mouth. She finishes the coffee that had been set on the table in front of her in one gulp and then says "I love these weekly coffee seshs of ours! We should invite Merlin sometime so he can hear all the girlish things you say about him" she grins evilly. "You wouldn't dare" he says glaring at her "Of course I wouldn't Art. You need to take a chill pill. You're always so on edge." Arthur let out a weak sigh. "I know." he says looking at his shoes. After a long pause he speaks up "Well now comes the week long wait." He says with a grimace on his face knowing that it would be hard to keep his hands of Merlin for that long. 

After the bill was dropped off and payed, They walk out of the coffee shop. "Seriously Arthur, I still can't believe you finally have a crush! Am I right in saying you've never had one before?" Arthur nods solemnly "Well, If you're not counting all the hot male actors that all straight women and gay men swoon over 24/7." he says a few coming to mind. "Then no. I have not had a crush on anyone before." Morgana looks at him in shock. Even though she thought so, she didn't actually expect it to be true! Her brother was a young gay man in London for god sakes! London was full of gay clubs where he could have easily gone and met a man. "Well then let's make sure that this goes well!" 

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