Chapter 5

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It was the night of the party and Arthur had been instructed to go to Morgana's large room at 8:00, an hour before the party started at 9:00. "We need to make you look alluringly sexy." There is a knock at the door. "Speak of the devil!" she opens it to reveal Gwen with two big paper shopping bags on both her arms "Gwenny!" Arthur says in delight as Morgana closes the door behind his long awaited best friend. 

"Hey Arty Farty! I heard we need to make you look alluringly sexy?" he nods cautiously "What have you done..." She smirks and puts the shopping bags down. "I have some outfits for you to choose from;" she says unpacking the bags and then holding up the first "Number 1: Simplistic. This look is simple but sexy. The black jeans compliment the red long- sleeved t-shirt nicely. Paired with your trainers." Morgana nods, signalling to Gwen that she should pull out the next one. "Number 2: Impressive. This outfit is the definition of alluring. The combination of a white button up shirt and corduroy trousers fastened with a belt shows you are both stylish and sexy at the same time. If you really want to you can even leave the first couple of buttons undone.." she says smirking. Arthur facepalms "Almost done with Number 3: Sexy. Here we have a pair of tight blue jeans. Paired with this white tee and you're trainers you are almost certain to bring attention to yourself and those arms that have gotten a lot bigger since I last saw you... Have you been lifting?" she says with a furrow in her brow. "Doesn't matter."

"Then, Last but not least outfit Number 4: All three combined. This white button up paired with tight blue jeans combines the Impressive element with a sexy kinda vibe." she says.  "Obviously still wearing the trainers. And then for your hair we will ruffle it up a bit but not to the point where it looks messy and then the stubble actually makes you look kinda hot so you're good." Gwen says with a cheeky grin. 

They (by they I mean Morgana and Gwen) sit there discussing the best options for about fifty minutes and then Arthur reminds them that they have about ten minutes until Merlin arrives. The both nod and agree that Number 4 was the best choice. Arthur grabs the items of clothing needed to put the outfit together and strides over to Morgana's bathroom shutting and locking the door behind him. 

He gets changed as quickly as possible, checking the time on his watch which says 8:55. he steps out from the bathroom and Gwen turns to him still laughing at something Morgana had just said but abruptly stops seeing him stood there. He looked incredibly hot. Who would have thought her goofy best friend Arthur could look so good with such little effort. "Wow." was all she could muster. Morgana just stood there dumbstruck. "Who are you and what have you done with my little brother?" she says mock scowling. "Seriously though," she says "You look like someone else entirely.." she looks at Arthur and then at Gwen "Well done Gwen!" she says giving her a high five and an exceedingly long hug when there is a knock at the door. 

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm freaking out over here people!" Arthur says Morgana just walks up to him slaps him with a rolled up magazine she was holding "Get yourself together you babbling Idiot. Coming!" She says in reply to the door. Arthur breathes in sharply and tries to relax. And he actually does until he sees Merlin walk through the door. He almost faints from how starstruck he is. He didn't think a man could look SO good. He was wearing baggy light blue jeans paired with his usual Adidas trainers which was all well and good but what really drew Arthur's attention was the rose red turtle neck jumper that fit to his form so perfectly showing every muscle in his arms clearly. 

Arthur shot a glance at Gwen, who doesn't look like a greek god now Gwen? Hmm? He hears other people trail in behind him but his eyes only follow Merlin as he walks over to him. Oh SHIT! HE'S COMING OVER HERE? WHILST LOOKING THAT GOOD?! Arthur definitely could not handle that but it was too late now. "Arthur!" He says pulling him into a strong hug. They hadn't seen each other all day because Morgana was whisking Arthur round to do all sorts of stuff. Arthur blushes feeling the muscley arms enveloping him and then pull back. "It feels like I haven't seen you in decades!" he says with a laugh, "Yeah, sorry about that!" Arthur says a wide smile on his face. "Morgana has kept me busy ALL DAY LONG! Like once I thought I was finally done she comes to me me with a list of another thousand chores to do. Such a thoughtful older sister is she not?" Merlin let out that giggle that made Arthur tingle. "Yes, so thoughtful!" Merlin says a grin on his face. 

They continued to talk (veering more towards the topic of Physics) until Morgana taps a fork on her wine glass. My friends, I would like to raise a toast so those without a drink in hand hurry up and get one already." She says glaring at Merlin and Arthur who look at each other stifling a laugh and then both pour a glass of wine. "There, that wasn't that hard was it? Now, I want to raise a toast to our friendship and our closeness throughout this wild journey that is University. We must stick together no matter what! Cheers!" she says draining the liquid in her glass. The others do the same. "Now! To make things really awkward (well minus Morgause and Helen) I'm going to put some slow dance music on and we are gonna slow dance. I am picking who you dance with to make it even better. I want to dance with Gwen so you two hopefully know what to do now." she says a smirk spreading on her face. She likes playing matchmaker. 

Oh god this was it, Arthur thought. The moment he had been both most looking forward too and also dreading the whole evening. Arthur glanced at Merlin and then at Morgana. She quickly whispers something to Gwen and makes her way over to them. "Right seems you two are a bit empty in the brain department. Look it's really easy!" she says. She takes Merlin's hands and places them on Arthur's hips both young men blushing Intensely and then she took Arthur's hands and hooked them round Merlin's neck. "God I have to do everything nowadays" she says whilst walking off. 

The two young men stand there unmoving, neither sure what to do. Do they continue like this? They both liked it but couldn't say that out just in case the other was in a different opinion. So they just continue. At one point, Arthur rests his head on Merlin's chest moving his arms to round his waist. Merlin didn't say anything and didn't need to. He just pulls Arthur close and sways with him until the moon is shining in through the window of the room. 

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