spade. ; 0

523 11 3

--- this plays shortly after the king of clubs game! arisu, usagi and kuina are staying together. most of the games have been cleared, the only ones still available are the joker of hearts, king of spades, king of diamonds and queen of hearts.


--- usagi

'so, what do you guys think? is it okay?' usagi asked her friends. 'it tastes great, usagi.' kuina smiled and took another bite. 'yes. it really does.' arisu added. 'thanks. so, we need to plan a strategy.' arisu rolled his eyes and chuckled. 'usagi, lets just relax now, please. we're all tired.' kuina nodded. 'i agree. lets rest before we do that. we all need sleep.'

usagi sighted. 'i don't like not being prepared.' arisu yawned. 'it's evening. he never hunted in the evenings before. we should be safe for a while.' 'if we die, its not my fault.' usagi said grumpily. 'we won't, believe me. we haven't died before, and there were a lot of possibilities.' usagi sighed. 'i guess you're right. come on, lets prepare for the night.' she grabbed the new tent and in a few minutes, arisu and usagi built it up, having experience. 'camping is cool, but why aren't we sleeping in someones house? it'll bother no one.' kuina then asked.

'i feel more comfortable knowing that we can escape easily.' usagi answered. '... fine.' they snuggled together into the new, bigger tent. soon, all three slowly drifted into sleep.

the next morning came sooner than usagi had expected. when she woke up, she felt like she got run over by a bus, so tired was she. 'guys? god, i slept so horrible.' she told her friends, that woke up too. „well, maybe if we slept in beds, you wouldn't have that problem!' the tall girl scoffed. 'don't be like that, kuina.' arisu yawned. 'lets not argue. i slept shitty as well.'

they decided to make breakfast. 'can we now plan our next moves?' 'of course now, we need to find chishiya and then ann.' 'chishiya will most likely be at games, heart or diamond ones. and the only two still available are the jack of hearts and the king of diamonds. theoretically the queen of hearts too, but she gets protected by the king of spades. looks like thats the last game.' arisu nodded and stuffed a few of the noodles into his mouth. 'so, first we go to the game venues?' 'yes... he isn't dead. he's too smart to die here.' kuina whispered, to take her fear a bit.


usagi felt like her lungs would collapse. she ran as fast as she could, almost tripping over her own feet while desperately trying to get oxygen. her stinging sides brought tears to her eyes, but she had to keep going. if she slowed down for just a second, he would kill her. now, she cursed her friends for stopping the making of a plan. the king of spades had surprised them and they weren't prepared a bit. so, thats how she ended up like this. she choked on her spit as she turned left into a different street. she couldn't keep up with this any longer, if heaven didn't send a miracle, she'd be doomed.

but it seemed like hell really liked to mess with her today. she tripped when she felt a sharp, hot pain in her back. it made her scream and fall to the ground. he got her. she heard more gunfire, but luckily, nothing else had hit her. the heavy footsteps of the king came closer. usagi took a big breath and held it. her lungs were bursting, but with all that she had, she held her breath in. if she didn't, if there was any sign she wasn't dead, she would be soon.

the king of spades stood in front of her. usagi didn't believe in god, but maybe, now could have been a good time to start, to maybe get a bit of mercy. tears welled up, as she silently suffocated. then, after what felt like hours, he turned around and his footsteps, now faster, became quieter. usagi let go and breathed fastly, the pain in her lungs almost numbing her back pain. her eyes were blown wide and her sight was blurry, as she tried to catch up with her neclected body needs. black spots appeared in her vision, and shortly after, she was out cold.

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