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~May's pov~
I drove into the driveway of the home I was instructed to go to. My older sister, Barbra came out from the front door and waved me inside.
"Okay, Jim, close your eyes! We have a surprise guest with us! She will be living with us from now on." Barbra said running inside, going behind her son to cover his eyes
I walk in, slightly grooming myself to look good. It has been years since I've seen my nephew, Jim. I had moved out of town years ago to work on my writing career. But, my books never sold well, and I was getting rather homesick. Barbra and me had texted each other about me moving back, she said that I could live with them for however long I needed, she said I could possibly stay forever if I liked.
"Ready?" She asked me
I nodded my head
"You ready to, Jim?" She asked her son
"Ha, ready mom." Jim said with a goofy laugh
She lifted her hands and Jim looked up at me. He looked slightly confused for a second, until he recognized my eyes.
"A-aunt May?" He asked happily
I nodded my head and lifted my arms for him to hug me. He gave me a big embrace, and I couldn't help but to hug back
"You've gotten way older, kid. And taller!" I said
"Yeah. I know." He scratched the back of his head
"Jim, why don't you help May with her boxes?" Barbra said
"Oh, it's okay, barb. I only have one box." I said
"Well, why don't you have Jim get it and have him to show you your room?" She said
"That would be fine with me." Jim stated happily
"Well, okay." I said
Me and Jim went out to my car in the driveway and he got the box for me.
"Come on, I'll take you to your room! It's right next to mine." He said while he guided me
"Okay, lead the way kid." I say following him
We walk upstairs and he takes me to an almost empty room. The room had a empty bookshelf and a small bed.
"Thanks, Jim. I appreciate it." I thank him
"It's okay, Aunt May, you're probably tired from all the traveling. You should get some rest." He said, neatly setting down my box on the floor
I smiled at him as he left the room. I grab my laptop from the box and set it on the bed. I unpacked my unpublished books and hang my clothes in the closet. After I was done I sighed and picked up my laptop and head downstairs. I see Barbra and of course we hugged too. As children, me and Barbra were always close. I was a few years younger than her, but we were still like best friends as kids. Me and her would always have tea parties and would go to the movies together. We were inseparable. Me and het caught up a bit and while she made tea she said something that came to my attention
"Yeah. Jim has been acting very strange lately. He has bruised limbs and has been getting into trouble lately. I was hoping while I'm gone, if it won't bother you, you can look after him? Please, May. I need someone here to make sure he is okay." Barbra begged
"It's okay, Barb! I'll proudly do it! If you need anything else let me know. You are letting me stay here after all, and plus, I love Jim. He's my nephew, and I wanna make sure he is okay." I reassured her
"Oh, thank you so much, May." She said relieved
"It's okay, barb. No need to thank me. Plus, I'll be able to bond with Jim this way." I chuckle
She chuckled to and we drank our tea together and talked the rest of the day.

Two bookworms and a bond. Blinky x ocWhere stories live. Discover now