Guidance counselor

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~Y/N pov~
I woke up in the morning and headed downstairs, finding Jim making breakfast and lunch. When I was at the last step of the stairs he saw me.
"Oh, good morning Aunt May! I hope you like waffles!" He said happily
I gave a small smile and sat on a stool. I grabbed my laptop and started writing again. He continued with his cooking and cleaning and then head out the door for school.
"See you after school, kid." I say, waving goodbye
"Yeah, you to!" He said
~time skip to after school and time in troll market~
I had went out for coffee for a while because Jim said he had an after school club, sometimes the club lasted till sundown he said, or maybe even after dark. I thought it was pretty suspicious, but who knows, maybe they did activities that required a lot of work and time. When I got home I knocked on the door and Jim answered it, when he saw it was me I swear he was sweating bullets. He put on a nervous smile and nervously chuckled a bit.
"Hey, aunt May! Where were you? Oh, umm, wait just a second!" He said, staring to close the door. But I stopped it with my foot
"Jim, what's wrong?" I say, opening the door and walking in
That's when I find a middle aged man in the hallway. Just then I heard Barbra pull in the driveway.
"Jim, who is that?" I ask
I turn to look at Jim, not noticing that the man had walked up the stairs into the bathroom.
"Umm, he he... about that..." jim nervously trailed off
I place my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eyes
"Seriously, Jim, who was that man!" I asked worried who the man was.
Then his mom walked in and the man came back down
"I have to say, indoor plumbing is the most remarkable..." the man said who was right behind me
I then whipped my head around and saw Barbra with her fist up
"Barbra I'm so sorry, I was out getting coffee and I came home and I saw this... guy, and I have know clue what happened! I'm so sorry, I know I was supposed to watch Jim, but I messed that up." I say sadly
"It's okay, May." She said looking at me, then back to the man "but your not okay."
"I can explain if you'll just allow me to-"
"Soft targets." Barbra said, then started doing attack moves on him
"My eyes! My two vulnerable eyes!" He cried in pain
I didn't notice it but Jim was back inside the kitchen.
Then I watched as Jim ran over to him
"Mom! Wait,wait, he's with me!" Jim said
"Jim? He's...oh! Wait,wait. What? I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked
I stood, wide eyed, watching all these events take place
"He's uh..." Jim trailed off "Mr.Blinky!"
"Okay, what has Jim done now?" She asked
I walked over to the kitchen bar, I felt dizzy and grabbed onto it
"No,no,no. Jim isn't in any trouble. I'm here to... assist." The man explained
"Yeah, he's my, uh, guidance counselor from my school." Jim said
"Since when do counselors make house calls?" Barbra asked
"I'm new." The man said
"Principal strickler just brought him in." Jim explained
Then the man and Barbra walked over to talk 'alone'
I walked over to Jim and placed my hand on his shoulder
"So, guidance counselor, huh? Do you know if he's single? I mean... uh... haha..... you guys know each other well?" I asked, slightly embarrassed that I asked if he was single.
There was something about the man rather charming. He had a unique way with words and seemed to be pretty friendly
"I ummm..... yeah... we're good.." then Jim stopped silent, then started making motions with his arms, and hands
I look at him awkwardly, raising a brow
He just nervously chuckles as a response
"Oh, sweetie, if you ever need someone to talk to someone..." she said
I backed away a bit and watched Barbra speak with her son. Then I felt someone watching me. I turned my head and saw the counselor. I gave a gentle smile and small wave.

~Blinky's pov~
I watched Jim and his mother talk, but then another human caught my two eyes. She had beautiful brown hair and diamond blue eyes. I don't know how long I was staring but she noticed me and waved with a gentle smile. I walk over to her, thing I would introduce myself to this human. When I got closer, the human's face was easier to make out. I felt enchanted by her looks, when she noticed me approaching she turned to face me. I went to speak but couldn't say anything
"Hello. Im May Lake, but you can call me May." She stuck out her hand for me to shake
I took her hand gently and kissed the back of it instead.
"Mr.Blinky. It's pronounced Blink-heh, but you can call me what you want, Lady May." I said
She giggled a bit and her cheeks turned a slight red.
~May's pov~
I watch Mr.Blinky join the group and smiled. I then watched Barbra walk into the kitchen to grab a piece of paper to write down her number. Then she came back a few seconds later
"If this helps Jim work out, you know, what he's- well, what we're going through, I just wanna be supportive. Just let me know if there is anything I can do."
I trail off in my thoughts, then all the sounds become blurs. I had this strange feeling, something telling me that I want to see this blinky guy again. I then went deep into thought about what this strange feeling was. Maybe I know him? Maybe he is an old friend? Maybe something is telling me that he's good? What was this feeling.
I was then snapped out of thought when I saw two teens and Mr.Blinky leave.
~time skip to later that night~
It was about 12:00 at night and I was up writing on my laptop when I heard Jim come in the house. He didn't see me until I turned my head a little
"Oh! May? What are you doing up so late?" He asked, nervously pulling the collar of his vest
"Writing a chapter of my new book. What about you?" I asked
"Oh, um..." he stuttered
"It's fine, don't get all worked up."I said
"You know, earlier today I noticed you talking to Mr.Blinky, did you like him?" He asked, I could see it but I could tell he had a smug smirk on his face
"He seemed quite polite. He even called me Lady May." I quietly giggle at the memory, slightly blushing at the thought of him
"You know, he asked me quite a bit about you. He seemed really interested. I told him tomorrow you would meet him at the cafe." Jim said
"What?" I asked nervously
"Yeah, is that okay?" Jim suddenly sounded nervous
"Yeah, yeah." I reassured him
"Don't worry aunt May, you won't regret it! You know, he also loves books, maybe you can show him some of yours." He stated
"Okay. Thanks, Jim." I thanked him
Hmm, this might be better than I thought

Two bookworms and a bond. Blinky x ocWhere stories live. Discover now