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~May POV~
Today was the day I had coffee with Mr.Blinky. I went over to my mirror and brushed my hair, then I headed downstairs and saw Jim.
"Hey kid." I said waving, softly smiling
"Hey aunt May. You exited for the day with blinky?" He asked
"Yeah. I'll make sure to grab my books. Is he new here to Arcadia? I don't remember him at all, I wanna say I know him, but I don't." I asked
"Oh, yeah, he's new. I was hoping you can maybe show him around some, to. If that's okay. He seemed really excited to get to meet you, officially." Jim stated
"Oh, really?" I asked
"Yeah." He excitedly said
"Well, I better not keep him waiting. See you later, kid. Tell your mom I said hi, if you see her." I said
"Bye, May!" He waved as I walked out the door
grabbing my book bag on the floor I head out and get in my car. It was a short drive to the cafe. When I park my car, I walk across the street to the cafe. I look around a bit, and then see Mr.Blinky
"Oh, Lady May! Over here!" He waved at me as soon as he saw me.
I walk over and join him.
"So, master Jim tells me you're quite the bookworm, which rather interested me because I'm quite the fan of books myself!" He happily spoke
"Yeah, I love books. I actually have wrote quite many before, some I published, others no." I said
"Ah, really? Why not?" He asked, he seemed pretty interested
"Well, some of my other books didn't sell well." I explained
He leaned in a bit to listen better
"So, Jim tells me you're new to Arcadia, welcome!" I said
"Oh, yes! Most definitely! I have been enjoying my time in Arcadia so far. Quite the experience." He exclaimed excitedly
"Well, that always a good thing to here. You know, I can show you around. I grew up here and know it like the back of my hand!" I said
"Ah, well I bet you do, lady May! You seem like quite the lady. I'm sure you will give me the best experience of a life time." He said happily
I blush a little. He was so kind and had a way with words. He was rather charming, he also seemed very chipper and jolly.
Then a waitress with brown hair came to take our order, she was short and skinny with grayish blue eyes (Spoiler, OC!)
"What can I get for the lovely couple?" She asked, she had a sweet voice and spoke gently
"Oh, we aren't a couple. We're friends." I say
"Oh, sorry. What can I get for you two?" She shyly apologize, looking down at her feet
"I'll take a coffee with half a pint of creamer,topped with whipped cream, and sprinkled cinnamon." I stated my order
"I'll get what she is getting, but with extra whipping cream!" He said
"Okay, you're order will be ready shortly, thank you." She said
"No problem." I said, gently smiling
"So, tell me, have you read anything good lately, Lady May?" Mr.Blinky asked
"No, actually. I've been spending most of my time working on more books. I actually brought some with me, if you're interested." I said
"Oh, well most certainly! I'd love to read the beautiful work of beautiful lady May." He said
I blush a bit and grabbed three books from my bag and handed them to him.
When he tucked them away the girl came back with our coffees
"Here you are, two coffees with half a pint of creamer, both with whipped cream, one with extra, and both sprinkled lightly with cinnamon." She said, placing the cups down in front of us
"Thank you, sweetheart." I said
"No problem, it's my job after all." She giggled and walked back into the cafe
Me and Mr. Blinky talked for awhile and when we finished our coffee, we got up and I took him to my car so I could show him around.
At the end of the day, I finished our tour. He thanked me for the good time and said he could walk home.
There was something about him quite enchanting, we made an agreement that tomorrow we could see each other again. And I sure am excited for it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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Two bookworms and a bond. Blinky x ocWhere stories live. Discover now