Chapter 4- Skylar

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I don't want this anymore. I don't want to hurt anymore. I don't want to have such conflicting emotions. I don't want to be thinking about leaving them. I don't want to suffer the anger and betrayal filling up my heart. I don't want to miss them already.

We just finished the most intense scene I've ever experienced. What I want most is their care. I want to bask in their soothing touch and stay close to them. I want to stay wrapped up in their arms, my heart full of love for them.

But I must retreat before I say something stupid. I need to get away before I tell them I love them.

Two amazing scenes do not equal love.

Especially with the amount of anger I harbor for them.

Beth's glossy eyes flash into my thoughts again and I firm my resolve.

"I want to go home," I repeat, steadier this time.

I gather my courage and look up to Hansel's face. His expression is too difficult to decipher, so I turn to Aluino and shrink away.

He's angry. He's scowling so hard that his eyebrows touch each other. More tears threaten to spill down my cheeks, but I refuse to let them fall.

"You hate what, Skylar?" Aluino asks, his voice pitched low.

The ominous question makes my heart stutter. He's mad at me. I don't think I can handle this right now. A sob breaks my exhale, and I slap both hands over my mouth in response. I need to get out of here. Right now.

I try to roll off Hansel's lap, but Aluino cages me in, pushing my shoulder and pinning me against Hansel's chest.

"You hate what, Skylar?" Aluino repeats in the same tone.

My heartbeat throbs throughout my whole body as adrenaline races through me.

"Get your hand off me," I plead, my voice nowhere as strong as I need it to be.

I'm splintering even further. If I can't get out of this situation, I may never pull my pieces back together again. His fingers dig into my shoulder and I grit my teeth in response to the pain, giving up my battle with tears and letting them flow. He squeezes me even harder and crushes me against Hansel, and agony fills my chest. My ribs hurt from the pressure.

"Red, red, RED!" I scream, hoping that they honor the stoplight system. My defenses are down and it is the only thing I have at my disposal.

The shock on Aluino's face is almost scarier than his anger. His arm moves much slower than his expression, but he retracts his arm, letting go of me.

Before any of us can react further, the door slams open.

Mistress Malena stands in the doorway, a crop in her right hand. Her bodice is partially unzipped, the edges tucked under her pert breasts, the black framing her beautiful golden skin. Her eyes shine with determination.

"Men move away from her. Skylar, come to me," she instructs, staying in the doorway. She looks regal standing there, her heels planted shoulder width apart and her countenance severe. That she can stand there and command the room, uncaring that her breasts are exposed, is very intimidating. She's testing these men she invited into her house, demanding they follow some rule I haven't been privy to.

Hansel's arms relax under me and I roll off his lap, crawl to the edge of the bed, and swing my feet to the floor.

All the adrenaline rushes away and I find myself extremely exhausted. Mistress Malena looks so far away. But she told me to come, and I'm desperate to. I want the safety she represents. I need her familiarity. Her friendship.

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