Chapter 6- Aluino

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Hansel doesn't wait for anyone's permission. He scoops up Skylar and stands in the same motion. She gives out a little squeak of surprise but settles against his chest.

I rise to my full height a little slower, my heart heavy. She has every reason to not trust me, but it hurts. Her abrupt departure after such an intense moment was more terrifying than anything I've experienced in my whole life. I could have lost her because of my actions.

Have I lost her? She can't hate my touch now, can she?

Hansel turns and we face each other. I reach out to stroke Skylar's face and my trembling hand shocks me. My fingertips touch her cheekbone and a soothing pleasure surges through me at the point of contact. It ripples up through my knuckles, into my hand, and up my arm.

This woman completes me in more ways than I can understand.

Calm washes through me as our eyes meet. She's still so vulnerable, her walls crumbled to bits. The next few hours are important.

We'd better not fuck this up.

"We'll take care of you, little bird. Rest now," I say, wishing I could kiss her swollen lips. I stroke her cheek instead while Hansel rubs his stubble over her head and murmurs his agreement.

Her eyelids slide closed, her endurance running out. Almost instantly her breathing slows and deepens, showing that sleep has taken her.

I can't blame her. My eyelids seem to weigh a thousand pounds and my neck feels tight with strain.

Hansel clutches her, keeping her secure to his chest. We both look at her for a moment, needing some time to soak in her presence, content to have her between us again.

We both turn to Mistress Malena, who has moved to stand beside Master Nick. They both look the part of dominant: Mistress Malena stands in her leathers with her hands by her sides, her back straight, and her head held high; Master Nick sits with his knees spread wide, his elbows resting on them, and his fingers crossed under his chin. Their expressions intensify as they look us over.

We wait. There isn't anything more to say to them, so we wait for their blessing.

Usually it would rankle to have someone else telling me what I can and can't do, but Skylar needs protecting right now. I can't believe I blew it so badly. It's a relief to have them so devoted to her safety.

Mistress Malena smooths back her hair before she warns, "She needs you more than she can say. Don't fuck up anymore tonight."

Master Nick nods his head in our direction, meeting my eyes in challenge. I recognize the power play but have no intention to scrap it out with him. He's worried for Skylar's welfare because of me. I nod back, standing firm in my apology and resolve.

Skylar is mine and Hansel's. We can't let her go.

Hansel grunts in response and steps toward the hallway. Movement in my periphery catches my attention and I stop him with a hand on his shoulder.

I look to Beth as she climbs onto the couch to sit next to Tami. They both look a little rough around the edges, but seem composed enough, considering the fright they had today.

"You both are okay? You'll see the counselor when you're ready?" I ask, even though Chris and Lenno already assured us they were handling things like warriors.

Looking between us and Skylar, they both nod.

Good enough for now. I'll check on them again later, after Skylar has recovered. They have other dominants. We have Skylar to take care of.

I remove my hand from Hansel and indicate the hallway. I follow him down the hall and into the bedroom, watching her blonde locks trail over his shoulder and the blanket expose her toes.

He places her on top of the made bed, fidgeting with the blanket wrapped around her and doing whatever he can to stay close to her.

I leave the door open a few inches, despite our desire for privacy. If I close it, the Mistress of the house will break it down and end our time with Skylar. I understand why that's part of her requirements, but I can't deny that it makes me want to scream. Sucking in my frustration, I dash around the room and turn on the little battery-operated candles we've already situated around the room.

It may seem romantic, but I carry them in my toy bag for practical reasons. Most ladies after a scene with us find overhead lights too bright.

But also, we want our lady to feel pampered.

I debate whether to turn on music but leave the room quiet. No reason to appear sleazy or desperate, and- what the hell am I doing? Fuck, my mind won't stay focused! Shit, Dom drop is just as real as Sub drop.

I stalk into the bathroom, turn on the sink faucet, gather two washcloths, and wait for the water to warm up. I glimpse myself in the darkened mirror and grimace. Fuck if I'll worry over my complexion like a chick, but I could do with some TLC. Wide, tired eyes, tight expression, and stubble growing in patches on my face make me look shell shocked.

I splash a bit of water onto my face, dry it off with a washcloth, toss that one on the counter, and pick up the others. Then I run them under the hot water, squeeze out the excess, and turn off the faucet. Grabbing a towel from the rack, I leave the bathroom.

When I enter the bedroom, Hansel has pulled back the covers on the empty side of the bed. Skylar still sleeps wrapped up in the blanket from the couch. I pass a few washcloths to Hansel, and he crawls over the bed to sit next to Skylar's left side while I walk around and stand next to her other side. The towel from the bathroom and ointments from the bedside table go above her head so they are easier to reach.

We give her a quick sponge bath, paying special attention to her face, neck, and back; the places we got the filthiest. As we reveal her skin, I can't help but harden a bit. She's too fucking sexy for her own damn good. She has some slight bruising in different places from our enthusiasm, but her arms move as they should and her wrists bear no marks. We apply arnica ointment everywhere we think she might have the start of a bruise. She's a little red and swollen from the clamps, so we're extra gentle as we clean those sensitive areas. She shifts and huffs in the middle of it, so we lighten our touch even further.

Hansel lifts one of her knees up and to the side so I can check her gorgeous pussy and ass. I harden at the sight, but keep my perusal clinical and quick. Some swelling and redness, but we expected that. A gentle swipe or two of a clean washcloth, a pat with the towel to dry her, and a generous layer of pure aloe vera to her abused asshole.

I grab her knee a little too roughly, yanking her leg from Hansel and covering her as fast as I can. My control can only take so much. I murmur soft apologies, stroking her hair and urging her to go back to sleep. She only partially roused, but I keep talking, my voice low and soothing, sorry that I disturbed her.

Hansel rolls off the other side of the bed while I gather her into my arms. He pulls the blankets further down the bed and I place her on the sheets in the very center. He settles the sheets back over her, then we both strip down to our underwear. After using the restroom, we slide under the covers and surround our well-used woman. It doesn't take long for our exhausted minds, spent bodies, and worn out emotions to succumb to sleep. 

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