Where it Started

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I could hear the whispers all around me, could feel the eyes watching my every move. My chest felt like it was on fire due to my heavy breathing and my heart that felt like it was about to burst.

A Few Hours Earlier

"NICKKKKKK" screamed my best and only friend Lila.

"You will not believe what I overheard." She said with so much excitment that I was surprised her eyes weren't twinkling.

"What is it now" I said with suspcion. You would not believe how many times this girl has blurted out the most embarssing things, at the worst times.

"Do you remember Roy? He was that reallyyyyy cute boy who you used to make goo goo eyes at in middle school." I shushed her and looked around to make sure no one heard. I didn't want anyone knowing that I liked boys.

In this moment all I wanted to do was was gouge my eyes out and drop dead.

"lila" I whispered "you can't say things like that with so many people around." My cheeks were beyond red and I could feel the tips of my ears slowly heating up. She sheepishly smiled at me and apoligised. If you didn't know, we are in the hallway of my highschool.

"Anywayyy, as I was saying. Do you remember him." She said smiling creepily.

"Yea, why do you ask? And stop smiling like that it's weird." She rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath.

"Apparently he's having a really big party and we were invitedd." She squealed like a little girl. Her smile could probably light up the whole world with how wide it was.

"Lila you know I don't do parties. There's so many people and I always end up alone in a corner." I said frowning. Before she could say anything I shushed her and whipped my head around. I smelt the most amazing smell ever and it was coming from a certain blonde boy skipping down the hall.

Whispers started going around. Questioning who this boy was and sqealing of girls and boys alike over his beauty. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Before I could get to stuck in my staring. Lila pinched me.

"Oww why would you do that?" I rubbed my arm and pouted in her direction.

"Can't have you drooling like a dummy. I've got a reputation to up hold." She said with a flip of her hair. I laughed and started to pull her to our first period. Forgetting about the "party" we were invited to.

Now before we get to far let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm Nick, I'm 17 fixing to turn 18 in a month. I don't have many friends, actually I only have one, but that doesn't mean I don't have a good time. I have been told my whole life I would never be good enough, which may be the reason I only had one friend. I met Lila when I was in middle school about to be made into a pretzel by a boy about two times bigger than me. She stood up for me and ever since then we were best friends. She was the first person I told about my sexuality and also the first person I told about my home life. But yea that's it, I think we can get back to the story.

Oh actaully one more thing I forgot to tell you.

I'm a werewolf.

Authors note:
Yeaaa I too thought it would be more dramitic but you know whatever. Also you may be waiting in future for this "party" don't get your hopes up I got forgetful and didn't remember till way later soooooo it may be in wayyy further chapters(Hard maybe). Now actually back to the story :)

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