My story

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Nicks POV
I didn't know how to let out my darkest secret. Sure I told Lila about it but I never went into detail and she would never know how much I hurt when she would squish me in a hug. I know I said I told her about my home life but keeping out the more gory details isn't a bad thing. For her anyway because if she knew I know that she'd murder my parents for me, which now thinking about it doesn't sound horrible.

"I shifted for the first time and my parents found out I was a beta. Now they weren't completely disappointed, but I could feel the resentment starting from my father who was waiting for an alpha. Which in my defense I never hid my personality as a child and I could even tell I wouldn't be an alpha." I said with a small laugh. Again I felt the squeeze of arms around me.

"It actually started a little after that, a couple months later when my friends wanted to hang out at my house." (I know surprise, I used to have friends) "they wanted to play outside football I think it was and obviously I didn't really wanna play I wanted to be inside watching a movie or something, anything else really. But they were my friends so I agreed." My eyes squeezed at the memory I could feel surfacing.

Before could get to far in my head finger started to card through my hair. "Breathe, it's alright sweetheart we're right here" I heard Markus whisper above me.

I opened my eyes slightly "one of the boys tripped me and I feel, I scraped my knees and my head elbow got slashed by a rock. There was blood everywhere and I freaked. It didn't hurt to bad but the blood made me cry and I couldn't stop the tears. My friends got my parents and they were sent home. I on the other hand was taken inside and my parents" my voice quivered. "My parents pushed me down and I didn't understand what was happening, I thought they'd help me o..or I don't know, something , anything" I whisper.

"I looked up and my mother was glaring at me in disgust, I was so scared because they never have pushed or shoved me at all sure I heard some nasty words but nothing compared to what they said for the many years after this. "My dad's voice was so loud im sure the neighbors had to have heard. He called me worthless, a crybaby, he said that I just couldn't be his son. He grabbed my foot and dragged me to this room that I was never allowed in. And the way he laughed made me wish that I died right there." I heard a whine but I couldn't tell if it was from me or from the two surrounding me.

"The room was pitch black I couldn't even see my own hand. I always had a fear of the dark and my father knew it. He kicked and slashed his claws through my back when I tried crawling my way out of the room. And then he left me there for days. I could feel my wolf trying to heal me but the wound was so deep and I didn't have any energy. I almost died until one day my mom came in dragged me out and nursed me back to health. I thought maybe she was finally letting me back in but then I felt a burning pain down my throat, I could feel my body convulsing and I didn't know what was happening I looked over and my mother was smiling at me. She told me that if i ever wanted to get stronger that I needed to endure and then she left. I never knew what the liquid was that she made me drink but I did know that for days after I drank it my wolf would be locked away in the far corner of my mind." I look up and I see them both frowning at me. "What color was it" Arlo asks.

I frown in confusion "uh purple sometimes it was lighter sometimes it was really dark" I could feel the growls vibrating around me and I couldn't help the whimper that left my throat. Even my wolf rolled over in submission. "Wolfsbane, your parents were giving you wolfsbane" my eyebrows furrowed at the unknown word. "How is that possible, he would be dead if he consumed it, or his wolf would be gone"

My wolf whined at the thought. "I..I don't understand, what do you mean gone" I say scared. "Most werewolves who disgust wolfsbane especially if you drank it more than once would die. It's poison" arlo says with a raised voice

My body shrinks down as I hear it but I could feel him rubbing my back slowly. "But if given in dosages that are small enough to be fought off, I guess there would be a way for someone to try to become immune" he says in thought. "Why would your parents want you immune to wolfsbane" Markus says looking into my eyes.

"I'm not sure I didn't know what it was" I say fearfully. "Do they still give it to you" Arlo questions I shake my head no. "They stopped about two years ago when they had to get a doctor to come in" their eyes filled with confusion.

"Umm one time I got in trouble, I was so angry so I told me mother that she was a disgrace of a mother that I wish they would die, that day the liquid was a dark purple and she had to hold me down as she syringed it down my throat. She broke my hand from how hard she squeezed when trying to force me down." My hand throbbed at the thought

"After that I didn't wake up for I think a week or two and when I did there was a man. He was prodding at my sides and I could see he was pulling blood from my arm." I remember the man's eyes as I woke up. They were wide with surprise and he scrambled to get a journal and ask me as many questions as he could.

"After that day they never did it again, I thought maybe they were scared of me not waking up" I say with a shrug. They both still had frowns on their faces but didn't as anything else.

"And what about now? Do they still hurt you" Markus's asks lowly. My eyes lower in embarrassment and I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes once again.

"They don't like to leave bruises, they say that it could get them caught but everyone now and then my father will get so angry that he'll throw me down and kick me till I feel like my lungs are gonna explode. A..and umm the dark room as I call it. They like to put me in there when I do bad" my eyes squeeze at the thought and I couldn't help the shivers that go through my body at the thought of the room.

"I promise little mate, we'll do everything we can to make sure you're safe" Arlo says softly. They both lay back down and I'm squished between them. I couldn't help the sigh that I let out nor could I help the flutter of my eyes as I fall into the darkness.

Authors note:
I'm not good at writing in general but I especially suck at writing anything to do with abuse. I never know how to word it or anything like that but I try for the story😔 so don't judge his backstory

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