Meeting the Mates

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As we stopped in the doorway of our first period. My breath hitched as I saw the blonde boy. He was sitting front row surrounded by people. He looked chirpy and was happily laughing along with whatever was being said. For some reason my wolf was letting out low growls in my head and when I tried to ask what was wrong he simply closed his eyes with a huff "You'll find out later" I frowned in confusion and continued to my seat with Lila following after me.

Lila quitely giggled and told me that I could drool all class now. I blushed and gave her a glare. As we passed the boys desk he looked up quickly and went to grab my arm but he stopped when I flinched backwards. He gave me a soft look and apologized for his abruptness.

"My names Arlo, I'm new here if you haven't noticed." As he finished his sentence he gave me a soft smirk.

I smiled and told him my name. His smile got bigger and he told me it fit me well. Whatever that meant.

As we finished introductions the teacher walked in. His name was Mr. Smith and let's just say he was awesome. He was really nice and tended to be pretty chill until someone starts failing, then he becomes a thorn in your side. Trust me I would know.

As he walked in I started back to my seat with Lila smiling the whole way. I ignored her for the sake of my sanity. Arlo almost looked sad that I had to go but that couldn't be possible, most people didn't really like me due to my inablity to hold long conversations and my lack of self confidence. As a beta most werewolfs assume that I would be more up front or at least less cowardly, but I guess that's just how I grew to be. When people first meet me they think I am an omega, so convinced that they actually looked shocked when I tell them otherwise. I wonder what Arlo was, I couldn't tell. Not yet anyway.

The class continues and Mr. Smith introduces the new student, Arlo. He asked him to stand and tell the class a bit about himself. He was definitely a sight to behold. He was cheerful and seemed eager to meet new people. Throughout his speech his eyes tended to drift to me and each time I couldn't help but look in a different direction. Lila couldn't get enough and kept poking at me thoughout the lesson about it.

Class was coming to a close and as I was about to speed out of the class with Lila on my tail, Mr. Smith called out to me. I slowly turned back around and walked back to his desk. Lila told me she would see me at lunch and slowly walked away with the intent on ease dropping. I rolled my eyes and looked at where the two people stood. Arlo was standing next to the teacher and was smiling brightly.

"Yes Mr. Smith?" I said with a hopefully calm and non shaky voice.

"Do you think you could show the new student around? I'll write a note for your next class so take your time." He said cheerfully. He then started to usher us out of the class saying to enjoy our time. By the time we left Lila was long gone and probably laughing like a maniac.

Awkward moment...... begins now.

I stood there unsure of where to begin.

"Umm well where do you want to start?" I was fidgeting and I couldn't help but keep my eyes trained on the floor. Finally I saw a head come in to my line of vision.

"Hey" he said softly "If you don't want to show me around you don't have to." He gave me a soft smile and waited for my response.

"No, no I do wanna show you around I was just a little nervous that's all." I gave him a small smile and began to walk in the direction of the cafeteria. He walked with a pep in his step and chattered away. In this moment I figured out what he was. An omega.

I showed him all around school and tried to keep up with his fast paced conversation. As the tour came to an end I decided it would be nice to walk him to his class.

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