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As they both crawl to sit on the bed I become a little nervous knowing I'm about to learn about stuff my parents apparently never thought to teach me.

We were now in a circle and I see Arlo take a breath. "So let's start out with what a mate is, it's a soulmate or the missing part of one's soul. A gift that the moon goddess has blessed upon almost all werewolves. The love of one's life and the very breath needed to survive" Markus says without breaking eye contact "we have been looking for our missing piece for about a year and we finally found you." Arlo says with soft eyes

My breath hitches and I could feel butterflies floating in my tummy. No one has ever looked at me this way. " so I am yalls other half?" I say needing clarification. They both nod with smiles that almost break my already fragile heart. They were almost to much to bear.

"Ok. Ok I think I understand that's why I felt so drawn to yall and why my wolf wanted yall close" my wolf wags his tail with happiness and I almost want to wiggle my butt with him, but I restrain myself to save myself from the embarrassment. Again I get nods from the two men.

"And about the conversation why do I need to talk with your parents?" Arlo glares at Marcus and Marcus glances away. "Uh well sorry again for forcing that on you but they are the leaders of this pack and I thought it would be good for you to discuss with them what being mated to us really means, my mother went through almost the same situation you are going through now and she would be ever helpful with any questions you may have about being mated to future leaders" I lean back with all the information going through my brain

Future leaders? Pack leaders? It was almost to much but I take a deep breath and glance at them. "Ok and what about not letting others hear" Arlo fiddles his fingers "that was more so that word didn't get around that we were mated, i didn't want anyone hearing before my parents and definitely not when enemy ears could be lurking" Markus says.

I nod my head and wait for them to say something else. I could feel myself start to overthink, obviously a more aggressive thought comes to mind thinking that maybe they were ashamed of me. I squashed it as soon as I thought of it because I see two shining eyes staring back at me.

They both grab a hand and I could feel myself relax. "Are you ready to do this" arlo ask softly "cause if not we can wait if it's to much" feeling brave I shake my head and tell them I'm ready. The smiles that form on their faces is worth the anxiety that is filling my chest.

Slowly they help pull me from bed and it's only then I notice the hoodie falling down to mid thigh. Confused I raise my eyes to two guilty eyes glancing away. "We wanted you to smell like us" Arlo say with a light blush. I found it cute so I only smiled looking down.

They led me out of the room and down some stairs. As I looked wrong I gasped, everything was so beautiful I didn't know what to say. This house or mansion or whatever it is was absolutely gorgeous I almost couldn't believe I was allowed inside.

"This is the main house of the pack, it's where the leaders and where close friends or guests stay" says Markus. I nod silently still in awe.

I hear Arlo chuckle a little but I ignored it for now. They took me downstairs where I could hear voices from what looked like a kitchen. Two people were sitting at the table but both backs were facing us. One was very tall and although he was sitting he towered over the small woman sitting next to him. I almost took a step back if it wasn't for the hand that was placed on my lower back. I flinched from the touch until I noticed it was just Arlo.

Markus cleared his voice and the two turned their heads towards us. The small lady stood fast and walked towards us. No matter how small she was the look in her eye still made me shrink into myself slowly pushing against the hand on my back. "Mother, your scaring him" I hear a voice from my right say.

Markus's mother stops and gives me a shy smile. "Sorry darling I didn't mean to be so abrupt I just was so excited to meet my baby's mate" I couldn't help the sadness that came over me when I heard this because I longed for the motherly love radiating off of her.

"It's ok, I-I was just a little nervous is all" I couldn't help stuttering over my words. I reach my hand towards Markus's and without word he wraps his around mine. I feel my shoulders relax from the touch of my mates.

The word was foreign but it felt so good to say it, even if it was in my head. My wolf agreed and couldn't help the wag of his tail.

Markus's mother starts walking at a slower pace and stands in front of me. I felt like I was under a microscope with how she was looking at me but then she breaks out into a beautiful smile that filled me with warmth. "My name is Lilian and this" she pulls the giant man next to her "is my mate Ryder"

I couldn't help the fear I felt from being in front of not only my mates parents but also the leaders of this pack. And maybe from the way Ryder towers over everyone including Markus.

"N..nice to uh meet yall, name is Nick Archer umm I live down by the school" his mother smiled at me I couldn't see his fathers face due to my inability to look anywhere near his eyes. Although I wasn't raised in a pack, I was raised by two alphas who always said looking into a higher up's eyes is forbidden. I unfortunately learned that the hard way.

"Boys we have some things we need to talk about" a gruff voice says and with that Markus and Arlo pull themselves away from me. My wolf and me whine lowly though I'm sure everyone heard. "We'll be right back sweetheart I promise Luna Lilian will take wonderful care of you" Arlo kissed the top of my head and I swear I could have melted. They slowly walked towards Markus's father who was already waiting near the kitchen entrance.

"Well I guess it's just you and me now huh" Lilian says with a bright smile.

I wasn't sure if I should be scared or not.

Authors note:
Hi there! Hopefully everyone likes the story! I know it's not the best but I really am trying my best:) I promise to get into nicks parents and stuff in the next few chapters.

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