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The howling echoed through the trees as if its source lay in every direction. Gregor knew it well. It had followed him for weeks. On the night of the last full moon, he returned home to find the beast laying across his doorway. That was the first time he heard it. In the days since the howl continued to haunt him. Gregor tightened the grip on his axe as the sound grew louder. His daughter had been alone in the house that first night. He clenched his teeth at the thought. Tonight, he would silence that howl once and for all.
"I've got broken branches here," called a voice from up ahead. Gregor lifted his torch to reveal Fennel crouched examining the bark at the base of a tree. "Fresh claw marks too. Big ones," she said standing. "The youkai is close."
Fennel was a slight woman, hardly any use in a fight, yet he reckoned she was the most valuable hunter in his group. In the years since he trained her, she had surpassed him in tracking and strategy. Mixed with a near superhuman calm under pressure, her skills made her the perfect battlefield general. In his mind, her judgment was second only to the word of God.
"You heard her," Gregor said turning to face the other hunters. "Ready yourselves. The fighting starts soon."
Including Gregor and Fennel, the group totaled six; every living hunter in Coventry. He wouldn't underestimate the youkai, not again. Gregor walked through the group watching them prepare, ready to offer help where needed.
James and his wife Victoria stood side by side examining a set of glass vials. Blood selection was a vital part of the hunt; he decided to discuss strategy with them. But then James leaned over and planted a kiss on Victoria's cheek, and then she laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder. He would be more in the way than helping. Gregor left them to it.
Andor had knelt down to pray for blessing in battle; his faith was outmatched only by his marksmanship. But an affinity for range did bring its advantages. Andor had survived to middle age, a feat rare among hunters.
Gregor leaned down and said, "Ask him to give your hair back."
Andor didn't bother to raise his head. "Always do."
Gregor wandered over to Angela. She was the youngest hunter in the village and her nerves were showing. She checked her weapon was loaded, then checked it again moments later. The poor girl; fourteen years of age and barely out of training. It was a cruel fate that God gave her this for her first hunt.
Gregor moved beside the young hunter and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Relax, You were trained by the best."
Angela's head sank. "Andrew was trained by Fennel as well."
When Gregor felt her shaking he removed his hand and shifted his weight. There were six living hunters in Coventry, but two weeks ago there were seven. The air grew chill as if Andrew's ghost stood between them.
"It was my fault," Gregor admitted. "It should never have happened."
He opened his mouth to let out a ragged breath and the words fell out. "It hadn't killed anyone yet, just a few animals. I should have been more thorough. There are so many canine youkai, but I acted like one monster is the same as the next. I should have made sure I knew exactly what it was. Instead, I rushed the hunt. I shouldn't have let him go alone."
Gregor stopped. He wondered how any of that was meant to make Angela feel better. But the truth was he didn't have anything that could ease Angela's doubts or his own. Instead, when he spoke again his words come out half-hearted and unsure. "But there's six of us now so try to relax. I'll ensure you grow old and grumpy just like Andor."

Anachronistic: Endless Masquerade
FantasyThere's a simple hierarchy in the world; youkai exist to kill humans and hunters exist to kill youkai. As the daughter of a hunter Lilith knows this well, but she didn't expect her life to shatter at the revelation of a dark secret. She is a youkai...