17 | Among Monsters - Part 2

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Pandora walked into the back room without regard for anyone. At least a dozen eyes turned to stare with disbelief. A mousy little man followed in after her; panic running through his voice.

        "Ma'am. Ma'am! You can't go back there."

         Pandora studied each of the employees eying her down, save the small man still shouting from the doorway behind her. Each one painted with that same worried expression. Her sudden intrusion had added to them, no doubt, but they matched the looks of the servers in the dining area.

        "So, what exactly is going on here?" Pandora asked.

        A middle-aged man in white stepped forward. "That's what we'd like to know. What makes you think you can barge into my kitchen?"

        A few men wore similar clothes to the man but his attitude separated him from the rest. The way the servers looked over to him hoping for guidance, the way the other cooks cowered behind him, and the way he claimed the kitchen as his property. It marked him as the head chef, meaning he was in charge; meaning he was least likely to give her the answers she needed. If she wanted one of his subordinates to let the info slip she would have to show them that his authority could be challenged.

        "Answer my question and I'll gladly leave." Pandora reached over and snatched a Kaiser roll from a nearby plate. The fastest way to disrespect a chef is to fuck with his food, so she looked him straight in his eyes and took a bite. There was an audible gasp from one of the waitresses.

        "Now tell me, what caused the massive delay in seating everyone for breakfast?"

        The chef moved closer and raised a finger, stabbing the air in front of her. "God! You barged your way back here over a few minutes wait? Is all that makeup weighing your head down?"

        "Actually, it's the hair. But then, you wouldn't know about that."

        A vein bulged at the chef's temple and Pandora braced herself for the possibility that he might try to get physical. Before it escalated that far, one of the line cooks pulled him back and tried to explain. "Ma'am, the kitchen was behind on its prep this morning and we asked the servers to help. That's why they were running late. If you return to your seat we can have your food out shortly."

        Pandora took another bite of the roll and pointed to the young cook, food still in her mouth. "Bullshit." She swallowed while looking around the kitchen. "You think I'm that stupid? They look like they've seen a ghost, not a potato peeler."

        "We answered your question, now fuck off and fuck you," shouted the chef, dismissing her with the wave of his hand. Pandora didn't move.

        "Why don't we just tell her, chef?" asked a waitress; a younger girl with pale blond hair.

        The chef spun and shot the girl a burning gaze. "What did you say that for, you stupid girl?"

        There was no way for him to deny they weren't keeping secrets now. The girl yelped and shrank back. Another server stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. A small man hardly bigger than the woman. He stepped in front of her as if protecting her from the chef's wrath.

        "Look at her closely, chef." With a serving tray still gripped in his hand, the man pointed toward Pandora. "The fur she's wearing isn't mink or fox. That's a werewolf pelt." He turned to address Pandora directly. "You're a hunter, aren't you?"

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