BabySitter Blaze

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Taufan:You sure you dont need a babysitter?
Blaze:Yes Kak Taufan! I get everything undercontrol!
Hali:alright Yaya's mom with be here to drop you food for today.
Gempa:And dont open the door if its someone that you dont know.
Blaze:Yes Kakak.

           The three oldest then go out of the door and say goodbye to Blaze (the three oldest has to go out to help someone with work), Blaze then locked the door so that no one Get in or out of the house.

Solar:Bubba? (Taufan)
Blaze:sorry Buddy, but "Bubba" Is not here for today. "Smiles at him"

    But then....

Solar:HUWAA! "Crying"
Blaze:oh nonono look its Mr. Teddy "holding Solar Stuffed toy"
Solar:hiks....WAAA! "cries harder"
Blaze:oh my goodness im not even half day started and this happen "Thinking to himself"

Ice and Thorn came downstairs to see what happens.

Thorn:Aww Whats Wrong Sunshine? "Worried"
Ice:let me guess, he miss Kak Taufan
Thorn:Sunshine look what i have! This is a Sunflower plushie! "Handing Solar his Plushie"
Solar:hiks.. Ngh.. "Start to calm down"
Thorn:there you go! Don't cry or else illa cry too
Solar:Huggi! "Wanna hug Thorn"
Thorn:hehehe "Hugs"
Ice:would you look at that Blaze, Thorn did a good job of being a big Brother than you
Blaze:w-What did you just say!?.
Thorn:i just realized something...
Thorn:Whos gonna change Solar's diaper?....

They all just stared at each other and then to Solar.

Ice:i know.. Lets have Kak Blaze change his diaper! Cuz hes the oldest of us four
Blaze:Huh! Um how about you change His Diaper!
Thorn:well im not changing his diaper, i don't even know how? You two have change his diaper before so you two are changing his diaper.
Blaze:alright ill be the one tochange his diaper.

  Then they eat Breakfast that Gempa and Taufan had made before they got and start the day.

At the Evening....

Blaze:Huft what should i do now? Im bored. Especially were not alloud to go outside because of our Brother's....

     Blaze then layed himself in the carpet until he feel someone Shaking him.

Blaze:you need anything Thorn?
Thorn:umm could you maybe uhh... Change Solar diaper? "Holding Solar"
Blaze:Huh Come on "pick Solar"

   Yeah Blaze had some trouble Changing Solars Diaper...

Blaze:Solar Stop Moving so much!
Solar:waa! "Kicking his feet in the air"
Blaze: and... Done! "Pick him up" See its not that bad isnt it nice having fresh cleans Diaper then the dirty one?
Solar: cac (Kak) "pointing at his Pacifier"
Blaze:oh you want your Pacifier? "Grabs Solar Pacifier and put it in Solars mouth"

  Then Blaze heard the Doorbell ring so he look at the window and saw Yaya and Gopal (Trio ori friends) in front of the door.

Blaze:Hai Kak Yaya and Abang Gopal! What are you doing here?
Yaya:well you Brothers to me to drop you lunch and Dinner so here my mom made a lot so i doesnt have to come back here at dinner again. "Handing Blaze the food she brought"
Blaze:Thanks Kak Yaya! Then what about Abang Gopal? What is he doing here
Gopal:well your "Overprotective brothers" Told me to check on you Four

    Then Suddenly Solar came walking to Blaze and held Blaze Hand..

Yaya:aww is this the Baby!
Gopal:His name is Solar Yaya not "the Baby"
Yaya:i know hes just so cute "then pick Solar up and hugged him"
Solar:Huwaa! "Wanting to get down cuz hes Scared"
Gopal:look what youve done you literally made him Cry!?
Yaya:i didnt mean to
Solar:WAAAA " Cries Harder"
Blaze:oh there there Solar im here! "Took Solar from Yaya's hand"
Thorn:olololo is Solar crying, look its Mrs Teddy "holding Solars teddy bear"

   They all tried to calm Solar but he kept Crying then Ice decided to come in and took Solar from Blaze hand and gave him  a bottle to drink.

Blaze:oh so he was Hungry
Ice:ofc he is!
Yaya:well me and Gopal had to go now it was nice seeing you bye!

After that Blaze locked the door and told Ice that he and Thorn with eat first then Ice cuz one of them need to look after Solar

As the day went on the just played around the house and did not come out cuz their Brothers told them to

At night after they finished Eating Dinner the bell rang Blaze then Look out the window and see his Brothers had come back..

Blaze:Kakak! Your back! "Hugs Each of them"
Hali:shh don't be to loud Blaze, Solar Sleeping "Pointing at Solar that almost cry with Taufan picking him up"
Taufan:ill change my clothes and Put Solar to Bed now, so if you need me ill be in my Room.
Gempa:Soo how did it feel being the oldet for a day?
Hali:heh but atleast you did a good job! "Patted Blaze head"
Hali:how about tomorrow we go to the arcade as a family?

And the next day they go to the arcade and have fun together.

The End

Boboiboy Elemental Siblings (Age Au) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang