The Reaping

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*Gale POV*
Today is the dreaded day. The reaping,
thankfully it's my last but I still have all of my siblings to worry about. My name is in there 42 times. I am very worried that I will get called. I am not only just worrying for myself I am also worrying for Katniss. She has been my best friend for a long time. I was also kind of worried for her little sister Prim. I wasn't as worried because she had her name in only once out of thousands. I meet Katniss in the woods before the reaping.

"Hey Gale" Katniss says to me.
"Hey Catnip" I tell her.
"Hey I found a blackberry bush over there. Wanna go get some?" Katniss asks me.
"Sure" I say.
We went to go get the berries. Katniss and I started to play a game where we threw the berries into each other's mouth. As we do it we like to imitate Effie Trinket's stupid Capitol accent.

"Happy Hunger Games" I say to Katniss.
"And may the odds be ever in your favor" Katniss finishes.
"Goodbye Katniss" I say.
"Bye" she says to me.
At the reaping I go to sign in and I see Katniss standing with all of the other 16 year olds. She doesn't look very worried but I am. Suddenly Effie Trinket takes the stage. She starts with her usual "Happy Hunger Games and May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favor." Then she goes "Ladies first". She walks over to the bowl and grabs the slip I want it to be anybody but an Everdeen. She starts to read the slip and says" Primrose Everdeen." I start to flip out but then I start to hear the words I never thought I would here.
"I volunteer as tribute" Katniss screams.

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