The Capitol

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Katniss' POV
As soon as we got to the Capitol Gale was whisked away to the Capitol hospital by some medics. I had no idea what to do so I ran after them. Because of the injuries Haymitch inflicted  on us both he is no longer a mentor but we still have to be the tributes. I asked Effie if I could go to the hospital and she said I could. I ran all the way there just so I could see Gale. He was still unconscious when I got there but the doctors said he should wake up in about 15 minutes. I asked the doctor if being unconscious for 6 hours was normal and he said that somebody with the injuries that Gale had would be happy that they were unconscious. The doctor also told me that Gale would still be able to participate in be games. The doctor said he would probably be okay but that I also should be prepared for the worst. When Gale woke up 20 minutes later all he started to do was groan. I knew this was because he was in a lot of pain do I immediately went and got a nurse. She went to get the doctor and he immediately gave Gale painkillers. As soon as that happened Gale turned back into his usual self. The first words he said were Hey Catnip." I have never been so excited to hear those words in my entire life. Of course being a girl u got so excited that I started to sob and then Gale started to torment me. I punched him in the arm and got yelled at. The doctor told me to let him rest. I left to go tell Effie that he was okay.

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