S01E01 - Rise Of The Snakes

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A/n: I apologize for the delay in updating this chapter, I've been through a lot. Like, tests, exams, pop quizzes, and such. But of course I barely got through it all~

Let's get into the story shall we?


In the secluded and serene monastery of Sensei Wu, the wise master sat in quiet meditation, his eyes closed, and his mind focused on the ancient teachings of Spinjitzu. The room around him was dimly lit, with candles flickering and casting shadows on the walls. In this tranquil setting, Sensei Wu began to share the tale of Ninjago, a story that echoed through the ages.

"Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all: Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first," Wu narrated, his voice calm and steady.

Outside the training compound, the lively sounds of the ninja's antics could be heard. Kai's voice carried over as he boasted about a move he had just executed. "Fire strike! Oh, my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen?" he exclaimed with excitement.

Sensei Wu, intrigued by the commotion, stirred from his meditation and decided to investigate. As he approached the training compound, he could hear Cole advising his teammates to work together as a team instead of trying to handle everything individually.

"Stop trying to do it yourself. We need to attack as a team," Cole's voice resonated with authority and wisdom.

Expecting to find the diligent ninjas training diligently, Sensei Wu was taken aback to discover the scene of a rather chaotic gaming session with the lights off.

"Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me? You have to save it," Jay's voice complained playfully.

Sensei Wu frowned, realizing that his students were not practicing their Spinjitzu as they should be. Instead, they were indulging in a video game, their discipline seemingly forgotten.

"But the lesson lives on, and I am getting the hang of it. Hee-yah!" Zane's enthusiastic voice rang out, trying to justify their behavior.

Feeling a mix of disappointment and concern, Sensei Wu decided to put an end to their leisure. He slid the door open, revealing the lazy ninja engrossed in their video game.

"Okay, now!" Sensei Wu declared firmly, but the ninja barely acknowledged him, too engrossed in their game.

Growing tired of their lack of discipline, Sensei Wu took matters into his own hands and unplugged the television, leaving the room in darkness. The ninja groaned in annoyance, realizing their fun had come to an abrupt end.

"Aw, man!" Jay groaned in frustration, and the others joined in the chorus of complaints.

"It took us three hours to get there!" Cole grumbled, clearly annoyed by the interruption. "Why would you do that? Why?" Jay chimed in, his frustration mirroring Cole's.

The other ninjas joined in the chorus of complaints, expressing their irritation at having their fun cut short. However, Sensei Wu remained unmoved, his expression stern and disappointed.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu," Sensei Wu reminded them, his voice carrying the weight of experience and wisdom.

Zane tilted his head and questioned, "But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace."

Jay nodded in agreement, "Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save, there's nothing to do."

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