A selection of birthdays from the lives of Jeong-hyeok and Seri.
From memories of Switzerland, to married life and family birthdays, they explore aspects of their love and lives. Some happy, some poignant, each scene stands alone and further scenes...
A few years after Ri Jeong-hyeok left for Switzerland for the last time
A house tells many stories. This was a small house, with a yard and a gate, in a military village close to the front line. When its occupant, Captain Pyo Chi-su, was on duty in the DMZ, it stood cold and empty. But even then, the house hugged many memories to itself: secrets from the past. Once the window sill held a tomato plant, once the shelves were lined with books hiding a secret message. The plant and the books might have gone, but the memory lingered.
Right now, the small house was warm and busy. Captain Pyo Chi-su had set out a meal on a low table for three of his men, and there was a pleasant buzz of jokes and friendship.
"Since we are back on duty next week, I thought we should have a last meal together, especially as it's your birthday next week, Eun-dong."
"Thank you, Captain."
"We should have a toast!" Chi-su reached for the bottle of soju and started pouring a measure for each. His own cup received a generous serving.
"Happy birthday!" they toasted.
"We should light a candle for you. Then you can make a wish!" said Kim Ju-meok. "Do you remember?"
"Of course I remember," said Geum Eun-dong. "We shall always remember."
"Especially when we're here in this house," said Ju-meok. "After all, it's hardly changed. Captain Ri left so many things for you, Captain."
"Shh!" said Park Kwang-beom. "Even here, we shouldn't mention them. Remember, yes, but not their names."
Eun-dong nodded sadly.
"I hope they are safe and happy."
"I'm sure they are. If they are together, then they'll be happy. Maybe they'll even have a child by now," said Ju-meok.
"I wonder if it's cherry blossom season for them, too?" said Eun-dong.
Old memories took over from their chat for a while. They ate the food, each quiet with their own thoughts. Eun-dong remembered the times they had all sat together in this room. Of Seri handing out awards to them, Seri nibbling her rice crust, Captain Ri cooking and worrying about them all. Of course, he remembered. But it was several years ago now and there was no way to get news of them. Would they ever know?
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Pyo Chi-su clambered to his feet, shaking his head at the silent group, and stomped over to the kitchen. He came back with a candle and matches, lit it, and placed it in front of Eun-dong.
"There! Now make a wish! We're supposed to be celebrating!"
Grinning, Eun-dong closed his eyes and wished silently.
"I wish Captain Ri and Seri are happy together. And I wish I could see them again one day, or at least send a message." He opened his eyes and blew out the candle. Ju-meok slapped him on the back and Chi-su and Kwang-beom applauded.