Chapter 11. Midterm

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"Ken! Time to get up! We are all here to get you today! You don't want to be late for the midterm now do you? Your time to shine is finally here!" Alice shouted as she, Genesis, Clare and Lovetta all waited outside of his dorm room on the Saturday morning of the midterm.

After listening to Ken's suggestion, Genesis was able to sit down and give the girls she was originally with a basic explanation of why she used the fake name and why she decided to ditch the group and the struggles she was dealing with. At the end, she was able to give a sincere apology to those girls and they accepted graciously.

Genesis also apologized to Ken's group and gave them more details but is still not comfortable enough to share everything like she did with Ken and their kiss stayed private as Ken also knew it would create unnecessary amount of drama that he did not want to deal with so close to midterm.

Even though Genesis's old group accepted her apology and was acting friendly towards her, they still don't know the major details like her actual family situation or the environment she grew up in and after her heartfelt conversation with Ken, she obviously decided to stay with his group.

As Ken got ready and greeted the girls at his door, the group headed to the dining hall to get some breakfast before the all-important exam where Ken could finally show his worth to the entire class.

Unlike the entry exam where everyone was required to take the tests, for every exam after, only those that chose to do so will be taking the test and since the majority of the students have already passed the beginner selection and have spent the first semester partying and doing no schoolwork at all, not many signed up for the midterm.

To most, this week is actually much more important than the midterm as the tournament is beginning in 2 days and for the first time since the school year started, Ken saw people studying and training like never before.

"Why are they studying and training so hard when they aren't even taking the midterm?" Ken asked curiously.

"Well, why do you think this school has all this pointless scoring and ranking and showing your rank when to graduate they only care about mastering in one area?

It's so all those parents of the nobles and royals can brag to each other, and the kids have something to show off since most won't ever stay long enough to graduate.

That's why they all participant in the tournaments and why they all have those worthless events to show off the students when it got nothing to do with actual combat ability." Alice answered matter-of-factly.

"Is that why you are participating too Alice?" Ken asked offhandedly.

"You bet it is. I have to put up some good performance so my parents will keep giving me allowance so I can stay in my private room.

I am sure Clare will be trying hard as well, especially with her current situation where I'm sure her family will be hearing all the rumors and gossip."

"Shouldn't you be more worried about the exams we are having today instead of gossiping about the tournament?" Clare said while giving Ken a side glance.

"Clare, at times like this, you should be supportive and be encouraging to me! But it's fine, I did everything I could with my studying and now it's just time to put everything I learned into practice and see where I rank amongst this group of lazy entitled nobles and royals."

"Sorry Ken, since I am in your class, you won't ever be rank 1 no matter how hard you try." Clare replied while sticking her tongue out at Ken.

After some more playful bickering, Ken, Clare and Lovetta said goodbye to Genesis and Alice at 8:30 and headed to take their midterm which starts at 9 while Alice and Genesis headed to the training room where Alice wanted to practice some more for the upcoming tournament.

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