Chapter 42. Slums of Vespera

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"Alice! How long are you two going to keep on sleeping?"

"Ugh. My sister is so annoying. She needs to go find herself another man and leave us alone."

"Isn't she still married to that Thomas guy though? Can she be with another man?"

"I mean technically they are married and if there is an important event, he would send a servant to come and grab her. But the two are obviously not a couple and as long as she doesn't make the relationship public, no one would bat an eye. That's just how arranged relationships work a lot of the time, so you better stay away from her!"

"Not like you will leave my sight long enough anyways."

After the two got dressed and got ready, they greeted a servant who told them Ava got tired of waiting and went to the dining room already.

Unlike the day before, after getting scolded by Ken and no more excuses for giving him a welcome party, the breakfast was fancy and extravagant but not excessive and Ken was more than happy to chow down on the great food while chatting happily with the girls.

"What do you want to do today Ken? Want to head to Darrumburgh? It's a few days trip at least if you want to explore the city. It's way bigger and has way more to do than here."

"We can go to Darrumburgh tomorrow. I want to go to the slums today."

"Why do you want to go to the slums?"

"You don't have to come. I have seen the rich and luxurious side of Yelwraek and now here, but I want to see the other side as well so I don't end up ignoring them and pretend everything is good and well just because it's not affecting me."

"Ugh. Stef, go find me some clothes that are getting thrown out so I can blend in better and not get harassed too badly. I guess your old commoner clothes should let you blend in well enough since you kept refusing to let me buy you better clothes!"

"Get some for me as well Stef."

"Yes ma'am."

Stef the servant girl walked away shortly to look for clothes for Alice and Ava so they wouldn't stand out while at the slum district.

"Ava, are you really coming as well? We are going to the slums!"

"While I am spending most of my time at home doing nothing, I do care about the people of this city. Normally I am too scared to go with all the crimes in the slum, but with the three of us together, we can watch out for each other's backs."

"Don't you nobles have some high level protection artifacts you wear when going somewhere dangerous?"

"Protection spells don't prevent me from getting kidnapped! While I have reached at least master level on many many subjects, they are all from book learning. I was terrible at practical stuff and barely passed beginner level on both elemental and physical enhancement so I am super weak!"

"Ava is typical for a vampire, most of our race have low overall potential and that's why I am the best and you are one lucky man!"

"Better start trying at school Alice. Now I have caught up and surpassed you, don't waste your potential like Genesis and start training up."

"I spent almost two entire years helping you daily so you could get to where you are at! The least you could do for me is support me for the rest of my life!"

"I mean, you have more wealth than I could ever imagine so I doubt you would need my support. However, if you are alright with a simple lifestyle then sure, I think I will have the ability to support you for life."

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