Chapter 64. City of Atlantica

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"Remember Indra. Do not let him wander off on his own! If he comes back and has slept with some random girls, we will be holding you responsible!" Genesis warned as the necklaces activated and everyone got teleported to different areas around the world.

"WOW! I can't believe there are giant cities like this under water!" Ken shouted excitedly after he got teleported with Indra above the water kingdom of Atlantica where he was able to have the panoramic view of the entire kingdom from high above.

With an artifact provided to him by Indra activated before the pair got teleported. Ken was surrendered by a thin layer of barely visible air where the magic allowed the average human man to breathe air freely underwater and his body kept dry like he was surrounded by a personal layer of barrier magic.

While the merman girl was shy and reserved in school and even after knowing her for almost 3 years, Ken barely knows much about her but watching her swim around so gracefully and freely, it's a different side that Ken never knew Indra had.

"I can see your gills! I almost forgot you had them since they aren't visible normally. You also seem to be much more lively." Ken commented as he watched Indra circling around him as the pair slowly descended towards the city.

"I breathe with my lungs on land so my gills are mostly hidden and barely visible. I do feel much more at ease when I am in water so I guess that's why you think I am more lively." Indra replied happily as she led Ken down deeper and deeper towards the seafloor as the panoramic view of the city slowly disappeared as the pair got closer.

Unlike a normal city that's surrounded by walls, a protection spell around the city forces visitors and residents alike to go through the proper channel if one does not want to be detained by the constant guards on duty. Naturally, Indra led Ken to the front entrance of the city where the guards did not question the daughter of their god as she led Ken through without any issue as the pair headed for the castle in the center.

"Couldn't we have teleported to the city instead?" Ken wondered as the pair watched the city go by inside of a seahorse carriage Indra flagged down to take them to the castle.

"Sorry Ken. I wasn't sure if you would agree to come and visit so I didn't ask my father for permission to teleport you inside the city walls. In fact, none of them even knows I brought you home." Indra replied quietly as the pair arrived at the castle grounds.

"Indra! Welcome home. You brought your boyfriend with you!" Indra's siblings rushed over to greet the pair as Indra led Ken into the castle gates.

"Are they your siblings? Wow. You all do speak something different! I have no clue what they are saying at all." Ken asked eagerly as he greeted the welcoming merman princes and princesses.

Since Indra's father wanted their kingdom to open up to the land dwellers. Just like Indra, her siblings also studied in the language of the land dwellers and with her guidance and books she brought back, they all spoke the land dweller's language extremely well and were more than happy to practice what they have learned with the first non-merman they have ever met.

"Hello, Calidon, god and ruler of Atlantica. My name is Ken, I apologize that I do not speak the language of your kingdom and I would be forever grateful if you could allow me to stay here for the next two weeks so I could get to know your people and learn your culture." Ken said politely after Indra led him to greet her father.

Tall, fit, handsome with flowing shoulder length ocean blue and green hair, glowing hazel eyes and the lower body of a fish and upper body of a human. Calidon sat upon his royal throne with his giant golden trident in hand looking royal and almighty, befitting of the title of a god that this kingdom of 20 million worshiped.

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