Chapter 78. Pinnacle

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"Thank you Mrs. Fleming for taking care of me every single day! I know you don't lack money so I really don't know what I could do to repay you for all the energy you spent healing me." Ken said sincerely on the final day of his stay in Kirksawald.

"It's been great having the pair of you here! The house has been quiet for many decades now without the children and grandchildren running around but you two made it lively the past 4 months!" Helen replied happily while the group gathered for breakfast.

"Osmar, thank you for everything you have done for me! When are you two coming to Dragonspire?" Ken asked as the group enjoyed their final breakfast together.

"We will come the day before the open tournament starts, so in 3 days." Osmar replied.

"We should get dinner together! I will introduce you two to everyone." Ken said happily.

"I hope they aren't all as feisty as Lovetta here or I might be in trouble for putting you through what I did the past 4 months." Osmar replied with a laugh.

"If you put it like that, I will have to survive first! I am sure I will not hear the end of it for not going back for 4 whole months and having you reject every attempt they sent to come for an exchange." Ken replied, not sure how he would face the girls after spending the entire semester training with Osmar.

After chatting some more, Ken thanked the pair once again for everything they did for him and after leaving Dragonspire and being away for 4 entire months, the young man and wolf girl finally teleported back the day before the biannual tournament started.

"KEN! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Genesis shouted before Ken could even open his eyes.

"4 ENTIRE MONTH! ONE SIMPLE LETTER! ALL EXCHANGE REQUESTS DECLINED!" Genesis continued screaming as Ken tried to calm the girl down.

"Genesis! I was literally training to death and I didn't want any extra distractions. Sorry I neglected everyone but I had to do what I had to do." Ken replied as he hugged the fuming girl.

"I take that as you succeeded and we aren't asked to pack up and go into hiding?"Clare asked, her tone also hostile.

"I always live up to expectations! But for my health and longevity, I think I will take it easy from now on." Ken replied with a smile and tried to placate to the elf princess.

"How were you able to improve that drastically? Let me in on the secret!" Cecilla asked as the girls wouldn't let Ken catch his breath with a bombardment of questions.

"Every day, Osmar beat him to near death where he would end up with most of his bones shattered and bleeding until unconscious, and Osmar's wife Helen would heal him back up to health every night so he could get beaten to near death the day after." Lovetta answered to the shock of the rest.

"What if Osmar went overboard and accidentally killed you or his wife couldn't heal the injuries because they were too severe or fatal? How could you be this crazy reckless to follow through with such a training!" Alice yelled.

"Exactly why I didn't want more of you there! I wanted Lovetta to come back after the first month too but she refused to leave and kept on stopping Osmar during the fight! If she wasn't there and so overprotective, I bet I could have gotten to holy level even faster." Ken complained while Lovetta defended her actions as the rest commanded her for keeping Ken in one piece.

"Congrats on reaching holy level!" Seraphina said happily as she grabbed Ken and spun him around.

"I am only letting this happen because I am trying to apologize." Ken replied as Seraphina happily twirled the young man around.

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