The confession

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Elliot takes Montana's hands in to his own and breathes "I don't know how you're going to react to what I'm about to tell you but I hope it doesn't ruin anything between us. Meghan already knows and she's been giving me advice ." Montana looks over at Meghan who in return smiles at her then looks back over at Elliot. "I'm sure nothing you will say can change anything between us E Bear. It's you and me until the end." He smiles softly at her trying to gain the courage to tell her his true feelings for her."Here goes nothing. Well I've been trying to rack my brain on these feelings and I've been so confused as to why I'm feeling this way , that's why I asked Meghan for advice. I've been feeling this way since you first started school here and we have become so close over these past months that you have been attending this school. Meghan has explained to me the type of things I'm feeling and she's helped me realise what I feel for you is love. But love on a deeper level and not in the way I have love for Meghan but in a different type of way. I've come to realize that the love I have for you is different to the love I have for Meghan." Elliot closes his eyes and whispers,"Montana I'm in love with you." He then starts stuttering ,"i-i-i k-k-know t-t-that we are still so young but I can't deny these feelings for you any longer. I just hope it doesn't affect our friendship." Elliot looks away when Montana doesn't reply but instead just stares back at Elliot with a dazed look on her face.

*Montana flashback*

It's the first day of school and Montana is nervous to be starting a new school. But all that changes when she sees Elliot Tanners. Elliot helps her find her way around the school and offers her to sit next to him in all their classes that they share together. He seems so sweet and not like any other boys her age that she has met. Elliot smiles at Montana,"hey, you can borrow my pencil if you like?" Montana smiles and thanks him for the pencil since she didn't bring one on her first day.

*Back to present day*

Montana is still in a trance like state but Elliot doesn't realise. He just thinks that she's never going to say anything as she's repulsed by the idea of him liking her in more than a friend way. Montana blinks as another memory invades her mind.

*Another flashback*

Elliot walks up to Montana and notices she's wearing the cute little braids she has started to wear. He smiles at her and says,"you look real cute with those braids. You look beautiful" Montana blushes and smiles at him not used to having many compliments in the way Elliot gives them to her. He smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ears ,"there, now we can see your beautiful face." Montana blushes yet again.

*Back to present day*
Montana looks at Elliot after she hears him calling her name , she started having flashbacks of the times Elliot has shown he likes her but at the time she just thought he was being friendly and now it makes sense. Elliot Tanners liked her! She couldn't believe this. Butterflies were in her stomach at knowing this fact. She then whispers,"you like me? " Elliot nods ,"yeah I do more than friends." Montana trembles a bit,"how long have you had these feelings for me?" Elliot takes her hands again and looks in to her eyes,"I've had these feelings for you since I first laid my eyes on you. I was just confused as to what these feelings were as I have never experienced love and I know we are still young, but I know my feelings for you are strong . You make me so happy in more ways than I can imagine. Meghan explained the feelings I'm having for you and she has helped me have a better understanding of how I'm feeling and it is indeed that I have feelings for you." Montana has tears in her eyes and whispers,"that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. E Bear I like you in that way too but I didn't want to say anything incase you didn't feel the same." Elliot starts smiling widely and pulls her in for a cuddle,"that was the same with me. I didn't know if you felt the same way and I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't feel that way for me as well as the confusing thoughts I was having regarding my feelings."

Meghan smiles at both her friends , thankful that they finally both told each other how they really feel. Montana actually told Meghan that she likes Elliot in that way too beforehand when they were alone and that's why Meghan told Elliot he needed to take that risk because she knew what the outcome would be. Meghan starts smirking thinking of the memory where she and Montana had the same chat that she had with Elliot.

*Meghan's flashback*
Meghan has just had a conversation with Elliot where he confessed his feelings for Montana but Meghan already knew how he felt but she needed him to say it himself to her. She could see the way he was around Montana and how he looked at her that he felt things for her. She knew his feelings before Elliot knew his own feelings and understood them.

Meghan finally finds Montana eating grapes in the lunchroom and she sits next to her,"hey you got a minute to chat?" Montana looks at Meghan unsurely,"yeah what's up?" Meghan looks at Montana ,"what do you think of Elliot?" Montana nearly chokes on a grape and feels flushed all of a sudden,"what do you mean? He's a great friend. You both are and I am thankful you both were there for me on my first day." Meghan chuckles a bit,"you know that's not what I meant." Montana swallows a grape and looks at Meghan,"honestly? I'm kind of crushing hard on him right now." Meghan smiles at her friend, "so why don't you tell him?" Montana shakes her head,"I can't. He may not feel the same way and it could ruin our friendship." Meghan smirks,"you never know. He could feel the same." She then picks up a grape off Montana's plate and eats it and blows a kiss at her ,"I'll see you in English." Leaving Montana completely confused as to what occurred.

*Back to the present time.*
Meghan smiles looking back on  the memory. She knew both her friends liked each other and she was willing to play matchmaker which is why she got them both to open up to her separately so then she had the confession that they liked each other . Then she got Elliot to finally be honest with Montana because she knew Montana felt the same way and wouldn't reject him. She looks over at Montana and Elliot who are still cuddling and walks away letting them have their moment with each other and whispers to herself,"my work here is done."

*Back with Montana and Elliot*
Elliot smiles down in to Montana"s beautiful big brown eyes and whispers,"is this actually happening?" Montana smiles at him and nods, "you do realise this was Meghan's plan all along? " Elliot smirks and nods,"oh I know . She's crafty but I wouldn't change her for the world." Montana hums in agreement and looks up at Elliot and he smiles back at her,"so does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend? " She laughs slightly and nods and then gives him a gentle kiss feeling the sparks again. Elliot smiles and runs his fingers through Montanas hair,"you had me scared for a second when you didn't reply to me. " Montana looks at him ,"I'm sorry E Bear, I was having flashbacks of the things you have done for me that show me you have liked me in that way all along." Elliot kisses her nose gently and hugs her close thankful he finally told her how he truly feels and that she didn't reject him.

Meghan watches from a distance with a smile on her face, happy that she was able to play Cupid for her two closest friends and sees Elliot look over at her and she winks at him and mouths,"you're welcome" He smiles back at her and goes back to cuddling Montana as Meghan then walks away to her next class whilst smiling to herself . Her work was definitely done here  ...

End of chapter. Woop woop, Elliot finally confessed his feelings to Montana. What will happen next? You will have to read on to find out.

Eternal Love: A Montana and Elliot love story (Do revenge) Where stories live. Discover now