Moving schools

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Today is the day a young Montana Ruiz aged 6 years old moves to a new school. She is nervous because she knows being the new kid can always be a challenge.

Montana's mum yells for her to get ready or she will be late for her first day of school . Montana rolls out of bed and gets dressed , brushes her teeth and brushes her hair then goes downstairs. Mrs Ruiz looks at her daughter and smiles "are you okay honey?" as she notices Montana has a frown on her face. She looks back at her mum nervously, "I'm just really nervous to be starting a new school momma."

One thing you need to know about Montana's family are they're  rich but Montanas mum had to get  a new job which is why they have to move and Montana is finding it hard to leave behind her old school. She didn't really have friends unless they wanted to use her and get things they wanted so she doesn't know what it's like to have friends who love and appreciate her for who she is. Even though she's a 6 year old, she's very intelligent for her age . The school she is moving to is a private school that is for intelligent and also for children whose parents have quite a bit of money.

Mrs Ruiz looks at her daughter again and says, "I know honey but you will make new friends and I know it's difficult to get used to change but this will be the best thing for us" Mrs Ruiz and Montana also had to move places because her parents broke up and divorced after her dad was cheating on her mum with his secretary. Montana is too young to understand why they divorced so they just tell their daughter it was because things weren't working out.

Montana and Mrs Ruiz gets in the car to drive to school to get checked in early and to meet her new principle . They arrive at the school and make their way inside .

Principle Adams welcomes them and holds the door open for them to walk in to and for them to take a seat. Principle Adams clears his throat and hands Montana her timetable and shows her the classes she will be attending. "I know it's hard to be the new student in school but I can assure you that you will fit in perfectly in this school." He then looks out the door to see a young boy the same age as Montana running in the hallways "Elliot stop running please. In fact come here please" The boy in question Elliot walks over to Principle Adams with a smile on his face "Sorry sir. What's the matter?" Principle Adams then looks back over at Montana and then back at Elliot. "Meet your new classmate Montana Ruiz. I'd like you to be able to show her around please and to her classes since you share the same classes as each other" 

Elliot then smiles as he sees Montana "Yeah of course sir. " He then leads Montana out of the office. They then start walking in comfort silence with one another. Montana thinks as she walks with this boy that this school could be different to her last one and she already feels that vibe already...

End of part 1. Please comment, like and follow. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see then please send them in. Sorry this chapter was quite short. I haven't written fanfictions for ages so I need to get used to it all again so I may seem rusty at the moment.

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