Is it really love or...?

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Montana smiles as she gets ready for school and she goes downstairs for breakfast where her mother was already waiting for her . Montana gets some cereal and quickly eats it all and her mum looks at her with a quirked eyebrow, "honey slow down with your food. What's got you so excited that you're rushing your breakfast?" Montana is smiling so wide she thinks her cheeks are going to burst,"you know that boy Elliot who we were speaking about the other day who's one of my best friends?" Miss Ruiz nods her head and Montana sighs dreamily, "well he asked me out and confessed his feelings for me and now we are dating." Her mum looks  taken back and shocked ,"this is the same boy that you said there was nothing going on between you two?" Montana nods,"I know but I didn't know he felt the same about me that I do for him. " Miss Ruiz looks her daughter in the eyes,"sweetheart you're only 7 years old. Don't you think you're a bit too young to know what love is and to be in a relationship?" Montana looks up at her mum and whispers,"I really like him momma" Miss Ruiz sighs and tucks Montanas hair behind her ears,"you may think that now baby but you're still so young and have so much to figure out and to grow in to your own person. You have changed your appearance so much to impress this boy." Montana looks down at her hands," I like this look on myself too momma. I really thought you would be happy for me." Miss Ruiz tilts Montanas chin up so she's looking at her,"All I want is your happiness babe but I don't want you getting hurt or thinking you know what love is and then feeling crushed when it's over." Montana tries to not cry and whispers,"I'd like to get to school now please." Miss Ruiz sighs and leads her daughter to the car .

The car ride to school was an intense and silent one, something that has never occured before where normally Montana would be singing along to the radio, but not today. She has other stuff that's weighing on her mind after the conversation she just had with her mum. They finally arrive at school and Montana gets out of the car not even saying goodbye to her mum like she normally would . She sees Elliot in their usual spot waiting for her. Elliot looks at her and smiles,"hey how was your weekend?" Montana shrugs and doesn't really say much and Elliot frowns not knowing what was going on in his girlfriend's mind and to why she was being quiet. Maybe Meghan could get her to open up since he knows girls tend to open up to other girls more . Elliot takes her hands ,"you okay?" Montana just wraps her arms around him and cries silently in to his arms but still doesn't say what was on her mind. Just then, Meghan walks up to them and sees the exchange and she mouths to Elliot,"is everything okay?" Elliot looks back at her and mouths back,"I don't know. She won't tell me." Meghan walks over to Montana and gets her attention,"hey do you want to  speak of what's on your mind? We could go somewhere more private if you would feel more comfortable?" Montana looks back at Meghan and up at Elliot and nods back at Meghan and Meghan takes her hand and leads her to one of their many spots that they hang out in where she knows they won't get disturbed. Montana sits down and Meghan sits next to her and waits patiently for her to start opening up . Montana finally gains the courage to open up to Meghan,"Well me and mum basically had an argument. I told her about me and Elliot and she started saying I was too young to know what love is and that she doesn't want me hurt when things are over between Elliot and I because she doesn't believe what we have is love or that we will last and that we are too young. Now it's making me overthink so much and that what she is saying could be right. What if we are too young to be dating? Momma said I still have many things to figure out for myself and to grow in to my own person. She doesn't like I've apparently changed my look for Elliot." She twiddles her hair as she says this that's in her now usual braids that she wears. She looks at Meghan with tears in her eyes,"what if I made a mistake by admitting my feelings? What if my feelings aren't the kind of feelings I think they are. What if I've ruined what me and Elliot had when we were friends . What if we can't get that back? I don't want to hurt him but what if all this was a mistake?" Meghan takes Montana's hands in to her own ,"first of all, your mum is just trying to look out for you even though it's not fair that she's now put these thoughts in to your head. Yeah you and E are both still young but love doesn't know no age. What is it that you want and how do you feel for Elliot?" Montana bites her lip and looks down at her hands that are intertwined with Meghan's in a supportive way and whispers,"I don't even know what I want anymore. I know I have love for E Bear and I always will but what if we aren't ready for a relationship. We are still only 7 years old. I know we are both mature for 7 but in some ways we are still kids that don't know all that much about love. " Meghan sighs and gets Montana to look at her,"Well if that's how you feel, you do need to be honest with Elliot. He's going to be heartbroken as his feelings for you are strong but you need to be upfront with him that you aren't ready and you feel that you're both too young to be dating one another and that you feel that you would be better off as friends. " Montana wipes at her eyes from where she was crying and nods,"you're right. I just need to find the right time though."

Eternal Love: A Montana and Elliot love story (Do revenge) Where stories live. Discover now