Cullen house

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   Major pov
I drove like a maniac rushing to the house I needed to get my mate away from the threat that is threatening to take her away from me. I growled lowly as I heard Bella start talking "so what he's after me now? What's gonna happen? Jasper answer me!" I couldn't keep my temper at bay "nobody cares about you Isabella you are irrelevant the only person we care about is MY MATE!!" As I spoke I got louder until I was shouting at Bella who I put in the back seat needing to be closer to my mate to ensure her safety above all else.

Athena put her hand on my arm to try and calm me down even though it didn't work I tried to take comfort in her touch "major it's ok I'm safe I'm with you" she whispered so only I could hear. I glanced at her as I placed my left hand over hers needing to feel her. The thought of losing her so soon after finding her is so petrifying that I'd rather face Maria again then lose her.

Arriving at the house I was immediately by Athena's side pulling her out of the jeep and into my arms "I can walk major, I'd rather you have your hands free just..... just in case" as she talked she grew quieter realizing that I may need to resort to the old me in order to protect her. I could feel her unease and although it killed me not to have her in my arms I knew she was right so reluctantly I placed her on her feet but kept an arm around her waist keeping her close. I turned my head as I felt a wave of anger and jealousy to glare at Bella I knew eventually she will try something but right now I had more important things to worry about.

Walking up to the house the front door opened revealing Laurent standing next to Carlisle I moved Athena behind me preparing for a fight "major don't he's here to warn us about James" Carlisle's voice stopped me seconds before I ripped his head off.

After listening to what he had to say I led Athena into the garage where my family was rushing around preparing to help me protect the love of my life.

We rushed around the garage grabbing different things throwing them into bags, I made sure that Athena was in my line of sight the entire time. Alice turned to me "you and I can run Athena and Bella' I could feel her reluctance to add Bella 'south to phoenix we can get a hotel room while everyone else tries to lure the tracker away and kill him" Edward looked pained at the idea of being separated from his mate, something I understood well but we needed his ability.

Once the plan was in motion Bella was pulled into the back seat by Alice who sat next to her knowing I needed to have my mate by my side. I shut the door for Athena before whispering a thank you to my family for helping me keep her safe they all nodded before going separate ways, I climbed into the driver seat started the car and pealed out of the garage. Not even five minutes into the drive I feel love and security being pushed in my direction. I turned to look at Athena finder her already looking at me, she gave me a tight smile before reaching for my hand which I intertwined with hers before bringing it to my lips and kissing the back of her hand. I will do whatever it takes to protect her even if it means sacrificing Bella... Or even myself Athena will survive this.

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