First day of school

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                             Athena pov
Sophomore year started like any other school year here in forks. The only change was that everyone was excited and gossiping about the new family that moved into town over the summer. Apparently that meant we had five new students starting this year and of course my twin sister Jessica couldn't wait to meet them to find out if any of them were cute and if they were single.

Walking threw the familiar halls looking for my locker I ran smack into a solid chest before hitting the ground I felt arms snake around me catching me. "I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention to were I was going cause I was looking for my locker...." I locked eyes with a handsome man with eyes like honey and blonde curls that suited him perfectly "s-sorry I'm rambling" I blushed hearing him give a lite chuckle "it's alright darlin I'll catch you any time you need me too. I'm Jasper Hale" he said with a bit of a southern accent making me internally swoon. "So you're one of the new kids my sister is obsessing over. I'm Athena Stanley it's nice to meet you jasper". Jasper and I talked a bit more as I found my locker with is right next to his. As the bell rang Jasper and I said a quick goodbye stating we'd see each other later.

As the day continued I kept thinking back to my encounter with Jasper, he's handsome and has an accent that will make every girl at this school want to date him. That thought made me jealous then sad as I knew there was no way he'd be interested in me. I'm boring, I'd rather stay inside reading a good book or play call of duty on my Xbox after a long day. Guys like the fact that I enjoy some of the same things they do but once they realize how much I know or how I don't care what my over all kill/ death ratio they tend to get offended. This is why I keep to myself I hang out with my sister and her friends but they really wouldn't notice if I wasn't around.

Finally it was time for lunch. I quickly got my food and looked around for my sister and her friends once I spotted them I walked over and took a seat next to Angela the one I actually like. Once I sat down I realized my sister was in full gossip mode, of course the topic was the Cullens. "So I found out that Rosalie is dating Emmet and Alice is dating Edward which I think is totally weird and the only single one is jasper hale but he ignores everyone that tries to talk to him." I rolled my eyes at my sister before I butted into the conversation "really Jessica they aren't actually related so it's perfectly normal for them to be dating each other, they probably understand what each other are going threw better then anyone else so it makes sense that they would form a strong bond with each other. And Jasper talked to me a bit this morning before first period started he seemed nice, he probably just doesn't like the attention he's getting." I shrugged after I finished my little rant.

Everything was quiet which caused me to look up from my lunch to find everyone staring at me I really wish I kept my mouth shut. Jessica was staring at me mouth and eye open "what!?" My sister screeched making me wince and look back down at my food. Before anyone could say anything else the Cullens walked into the cafeteria and all eyes were on them until they all sat down at a table in the corner by the windows.

Alice looked like she was going to bounce out of her seat in excitement as she was talking with her siblings Edward was trying to get her to slow down and relax this caused me to smile they looked so cute together. As I thought that I noticed Edward glanced over at me an gave a small smile before going back to his pixie girlfriend. Rosalie looked almost bored as she stared at her food in disgust and I didn't blame her one bit the food here was tolerable at best. Emmett was smiling and looked like he was teasing Jasper about something.

Jasper pov
After my encounter with Athena this morning I couldn't get her out of my head I had finally found her my mate and reason for existing. Walking into the cafeteria we all heard my little mate stand up for us and I couldn't help but smile as a feeling of pride washed over me. Alice was bouncing in her seat "I told you guys it was a god idea to move here, jaspers mate is perfect and will help all of us with our thirst" I chuckled at my small pixie sister as Edward tried to get her to slow down and relax but I noticed how he glanced at my mate and smiled a little "she thinks we are cute together Alice" Edward said with a smirk in my direction. Rosalie was hesitant about letting a human into our world "I want you to be happy Jasper you deserve it I just don't want to put the family in danger because of her" she said as she looked at the food in front of her in disgust. Emmett just smiled and started teasing me about finally finding my mate. I just rolled my eyes but couldn't help my eyes wondering over to my mate she is absolutely gorgeous but I can feel her insecurities I will have to fix that.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and I made my way to my history class my favorite subject. As I walked in and handed the teacher my note I looked around the room and noticed an empty seat next to Athena. I couldn't wait to get to know her and make her realize she's my entire world and I'll do anything to protect her.

                                Athena pov
After that awkward encounter at lunch I went to my history class, I've always loved history and learning about the past. I was so lost it thought that I jumped when someone sat next to me, looking up I noticed it was Jasper "hi again" I said with a giggle. He smiled as he sat completely in his seat "hello darlin' I was hoping to have a class with you" I sat there looking like a fish out of water my mouth opening and closing before I asked "why were you hoping to have a class with me? I'm nothing special cowboy" as I watched him waiting on an answer he looked pained by my question which confused me, jasper sat there frowning "please don't say things like that about yourself" before I could respond he continued "you intrigue me I want to get to know you if you'll let me?" Jasper stared at me with hope in his eyes, I couldn't help but smile "I'd like that a lot cowboy" And that is how I became friends with Jasper Hale.

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